The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Interview with ex Democrats in Youngstown who voted for Trump.

Dirty immigrant here, taking their country apparently. But they could go to mine... back there we still see low-level industrial and mineral extraction activities as the next frontier of our development.
Dirty immigrant here, taking their country apparently. But they could go to mine... back there we still see low-level industrial and mineral extraction activities as the next frontier of our development.
Is it Brazil you're from?

another would tell you that the tyrants used the press to propagate their regime ideas. Look at Goebbels or any other dictatorship.

everybody has their own truth
If he was younger, and the economy had been falling apart when he took over, I'm not convinced the US wouldn't haven't fallen in to fascist dictatorship.
another would tell you that the tyrants used the press to propagate their regime ideas. Look at Goebbels or any other dictatorship.

everybody has their own truth

Only after Hitler denounced it though right? After they won power they then obviously took over the Media and used it for their own gains with little to no objections from the people.
another would tell you that the tyrants used the press to propagate their regime ideas. Look at Goebbels or any other dictatorship.

everybody has their own truth
We are talking about the necessity for a tyrant to destroy the FREE press. They then of course replace it with their propaganda wing. Everybody does not have their own truth, in either case. In a free press there may be truths, half truths and falsehoods. No longer free the dictator tells them what to say. They may sometimes speak the truth, but they have no power to hold those in authority to account.
When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a Diet Coke.
I imagine they put the bright red 'DONATE' button on there so that Trump will be distracted & won't press the real red button:

"It says 'DETONATE' - why is North Korea still there? Maybe it's 'DONUT'...mmm..."
Its just beyond stupidity that the GOP decided to get involved with this nonsense. They know how toxic Trump is and how bad the internal polling is for the party in the midterms, yet they're doing stuff like this which will only harm them in the long run.
An easy but telling response to that would be a listing of Trump's top lies, seeing as he's such a stickler for honesty.
Reuters: Trump blamed his three immediate predecessors, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, for failing to resolve the crisis and, a day after his doctor gave him a perfect score on a cognitive test, suggested he had the mental acuity to solve it.

“I guess they all realized they were going to have to leave it to a president that scored the highest on tests,” he said.

Maddow Blog‏Verified account @MaddowBlog

Breaking from NBC News: Robert Mueller's subpoena to Steve Bannon was designed to block Bannon from giving congressional testimony.

Seth Abramson Verified account @SethAbramson

Assuming for a moment that this news is true, is Rachel implying that Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee frantically subpoenaed Bannon in mid-testimony (having never done that before in their Trump-Russia probe) in order to *mess up* Bannon's testimony for Mueller?

Here's why that matters: Nunes is a Trump agent—period. If Nunes suddenly had a desperate need to "get to the truth" by subpoenaing Bannon, and if the White House knew what Bannon was being asked, this looks a lot like Trump ordering Nunes to muddy Bannon as a Mueller witness.
If he was younger, and the economy had been falling apart when he took over, I'm not convinced the US wouldn't haven't fallen in to fascist dictatorship.

The depression (or something like it) has always been the most plausible road to fascism. Huey Long was one plausible road, I believe. Another is the Business plot.

Something really cringe worthy having "Fake News Awards" on the official GOP website, besides it's more of a rundown and then at the end stating his "Achievements" its all very tiring.

Oh God. That actually hurt to read. That list of accomplishments is also a real doozy, they only managed to scrape together 11 points, three of which is just the economy recovering as it has and taking credit for ISIS, really?
Trump is a bit like LVG and Mourinho tbh. They also like to list their own accomplishments when criticized.

That "highly anticipated" in the title makes it so very very cringey, highly anticipated how? Because no one thought the president of the United states would actually go through with this childish bunk? His buffoonery is astounding really.
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