The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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TBF why is the burden always on the West to take low-skilled migrants?
Who burdened the west to take migrants? When it comes to Haiti, Clinton effectively destroyed Haitian agriculture by forcing them to lift tariffs on US import while subsidizing US farmers. Turning one of the poorest country to the fourth largest importer of US rice which lead them to starvation to the point they eat cake of mud and straw. Yea shithole country
I didn't know what you meant by that so googled "whubbery". Up came two mentions in something called "RedCafe" and a reference to baby talk.
Mar 20, 2017 - langster DJ Stink mouth, so soppy few pints very wow! Joined: Jun 28, 2014. Messages: 15,397. Location: My brain can't get pregnant! First class Whubbery going on right here. Mar 20, 2017. :lol:
He's absolutely brain dead isn't he? For all the "you underestimate him, he knows exactly what he is doing when he says these distracting things" posts, just look at this and realise that the man is an absolute bone head. He's seriously low in the intelligence department.

He's a pensioner who's lived in a bubble his entire life, only ever been trained to do one thing, doesn't read so has no awareness of anything at all outside of his bubble. He probably did and maybe still does a shit tonne of coke in the past 30 years or so so that'll have fecked with his brain too.

Couple that with all the malignant personality defects he has and his sheer, incredulous stupidity is magnified 100x.

I bet the other leaders have bets on about what he'll say and how he'll present himself every time they have to subject themselves to a meeting or a phone call with him.
7/12, missed out on the ones where the US itself was the trick answer.

Here is Bernie on foreign policy:
Drone strikes:
In addition to draining our resources and distorting our vision, the war on terror has caused us to undermine our own moral standards regarding torture, indefinite detention, and the use of force around the world, using drone strikes and other airstrikes that often result in high civilian casualties.

A heavy-handed military approach, with little transparency or accountability, doesn’t enhance our security. It makes the problem worse.

We must rethink the old Washington mindset that judges “seriousness” according to the willingness to use force. One of the key misapprehensions of this mindset is the idea that military force is decisive in a way that diplomacy is not.

Yes, military force is sometimes necessary, but always — always — as the last resort. And blustery threats of force, while they might make a few columnists happy, can often signal weakness as much as strength, diminishing US deterrence, credibility and security in the process.

Death squads (Nicaragua):

Subverting govts:

Economic attacks:

Find some other politician to criticise
Here is Bernie on foreign policy:
Drone strikes:
In addition to draining our resources and distorting our vision, the war on terror has caused us to undermine our own moral standards regarding torture, indefinite detention, and the use of force around the world, using drone strikes and other airstrikes that often result in high civilian casualties.

A heavy-handed military approach, with little transparency or accountability, doesn’t enhance our security. It makes the problem worse.

We must rethink the old Washington mindset that judges “seriousness” according to the willingness to use force. One of the key misapprehensions of this mindset is the idea that military force is decisive in a way that diplomacy is not.

Yes, military force is sometimes necessary, but always — always — as the last resort. And blustery threats of force, while they might make a few columnists happy, can often signal weakness as much as strength, diminishing US deterrence, credibility and security in the process.

Death squads (Nicaragua):

Subverting govts:

Economic attacks:

Find some other politician to criticise

Yeah but Max Blumenthal said Bernie was part of the new world order.
Almost every single example there is hyperbole. My point stands. You can if you like, lower the bar to the lowest possible common denominator as to what a word means, what its significance means. That is, of course, your prerogative. However, don't be upset when people think you're a bit of a twat for comparing a grocery stores "price war" to actual war.

Look up the word hyperbole. I could run down the list of examples, but, people with a grasp of the nuance of language, understand that the term war is widely used as hyperbole. Two conglomerates are not literally at war. The term "war" is used to exaggerate, to place emphasis on the fact they are in conflict with one another. The two hemispheres of the brain are not literally at "war". It is hyperbole, an exaggeration to place emphasis on the struggle between the two hemispheres of the brain.

