The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I’m beginning to subconsciously read every Tweet by Trump in Stephen Colberts’ accent. It makes them a little easier to swollow.
Oh dear, looks like they've manipulated the data.

It would have to be an almighty coincidence that Trump misses the cut off point by 1 pound.

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Finally someones asks about the coronary calcium score - 133

Which is classed as “heart disease”, obese with heart disease. I don’t think we need worry about his second term, he’ll probably be dead before then.
All these dumb journos shouldn't be asking medical questions. One question from Gupta has been infinitely better than all normal journo questions.
:lol: Journos winding up Trump knowing he's watching.....asking the Dr. if Trump can take any lessons from Obama about how to get in shape.
Is he really 6' 3

His wiki page says he's 6' 2. Which would push his bmi to 30.7 and "officially obese"
Many people are saying that perhaps he’s the tallest president of all time.

I was going to say he would be if he jumped but with that weight it'd probably tire him out...
All the Haggard Hawks twitter does these days is subtweet Trump :lol:

BMI is still used? It's an outdated concept. Surely they could have used a more accurate method to measure his health.
BMI is still used? It's an outdated concept. Surely they could have used a more accurate method to measure his health.

I think people gave up on BMI when Wii Fit told everyone they were obese back in about 2008.
BMI is still used? It's an outdated concept. Surely they could have used a more accurate method to measure his health.

its what "defines" being over weight from obese . Its not a measure of health its a ratio to show weight vs hieght. It is not perfect becuase it doesnt take into consideration things like muscle mass and total water retention and bone density to name a few. For me though a man that doesnt have much muscle mass that is 6' 3" and 239 is just as obese as if he was 1 pound heavier its just that its not "officially" obese
Turns out it was John Kelly who helped kill the daca deal.

Graham and Durbin were on their way to the WH to get Trump to sign off on their plan but when they turned up to the meeting, some one had invited the GOP hardliners who were there to sidetrack the planned deal.
Oops. Turkish hackers have gained access to Bolling and Van Susteren's Twitter accounts. Trump follows them both and the hackers are direct messaging Trump :p
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