The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That is some special kind of economic promotion. I bet with you close friends of Trump hold a lot of shares...

I mean, they won't be friends of Trump but plenty of Bush's friends profited from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Eisenhower warned about it of course but Americans didn't listen and now the arms companies and defence contractors make a mint out of the 'support our military as a patriot otherwise you're anti-American' shtick.
Yeah, they would accuse you of reporting fake news :rolleyes:

exactly! remember how fake news started? it was liberals rightly pointing out all the fake stories that were used to spread lies about democrats. and within 24 hours Trump turned it around on them and now republicans use it on democrats.

You cannot shame these people. you cannot win by pointing out how shitty they are or giving examples of their hypocrisy. the only way forward is to present an alternative to the status quo that makes peoples lives better and gets them to buy into your plan
exactly! remember how fake news started? it was liberals rightly pointing out all the fake stories that were used to spread lies about democrats. and within 24 hours Trump turned it around on them and now republicans use it on democrats.

You cannot shame these people. you cannot win by pointing out how shitty they are or giving examples of their hypocrisy. the only way forward is to present an alternative to the status quo that makes peoples lives better and gets them to buy into your plan

Tbf the democrats has been pretty gentlemen wise in their conduct against trump.

If only they reach to his level hillary is the potus.

Although i cant deny that trump's method while despicable and grotesque, works.

He has laid a blueprint on how to win ugly
It’s ridiculous, the US spend more on military than the next 20 highest spenders combined, 18 of them are allies. :rolleyes:

The crazy thing about this is, a huge chunk of that doesn't actually go to military spending. It isn't buying guns, or paying soldiers, or upgrading equipment. A lot of it goes to things that don't directly strengthen the military. Now, I think that spending is inexcusable period. However, here is where a lot of military spend proponents are right. The US gets a lot less for its military spend per dollar than say China or Russia. So the gap in spending is still massive, it's not THAT massive.
I mean, they won't be friends of Trump but plenty of Bush's friends profited from Iraq and Afghanistan.

Eisenhower warned about it of course but Americans didn't listen and now the arms companies and defence contractors make a mint out of the 'support our military as a patriot otherwise you're anti-American' shtick.

Gen Butler, twice a recipient of the MoH, wrote a book about it in the late 30s.
Tbf the democrats has been pretty gentlemen wise in their conduct against trump.

If only they reach to his level hillary is the potus.

Although i cant deny that trump's method while despicable and grotesque, works.

He has laid a blueprint on how to win ugly

Republicans started this tactic in the 90s when Bill Clinton was running things. One of the forefathers of being a lying, disgusting, bitch-ass dickhead was Gingrich. The party carried forward and took it a few steps higher after a black man dare came along to remove them from power.

I don't think many were immigrating to US from Europe back in the day if they could have a comfortable life at home. Most were hard on their luck folk looking for a fresh start, some escaping the law or famine and some adventurers.
Wonder how much crap Flake is enduring prior to his speech. Too bad it takes a Republican who has no more race to worry about. In any case, still takes some guts if he proceeds.
It's just words. He voted with "stalin" 90% of the time.

He’s a Republican, what did you expect? 10% actually seems like a fairly sizeable amount to me, all things considered.

Beginning to think these guys aren't on the level.
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