The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Beginning to think these guys aren't on the level.

-rubs bridge of nose frustratingly-

The fecking orange, over-tanned, moronic cnut has been caught out. Trying to deny it via alibis that sound like they've been made up by 7 year olds just isn't going to work.

'Can't remember'. Really? Then resign, because clearly you're either lying out your corrupt asshole or you have early onset alzheimers. Personally I'd rather have someone with alzheimer's, at least they can forget the racial detritus spewing from Trump's bastard lips.

I'm not a fan. So much so, when I was driving north of Aberdeen this evening to get some astrophotography done on a beach, I have to drive past the entrance of his golf course, and I just flipped the bird to the whole entrance at 60mph out the open window. Childish? yes. Satisfying? somewhat. Deserved? Of course.
I'm not a fan. So much so, when I was driving north of Aberdeen this evening to get some astrophotography done on a beach, I have to drive past the entrance of his golf course, and I just flipped the bird to the whole entrance at 60mph out the open window. Childish? yes. Satisfying? somewhat. Deserved? Of course.
How does America need a strong military now more than ever? Are they in a protracted ground based war I never read about? He's having a schoolyard level argument with North Korea, all he needs for that is Twitter, but as @Il Prete Rosso says. Mentioning the army gets all the redneck blood boiling and screaming the national anthem. That and screaming the word guns in combination with right to defend yourself.

How does America need a strong military now more than ever? Are they in a protracted ground based war I never read about? He's having a schoolyard level argument with North Korea, all he needs for that is Twitter, but as @Il Prete Rosso says. Mentioning the army gets all the redneck blood boiling and screaming the national anthem. That and screaming the word guns in combination with right to defend yourself.


Do not forget the word abortion... and homosexuality. With this he triggers the so called christian crowd...
'Alternative facts' made 'Unwort des Jahres' (non-word or ugliest word of the year) in Germany. Winning again!
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