The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Maddow is one of the most ineffective anti-Trump voices in the media simply because she's so in love with the sound of her own voice, anything interesting she has to offer is buried 7 minutes into one of her 11 minute opening monologues where she starts mentioning shopping for groceries and then went outside and saw a dollar on the floor, and somehow that dollar reminded her of Russian money and then long after everyone's fallen asleep she's finally got to the point.

If you think about the platform she has she really should be one of the more prominent Trump opponents in mainstream media but besides completely botching the tax return 'scoop' a few months back, she's been completely irrelevant.
Nothing. He built his campaign on it.

Yep. Just look at the response from his base to the "shithole" comment - it's "pipe down libtards it's a fact some countries are shitholes"

Trump uses the n word - " well they ain't white like us are they?"
The hypocrisy is staggering, as always.

But almost equally as offensive to me is the look on Mike Pence's face. That man really gives me the creeps. In the video he looks like he has an endless orgasm, just standing there fantasizing about his future presidency. He doesn't even have to stick the dagger in himself, Trump simply can not stop digging his own grave.
Pence ia even worse than Trump, as he is an ultra conservative.
That is possibly the stupidest reasoning I have heard in a long time.

The quotes might be from the doctor. Sarah Sanders has passed out the report to .. whoever.. and the quote has been attributed to the doctor. Obviously the doctor wont write his own name at the end that email.

It might be real or fake.. but misspelled name doesnt prove anything.
My take as well. I've not watched her show for a while but happened to tune in last night. I switched over the second she showed the misspelling.
Does he fully understand the meaning of the word “analyst”?
Well he clearly does not understand that firstly she is American and not Korean... As she is front nyc
Evidentaly he also does not understand its kinda inappropriate to refer to her as pretty...
And moving on from the fact that rather than her ability and experience it appears to be her looks and race that seems to qualify her to move from being an analyst to a negotiator.

I suspect for most leaders an incident like this would be a major incident... But for trump it hardly registers
I've got a mixed opinion of Trump cancelling his visit. On the one hand I'm over the moon, he didn't deserve a state visit or even just a normal one, a complete waste of money and how uncomfortable after his comments about Diana after she died?

On the other hand I'm gutted as he would have faced protests like he had never seen before. I fully believe it would have been an epic celebration. He's hated here in a big way and us Brits love any excuse to get wankered and gather in the streets to shout about something. Also, I was planning on going myself as I think it would have been hilarious.

I wonder who actually told him how despised he is here? And surely he has to visit a non friendly country sooner or later? Surely he has to face mass protests soon? I think France, Belgium or Germany would also be a nightmare for him after some of the things He's said about them.
Agreed. Was so looking forward to photographing some hilarious satire via protest boards and hoardings. However I also suspect it would turn into a day of serious violence like the Poll Tax riots in the early 1990s.
Well he clearly does not understand that firstly she is American and not Korean... As she is front nyc
Evidentaly he also does not understand its kinda inappropriate to refer to her as pretty...
And moving on from the fact that rather than her ability and experience it appears to be her looks and race that seems to qualify her to move from being an analyst to a negotiator.

I suspect for most leaders an incident like this would be a major incident... But for trump it hardly registers
He is the most loathsome creature - but what of the party that supports him, and his core support? A despicable KKK buffoon. By the time he is finished, his party, his great nation, our blue planet, or all three will lie beside him in the dustbin of history.
Agreed. Was so looking forward to photographing some hilarious satire via protest boards and hoardings. However I also suspect it would turn into a day of serious violence like the Poll Tax riots in the early 1990s.

That was the exact thought I had too, that it could replicate the Poll Tax protest in turn out and in descending in to violence and unrest. However, I also thought (more likely tbh) that it would probably go the other way and be more like the chillout and party atmosphere of legalise cannabis turn outs. I think it would have been more of a fun filled occasion, well I hoped it would anyway, but it definitely had the potential to go the other way.
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Agreed. Was so looking forward to photographing some hilarious satire via protest boards and hoardings. However I also suspect it would turn into a day of serious violence like the Poll Tax riots in the early 1990s.
Aye... I remember some of the ketteling that happened on the anti Bush and stop the war rally... Plus some truly discussing policing like you know murdering Ian tomlinson... And lots of officers obscuring their numbers and generally lashing out at people thus provoking a response thus provoking a bigger counter response
There is no way it remains peaceful
That was the exact thought I had too, that it could replicate the Poll Tax protest in turn out and in descending in to violence and unrest. However, I also thought (more likely tbh) that it would probably go the other way and be more like the chillout and party atmosphere of legalise cannabis turn outs. I think it would have been more of a fun filled occasion, well I hoped it would anyway, but it definitely had the potential to go the other way.

This cnut would get me, a man in his fifties, back on the street for the first time in aeons looking for whatever small way I could contribute to making any visit here the most fearful experience of his entire wretched existence.
Yep. Just look at the response from his base to the "shithole" comment - it's "pipe down libtards it's a fact some countries are shitholes"

Trump uses the n word - " well they ain't white like us are they?"

I actually heard some of my Parents friends defend his actions by saying "well he's saying how it is, isnt he? refreshing" there is literally nothing this man cannot do without it being twisted into something positive.
A lot of Trump supporters/Obama haters say that Obama racially divided the country. Did he do that just by being black?
"The resistance" movement on social media has become a load of nonsense. Been heavily infiltrated by the likes of the Kremlin troll factory.
Who is Rob Tannenbaum, and why has someone felt the need to screenshot a two day old tweet of his that amassed a frankly stunning 34 retweets?
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