The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's a bit rich complaining about Trump calling somewhere a shithole for you to then go and call somewhere else a shithole.

I still think the most valid point I have seen is by those saying that the USA is full of areas of extreme poverty, violence, unemployment, pollution and run down infrastructure. Trump really should be concentrating on them rather than labelling other places with a derogatory term. After all, much of his vote came from people who live in those exact type of areas i've just described. He also promised to find them all jobs AND rebuild their cities and towns.
That calling other countries shitholes is wrong and liberals do it too? How is this hard to grasp?
This isn't a thread about liberals or even a general discussion about who says 'shitholes', so forgive me for failing to grasp the relevance of your post in a Trump thread.
That calling other countries shitholes is wrong and liberals do it too? How is this hard to grasp?

But did someone argued that liberals didn't do it or that some liberals aren't vile human beings too?

of course it is a thread about who calls countries shitholes. I mean ffs
Aye, 'The Trump Presidency' sounds very much like 'Let's talk about those who call countries shitholes'; who would fail to see the difference?
Let's break this down.

"The Trump Presidency"

-Trump is the president
-Trump called countries shit holes
-People are talking about that
People are talking about other instances when countries were called shit holes
-People are comparing and contrasting the two

Thanks for following along y'all
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Calling somewhere a shithole is literally the opposite of what liberals think.
Let's break this down.

"The Trump Presidency"

-Trump is the president
-Trump called countries shit holes
-People are talking about that
People are talking about other instances when countries were called shit holes
-People are comparing and contrasting the two

Thanks for following along y'all

Really missed an opportunity to use bullet points there
Whoever shows a semblance of balance and objectivity nowadays instantly becomes a figure of admiration to me. The standards have dropped very low, on both sides.

Man just tweets like nothing happened in Hawaii :lol: . (also has said feck all about the catastrophe in Cali)
Still mentioning the election.

Probably because it was his last actual win despite trying for a year as a President.
more scandal for the Donald

Not surprised at all, she is his type. Saw it when the story broke. Calls himself a ladies man and he has to pay that much after exchanging STD filled bodily fluids (both ways) with a porn star. Maybe it was the best pussy ever, the stable genius only gets the very best


I think It's no coincidence all these stories are dropping at the same time. I expect these to continue too.

I think the Republicans have had enough and are too scared to publically stand against Trump (despite it being the sensible, right and honourable thing to do) so they are helping these stories come out.

He's overstepped the mark and gone too far. Not quite sure what it was that tipped the balance but as you can see the tide has noticeably turned, even with Fox News and especially one of the presenters of Fox & Friends who has publically turned against him.

Also, Tom Arnold has mentioned that aside from the N word tapes, these are the stories that were due to break before the election. Twitter is also rife with stories of Trumps lawyers paying off countless women about stories of sexual abuse.

Typical that all you can hear from the White House is "°Fake News" and crickets.
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