The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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At least he's repeating his will to end excessive US intervention and nation building, something i expected from Obama really. It'll be interesting to see whether he holds to that promise as situations arise.
They are still counting the votes. Clinton currently has ~2.7 million more votes than Trump. Democrazy.
Donald Trump: 'We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes'

I have to admit, this is probably the only encouraging thing I've heard to come out of his mouth, the trouble is I don't believe it. Considering he's surrounded himself with neocon hawks I doubt he'd enforce his isolationist stance, let's not forget George W Bush famously declaring he won't be getting involved in other country's affairs.

His comments about 'bombing the shit out of ISIS' do concern me though. What does he plan on doing - razing Mosul to the ground and taking with it the millions of Iraqi civilians trapped? Ditto Syrians in Raqqa.
One thing I understand, the stock markets are the cancer of our world, they created the mess in 2008, they are the reason why people lose jobs, they are the reason why our world are so polluted when moving factories abroad knowing is not only cheap labor they would get but a complete crime against the environment, the so called investors are really gamblers with no respect to human life and they are the biggest hypocrites. That's my opinion and obvious you work for the stock market "e cada um puxa a brasa para a sua sardinha" :D

Don't you mean, "One thing I know is how to change the topic when I'm clearly clueless about the first topic"?
Donald Trump: 'We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes'

I have to admit, this is probably the only encouraging thing I've heard to come out of his mouth, the trouble is I don't believe it. Considering he's surrounded himself with neocon hawks I doubt he'd enforce his isolationist stance, let's not forget George W Bush famously declaring he won't be getting involved in other country's affairs.

His comments about 'bombing the shit out of ISIS' do concern me though. What does he plan on doing - razing Mosul to the ground and taking with it the millions of Iraqi civilians trapped? Ditto Syrians in Raqqa.
After all this time...why do you insist on believing anything he says?

He says he isn't into nation building/regime change...yet, he surrounds himself with ppl who think warmongering is the 1st Amendment...not free speech.

As for ISIS - who cares? I am old enough to remember the nightly news and Sunday news specials on how defeating AQ would the mother of all battles...clash of civilizations...

Hundreds of thousands of deaths later, AQ are done and ISIS is now the threat to humanity.

Hundreds of thousands of deaths later...ISIS are now a shell of what they were and will soon be replaced by the whatever the next acronym these cnuts come up with.

And you know what that means right?

Hundreds of thousands.....

Found this interesting.
Puts into perspective some things we miss from far.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, he read The Wall Street Journal and voted Republican. He was a man before his time: a blue-collar white man who thought the union was a bunch of jokers who took your money and never gave you anything in return. Starting in 1970, many blue-collar whites followed his example. This week, their candidate won the presidency.
Trump and blue collar whites struggling to feed their families with three jobs... I simply cannot follow there. What makes people think -especially his voters- he'd be good for anyone who has to actually work for their living?
Must be that deeply american thing of admiring rich people for their sole quality of being rich, no matter what utter scumbags they are.
Turns out the new Air Force One will cost $170M not $4Bn, and that Trump Org. held Boeing stock just a few months ago. There's been suggestion he shorted the stock, alongside the obvious grounds for Boeing to sue him for libel. The $4Bn tweet also came just after Boeing expressed concern about Trumps policies, meaning it's just one more example of how much of a thin skinned moron he is.
Turns out the new Air Force One will cost $170M not $4Bn, and that Trump Org. held Boeing stock just a few months ago. There's been suggestion he shorted the stock, alongside the obvious grounds for Boeing to sue him for libel. The $4Bn tweet also came just after Boeing expressed concern about Trumps policies, meaning it's just one more example of how much of a thin skinned moron he is.

Good luck getting that through to his followers.

