The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Can i just point out that in the middle of all this "shithole" bullshit from yesterday Trump signed a bill giving the states power to enforce rules on Medicare entitlement if they want to. Basically they can now state that only tax paying workers are entitled to it, if they so wanted to. They can legally discriminate against the homeless and unemployed or low income workers, whatever they want really.

I feel that was a pretty important change he made yesterday that seems to have gone under the radar but one that could effect millions of people and seriously cost lives, and put lives in danger.

Can i just point out that in the middle of all this "shithole" bullshit from yesterday Trump signed a bill giving the states power to enforce rules on Medicare entitlement if they want to. Basically they can now state that only tax paying workers are entitled to it, if they so wanted to. They can legally discriminate against the homeless and unemployed or low income workers, whatever they want really.

I feel that was a pretty important change he made yesterday that seems to have gone under the radar but one that could effect millions of people and seriously cost lives, and put lives in danger.

A selfish parts of me thinking that maybe then they know what a turd he really is.
He's also just gone on a mad Tweet storm against the Democrats and the DACA meeting. It's a fecking disgrace what he' saying and is just so divisive and provocative, not to mention complete bullshit too.
Can i just point out that in the middle of all this "shithole" bullshit from yesterday Trump signed a bill giving the states power to enforce rules on Medicare entitlement if they want to. Basically they can now state that only tax paying workers are entitled to it, if they so wanted to. They can legally discriminate against the homeless and unemployed or low income workers, whatever they want really.

I feel that was a pretty important change he made yesterday that seems to have gone under the radar but one that could effect millions of people and seriously cost lives, and put lives in danger.

He's not as stupid as we all think he is. He knows how to distract while pulling the rug out from under you.
can we build a windfarm next to turnbury... that sould be good for a few global warming rage tweets

That would be beautiful. And it would just need him in attendance to keep the fecking turbines at max output.
Tries to blame Obama because he's scared to visit the UK, when it was Bush that sold the embassy. :lol:

It's easy to get acclimated to his blunders, but that's just too good.
Err why? Because the homeless voted for Trump??

If they're from a red state most likely they've been purged from the voter rolls. Ohio purged over 2 million voters from its rolls simply because most of those people haven't voted in years. Nevermind that most of the voters came from predominantly democratic voting areas.
Would trump let the dems basically shut government down... then just tweet about it being their fault all day till they cave in and fund his wall?

I think he might
Does he need the Dems to get the funding? Hasn't he got a majority in both houses? If the Government shuts down it's all on the Republicans.
Does he need the Dems to get the funding? Hasn't he got a majority in both houses? If the Government shuts down it's all on the Republicans.

Yeah but the Dems will get the blame. Not to mention the fact that the Republicans obstructed nearly everything Obama tried to do, so the hypocrisy is stunning. Also, his comments are just so divisive, he's really causing more hatred and animosity in an already divided country. I think his language is extremely dangerous and completely irresponsible.

Obama tried to unify the country and parties yet he's being slandered on a daily basis by the current President of the USA. I have to say Obama has so much restraint, I can't believe he hasn't responded yet. Or Michelle for that matter.
Yeah but the Dems will get the blame. Not to mention the fact that the Republicans obstructed nearly everything Obama tried to do, so the hypocrisy is stunning. Also, his comments are just so divisive, he's really causing more hatred and animosity in an already divided country. I think his language is extremely dangerous and completely irresponsible.

Obama tried to unify the country and parties yet he's being slandered on a daily basis by the current President of the USA. I have to say Obama has so much restraint, I can't believe he hasn't responded yet. Or Michelle for that matter.

Black people don't get a say in the misdeeds of white people. At the end of the day, a rich, uneducated and racist white man would be given a pass on his misdeeds and transgressions than an educated black man.
Yeah but the Dems will get the blame. Not to mention the fact that the Republicans obstructed nearly everything Obama tried to do, so the hypocrisy is stunning. Also, his comments are just so divisive, he's really causing more hatred and animosity in an already divided country. I think his language is extremely dangerous and completely irresponsible.

Obama tried to unify the country and parties yet he's being slandered on a daily basis by the current President of the USA. I have to say Obama has so much restraint, I can't believe he hasn't responded yet. Or Michelle for that matter.
Why would anybody blame the Dems? If you can't keep your government open then you are unfit to govern. I mean the party that has all the power(all 3 seats of power) not just the President.
Well It's obvious Trump, Fox and Trump supporters will blame the Dems. That's what I meant.
I know that people will. It just makes no sense to me.

Bernie was asked in his CNN interview if he was prepared to shut the government down. It's a weird idea when one party has the power to keep it open on their own the the other party is the one accused of shutting it down.
Can i just point out that in the middle of all this "shithole" bullshit from yesterday Trump signed a bill giving the states power to enforce rules on Medicare entitlement if they want to. Basically they can now state that only tax paying workers are entitled to it, if they so wanted to. They can legally discriminate against the homeless and unemployed or low income workers, whatever they want really.

I feel that was a pretty important change he made yesterday that seems to have gone under the radar but one that could effect millions of people and seriously cost lives, and put lives in danger.

so what pisses you off is basically you disagree with pretty much every dictionary definition of what war means... basically your angry that you don't understand the generally accepted usage of the word and you think everybody else is wrong?

Your at war with the word war...

absolutely no good will come from that

Almost every single example there is hyperbole. My point stands. You can if you like, lower the bar to the lowest possible common denominator as to what a word means, what its significance means. That is, of course, your prerogative. However, don't be upset when people think you're a bit of a twat for comparing a grocery stores "price war" to actual war.

Look up the word hyperbole. I could run down the list of examples, but, people with a grasp of the nuance of language, understand that the term war is widely used as hyperbole. Two conglomerates are not literally at war. The term "war" is used to exaggerate, to place emphasis on the fact they are in conflict with one another. The two hemispheres of the brain are not literally at "war". It is hyperbole, an exaggeration to place emphasis on the struggle between the two hemispheres of the brain.

War has become a weasel word, where it is thrown around so much, people have apparently forgotten the actual context of what war is, what it means, and what it entails. The war on litter, the war on this, the war on that. If we are to believe you, there is a war on anything, that anyone is against.

Hopefully, sunshine, you will never have to experience an actual war.
She grabbed my attention when she talked about "smacking the right people and hugging the right people" about Trumps speech at the UN. This lady is the closest I've seen to Rumsfeld in a while, coherent and intelligent, yet so hawkish it amounts to being evil.
If you're looking for the right words to describe her, I think you forgot "ass-kisser".
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