The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I was reading an article about what Trump's medical report will look like, and I just laughed and thought: 'You really think they'll release anything other than "perfect health"?'

He can't be seen to have any weaknesses, he's narcissistic and any form of chink in the armour would be detrimental to his image.

The fact the article hypothesised that it may come back less than perfect was laughable. It may well do, but we'll sure as hell never hear about it. Control of information.
I've got a mixed opinion of Trump cancelling his visit. On the one hand I'm over the moon, he didn't deserve a state visit or even just a normal one, a complete waste of money and how uncomfortable after his comments about Diana after she died?

On the other hand I'm gutted as he would have faced protests like he had never seen before. I fully believe it would have been an epic celebration. He's hated here in a big way and us Brits love any excuse to get wankered and gather in the streets to shout about something. Also, I was planning on going myself as I think it would have been hilarious.

I wonder who actually told him how despised he is here? And surely he has to visit a non friendly country sooner or later? Surely he has to face mass protests soon? I think France, Belgium or Germany would also be a nightmare for him after some of the things He's said about them.
I was reading an article about what Trump's medical report will look like, and I just laughed and thought: 'You really think they'll release anything other than "perfect health"?'

He can't be seen to have any weaknesses, he's narcissistic and any form of chink in the armour would be detrimental to his image.

The fact the article hypothesised that it may come back less than perfect was laughable. It may well do, but we'll sure as hell never hear about it. Control of information.
I've got a mixed opinion of Trump cancelling his visit. On the one hand I'm over the moon, he didn't deserve a state visit or even just a normal one, a complete waste of money and how uncomfortable after his comments about Diana after she died?

On the other hand I'm gutted as he would have faced protests like he had never seen before. I fully believe it would have been an epic celebration. He's hated here in a big way and us Brits love any excuse to get wankered and gather in the streets to shout about something. Also, I was planning on going myself as I think it would have been hilarious.

I wonder who actually told him how despised he is here? And surely he has to visit a non friendly country sooner or later? Surely he has to face mass protests soon? I think France, Belgium or Germany would also be a nightmare for him after some of the things He's said about them.

I'm gutted, had my 'Wenger out' sign at the ready. Would've probably been protests in Glasgow and Edinburgh but you can drink in the streets in Edinburgh so would've been straight to that one.
If the medical did go smoothly then they shouldn't have an issue with releasing all the data.
Awaiting inevitable 'healthiest president in history' tweet.
I hope the media companies send their medical reporters to the briefing.

CNN should let Sanjay Gupta go instead of Acosta as he'll know the right things to ask.
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He's a racist, there's no dancing around the subject because he's the textbook elderly, privileged, stupid type.

Anyone trying to defend him should be viciously verbally attacked.
This shithole comment, the London visit cancellation and the Stormy Daniels story have taken over Twitter. It's all anyone is talking about. I can't remember anything he has done that has been commented on as much since pussy grab gate. He is getting an absolute battering on three fronts.

Also, another porn star has come out and accused him of groping her and Paul Ryan has confirmed his comments too. Tide starting to turn maybe?

Not holding my breath as we have been here countless times before.
"Hi, everybody!"
"Hi, Doctor Nick!"
"I'm certain it has a k, Doktor."
"Can't be right. Docktor perhaps?"
"Do we have a real doc around?"
"Yeah, Gorka. Give him a call!"
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That is possibly the stupidest reasoning I have heard in a long time.

The quotes might be from the doctor. Sarah Sanders has passed out the report to .. whoever.. and the quote has been attributed to the doctor. Obviously the doctor wont write his own name at the end that email.

It might be real or fake.. but misspelled name doesnt prove anything.
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