The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Lets see if Trump still goes ahead with his trip to mar a lago if the shutdown happens.

The optics would be horrendous, but its not like Trump cares about bad optics. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if he still went.
Riled the redneck and latent supremacist types anyhow. I am convinced this is still a minority, and most Americans I know are completely opposed to such views, but I admit, this is a view from a distance.

Give everyone a voice on a social media platform i.e twitter, then you're more likely to see these people than you would in the wild but id wager its still the miniority, everyone ive met tells me how abhorrent Trump is and that includes being down in good ol Louisiana.
To him, his presidency is less of a priority than his golfing time. I wish I was exaggerating.
Whats going on with this classified memo that people are saying is really damaging?

Republicans and the right wing crowd on Twitter are going nuts over it.
Fox News and Steve King getting in a lather about it.
Just broken in the last hour.

Republican congressman tweeting about it saying they're shocked at what they've seen and #releasethememo is trending.

At first glance, this looks to be the latest right wing obfuscation narrative to change the topic from Mueller by blaming something or the other on the Clintons, Comey, the FBI etc.

Something must be getting ready to drop against Trump.
Damaging to who?


At first glance, this looks to be the latest right wing obfuscation narrative to change the topic from Mueller by blaming something or the other on the Clintons, Comey, the FBI etc.

Something must be getting ready to drop against Trump.

That may well be the case, but the reaction to this makes me feel like it's legit.
Does sound a bit like something mildly bad that they hope can't be released, so they can waffle on about how it should be and distract from the potential shut down.

Time shall tell.
Does sound a bit like something mildly bad that they hope can't be released, so they can waffle on about how it should be and distract from the potential shut down.

Time shall tell.
They've already insinuated enough to guess it's contents. My guess would be: Russians had their everything hacked as a result of the Christopher Steele Dossier, some of them were talking members of the Trump campaign (maybe popeyelotsoflettersguy), and that particular warrant didn't uncover anything at all. So they want to release it to damage the investigations credibility.
These things are usually orchestrated plots designed specifically to delegitimatize and derail the Mueller investigation, that use the likes of Fox and talk radio to amplify their messages. So we are likely to see everyone from Trump to Hannity to members of the house freedom causcus to Russian bots all amplify the same narrative. They did it a few weeks ago with the FBI/Sztrock story and it eventually fizzled out.

Trump probably knows about something that Mueller has on him and is preemptively trying to delegitimize the entire investigation.
With the investigations and the missteps and the racism and the... fcuk, the everything else.

How are people skipping over the single most important thing : Everyone that voted for him is never seeing the opposition stories. The pushback. They see the same old strength that was there before the election. They get their news from Twitter, Facebook and Fox News.

I started a fake Twitter profile when I went to America a few weeks back. I followed masses of Right Wing Trump-centric supporters. I watched Fox News. Opposition never passes under your nose.

It's a huge problem.

There's a chance that everyone that didn't vote, goes to vote next time. But Trump is not losing support. He won't either. Not from those that voted for him.
With the investigations and the missteps and the racism and the... fcuk, the everything else.

How are people skipping over the single most important thing : Everyone that voted for him is never seeing the opposition stories. The pushback. They see the same old strength that was there before the election. They get their news from Twitter, Facebook and Fox News.

I started a fake Twitter profile when I went to America a few weeks back. I followed masses of Right Wing Trump-centric supporters. I watched Fox News. Opposition never passes under your nose.

It's a huge problem.

There's a chance that everyone that didn't vote, goes to vote next time. But Trump is not losing support. He won't either. Not from those that voted for him.

It's a huge problem and Obama even mentioned it in David Lettermans new show (was real interesting btw)

Pretty much any news outlet today is biased in some way, but the right wing media in the US have gone so far off field now it little more than propaganda
Alt-right twitter going mental about this FISA memo stuff, seems incredibly orchestrated and surprise surprise Russian bots are amplifying it.
Perhaps the only comfort is that these coordinated GOP attacks are increasingly focusing on attacking more obscure matters. While the Fox News guzzling mouth breathers may blindly believe the talking points, you'd have to think the rest don't care about the finer details of FISA or Christopher Steele etc. It's not as simple a conspiracy theory as "Hillary shared classified info!". The GOP are grasping at weaker and weaker straws now to try and rile up the public and I don't think it will work.
Alt-right twitter going mental about this FISA memo stuff, seems incredibly orchestrated and surprise surprise Russian bots are amplifying it.

The Russian bots pushing GOP narratives is pretty alarming. I really do think that party is absolutely rotten to the core.
The Russian bots pushing GOP narratives is pretty alarming. I really do think that party is absolutely rotten to the core.

Even without that, if you look at what the GOP do, there is little connection with the values that have built America, even before trump came along. In fact they are often the exact opposite.

Dems have issues too, and its clear citizens united changed US politics for the worst, but people like moore and arpaio representing 'american values' gop should be an eyeopener for anyone who actually believes in the words written on the Statue of Liberty.
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