The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Doesn't quite mention in the same day Walmart announced (or rather, unannounced to their employees) that they were layed off, Sam's Club employees turned upto work to find they had no job...

Interesting to note


What absolute cnuts


I think It's no coincidence all these stories are dropping at the same time. I expect these to continue too.

I think the Republicans have had enough and are too scared to publically stand against Trump (despite it being the sensible, right and honourable thing to do) so they are helping these stories come out.

He's overstepped the mark and gone too far. Not quite sure what it was that tipped the balance but as you can see the tide has noticeably turned, even with Fox News and especially one of the presenters of Fox & Friends who has publically turned against him.

Also, Tom Arnold has mentioned that aside from the N word tapes, these are the stories that were due to break before the election. Twitter is also rife with stories of Trumps lawyers paying off countless women about stories of sexual abuse.

Typical that all you can hear from the White House is "°Fake News" and crickets.

Yep. Wouldn't be surprised if there are a few more of these and that Trump eventually gets lassoed into the MeToo movement.
He was curiously quiet during the Weinstein stuff, when one would expect him to react with glee over Hollywood types being found morally wanting. That unusual silence is, I think, significant.
He was curiously quiet during the Weinstein stuff, when one would expect him to react with glee over Hollywood types being found morally wanting. That unusual silence is, I think, significant.

Yep good point. He could've really gone to town there. Once again though this Drake story won't touch him because we know how his base will react - "she's a porn star so what?" "hell I'd offer to banger her for $10k too" etc etc
Yep good point. He could've really gone to town there. Once again though this Drake story won't touch him because we know how his base will react - "she's a porn star so what?" "hell I'd offer to banger her for $10k too" etc etc
“She’s obviously lying because Donald doesn’t need to pay for sex, he’s already told us that he just takes what he wants and that’s all fine and dandy as far as we’re concerned.”
“She’s obviously lying because Donald doesn’t need to pay for sex, he’s already told us that he just takes what he wants and that’s all fine and dandy as far as we’re concerned.”
The money was so she wouldn't go around talking about how big the don was (far bigger than any porn star) and how amazingly he grabbed her by the pussy... because the don is far too busy to be fending off the millions of other women who would want the ride of their lives
Some idiot on Twitter argued with me about the fact Obama had described Libya as a shitshow...these Conservative twats don't ever seem to apply logic to their argument. A shitshow is about a situation, not a place.
Some idiot on Twitter argued with me about the fact Obama had described Libya as a shitshow...these Conservative twats don't ever seem to apply logic to their argument. A shitshow is about a situation, not a place.

Libya wasn't a shit show until Hilary decided to dick them over.

Yall be a bunch of mugs and be taken for fecking fools.


The thing I really, really don't get (well I do, because of the bullshit) is that most proponents of the 2nd Amendment bring up the totalitarian government thing and say they need their arms and have the right to them to fight an oppressive government and yet the shitehawks currently in power are undertaking the most impossibly large power and money grab perhaps in the history of the US and they're all on board having voted for them and are supporting them?

How does that work?

They should be organising militias and riding on D.C. right now.
Yeah I know but worth mentioning anyways how terrible Clinton was as a secretary of state.

But irrelevant. Also shows what a complete balls up the election was - the US has a President who wasn't voted in as much as the other candidate was voted out. Hardly a recommendation.
Much needed money from the military? To look after the people.
How much military do you need you fecking dick
Much needed money from the military? To look after the people.
How much military do you need you fecking dick
It’s ridiculous, the US spend more on military than the next 20 highest spenders combined, 18 of them are allies. :rolleyes:
It’s ridiculous, the US spend more on military than the next 20 highest spenders combined, 18 of them are allies. :rolleyes:

That is some special kind of economic promotion. I bet with you close friends of Trump hold a lot of shares...
It’s ridiculous, the US spend more on military than the next 20 highest spenders combined, 18 of them are allies. :rolleyes:
Banking it all for fights on many fronts. Getting ready for global domination.
With him, things are either the worst or the best; perhaps indicative of an unstable mind.
-- WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE … SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY.) to CHUCK TODD on NBC’S “MEET THE PRESS”: TODD: “[L]et me ask you something, though. You seemed to say that Democrats have to stop calling the president names. Doesn’t the president though owe an apology for some of this? Because, you know, look, Mia Love, the daughter of Haitian immigrants, she wants an apology. And he hasn’t issued one.”

PAUL: “Yeah, but I’ll tell you, there are two different standards here. In 2013, Lindsey Graham said the exact same thing the president did, but he used the hellhole. ‘We can’t have everybody coming from every hellhole on the planet here.’ And now everybody thinks Lindsey Graham’s a great statesman because he’s put out this thing about American ideals, and stuff, which was a good statement, but he said almost the identical thing to the president in 2013.”
With him, things are either the worst or the best; perhaps indicative of an unstable mind.

And of an immature one. The man seems incapable of understanding that situations/events can be complex and nuanced; instead everything is black and white to him. Because acknowledging otherwise would involve him recognising he's far from perfect and that his 'enemies' aren't all irrationally minded people who unreasonably hate him.
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