War has become a weasel word, where it is thrown around so much, people have apparently forgotten the actual context of what war is, what it means, and what it entails. The war on litter, the war on this, the war on that. If we are to believe you, there is a war on anything, that anyone is against.

Hopefully, sunshine, you will never have to experience an actual war.
Ta sunshine...
As for experiencing a war i was out in Syria a few times over the past few years... i really don't think that lends any more credence to my point than your "sunshine" and asking about war...

My point is that these are literally dictionary definitions of war... they are the general accepted use of the word.

So either the dictionary is wrong... or your wrong sunshine...

As for the your you're... meh carry on being a grammar Nazi if it helps... I'm typing on a phone in my 3rd language but feel free to carry on the convo in Cantonese and perhaps I can be a bit of a twat about your language skills
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Ta sunshine...
As for experiencing a war i was out in Syria a few times over the past few years... i really don't think that lends any more credence to my point than your "sunshine" and asking about war...

My point is that these are literally dictionary definitions... they are the general accepted use of the word

So either the dictionary is wrong... or your wrong sunshine...
He used the 2 words in the correct manner... :confused:
I'd happily put my life savings on that tweet not being written by Trump himself.
Here is Bernie on foreign policy:
Drone strikes:
In addition to draining our resources and distorting our vision, the war on terror has caused us to undermine our own moral standards regarding torture, indefinite detention, and the use of force around the world, using drone strikes and other airstrikes that often result in high civilian casualties.

A heavy-handed military approach, with little transparency or accountability, doesn’t enhance our security. It makes the problem worse.

We must rethink the old Washington mindset that judges “seriousness” according to the willingness to use force. One of the key misapprehensions of this mindset is the idea that military force is decisive in a way that diplomacy is not.

Yes, military force is sometimes necessary, but always — always — as the last resort. And blustery threats of force, while they might make a few columnists happy, can often signal weakness as much as strength, diminishing US deterrence, credibility and security in the process.

Death squads (Nicaragua):

Subverting govts:

Economic attacks:

Find some other politician to criticise

I'm sorry, do you think I was criticising Bernie?
After making racist remarks :rolleyes:

The hypocrisy is staggering, as always.

But almost equally as offensive to me is the look on Mike Pence's face. That man really gives me the creeps. In the video he looks like he has an endless orgasm, just standing there fantasizing about his future presidency. He doesn't even have to stick the dagger in himself, Trump simply can not stop digging his own grave.
That reply was doing it (at least the way I read it).
I don't think it was. I think the tweet was critical of some shameful aspects of American foreign policy historically. Bernie, along with every other socially evolved human on the planet, rightly calls Trump out for his disgraceful comments. The tweet points out that these other shameful acts committed in the name of Americans are rarely given such prominence.
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I don't think it was. I think the tweet was critical of some shameful aspects of American foreign policy historically.
It's a reply to a Bernie tweet criticising Trump's shithole comment by mocking people criticising the shithole comment as not being woke enough.
It's a reply to a Bernie tweet criticising Trump's shithole comment by mocking people criticising the shithole comment as not being woke enough.
Yeah I was editing my reply as you were typing because I didn't explain myself well enough.
I don't think it was. I think the tweet was critical of some shameful aspects of American foreign policy historically. Bernie, along with every other socially evolved human on the planet, rightly calls Trump out for his disgraceful comments. The tweet points out that these other shameful acts committed in the name of Americans are rarely given such prominence.

Yes, I think there's some truth to that. There's hypocrisy in some of the responses to Trump. It's wrong to pin that hypocrisy on Bernie who has opposed almost all the policies that tweet mentions (which is a big part of why I love him so much).
It's a reply to a Bernie tweet criticising Trump's shithole comment by mocking people criticising the shithole comment as not being woke enough.
Do you have to be "woke" to think the things mentioned in the tweet are at least as bad as Trump saying he doesn't want people from "shithole countries" coming to America? The reaction to Trump's comments is entirely justified, imo. The reaction to the other things is generally "meh". I think it's worth pointing out that hypocrisy.
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