He will continue with self aggrandisement, giving the Appalachian whites in the Rust Belt some breadcrumbs and in 4 years they will vote for him again.
Turns out the new Air Force One will cost $170M not $4Bn, and that Trump Org. held Boeing stock just a few months ago. There's been suggestion he shorted the stock, alongside the obvious grounds for Boeing to sue him for libel. The $4Bn tweet also came just after Boeing expressed concern about Trumps policies, meaning it's just one more example of how much of a thin skinned moron he is.
That's inaccurate. That number is not to actually make them.
If he shorted it, which I highly doubt, he'd be in serious trouble (probably not knowing Teflon don)
Turns out the new Air Force One will cost $170M not $4Bn, and that Trump Org. held Boeing stock just a few months ago. There's been suggestion he shorted the stock, alongside the obvious grounds for Boeing to sue him for libel. The $4Bn tweet also came just after Boeing expressed concern about Trumps policies, meaning it's just one more example of how much of a thin skinned moron he is.
According to this article the original contract was for $1.6 billion.

The article is from January 2015

This article says the budget is $1.65billion but that Boeing only is obligated to be paid $170million at this point in the project.
I've fallen for a few myself. There's plenty of fodder on him, not sure why these tweeters feel the need to exaggerate or mislead. He has someone on his team with inside info I believe? Perhaps the new number isn't public yet? My bet is trump exaggerated and when Boeing say we are doing it for 3.2b, Trump looks like a great negotiator.
Turns out the new Air Force One will cost $170M not $4Bn, and that Trump Org. held Boeing stock just a few months ago. There's been suggestion he shorted the stock, alongside the obvious grounds for Boeing to sue him for libel. The $4Bn tweet also came just after Boeing expressed concern about Trumps policies, meaning it's just one more example of how much of a thin skinned moron he is.

I think that's a more likely explanation than a clever plan to make money by shorting Boeing stock. Mainly because "clever" is not a word I'd ever associate with the bloke.
Turns out the new Air Force One will cost $170M not $4Bn, and that Trump Org. held Boeing stock just a few months ago. There's been suggestion he shorted the stock, alongside the obvious grounds for Boeing to sue him for libel. The $4Bn tweet also came just after Boeing expressed concern about Trumps policies, meaning it's just one more example of how much of a thin skinned moron he is.


I wrote a massive reply to some of the previous posts here, defining the difference between the so called "us and them" I basically stated that at the moment, many are seeing this as a victory, that they won and the "liberals" lost. Well that's complete bullshit because the plain fact of the matter is NOBODY WON! Only the 0.1% and the only "us and them" is not Democrats and Republicans, but those with, and those without. It's that simple, the Moron Elect doesn't give a shit about any of you, he only cares about himself. His and his families actions since the victory only cement that fact.

It's quite simple, no candidate was perfect, far from it, but the one who will be elected is definitely NOT for the people, he is only for himself. You were lied to and conned, and not only that you were lied to with massive amounts of misinformation and lies and false news, on top of all that you were also conned by the Russians who have admitted getting involved. Oh and if that wasn't enough, the FBI got involved too.

We get it that many people are suffering, but that's the same if you are Liberal, Republican, Green or whatever, everyone is in the same boat. Jobs are being lost overseas because they have different costs and laws and also because the world has moved on. The Moron Elect promised to bring the impossible back. He promised millions of manufacturing jobs that don't exist anymore, he promised mining jobs that are unethical and unsustainable, he promised a wall that is pure fantasy and would cost and cause far more money and trouble than anything. And he promised he would kick out millions of immigrants, yet stats show it's highly unlikely he will get anywhere near the amount Obama has. I probably care more about those people than the next President does, he just cares about the votes, and that shows by him holding more rallies so you can all go out and make him feel big and special again. Does nobody seriously not see anything wrong with that? Instead of getting on with running the country, he's holding more rallies so he can get high off people loving him. That's seriously fecked and should be enough to show you what type of man he really is.

Was Hillary much better? Well YES! Yes she was for a number of reasons. Mainly because she cares about the environment and climate change, and she sees how big and dangerous a problem that is for the world. Feck me, even China and India have cottoned on, but still many Republicans don't, why? Simple. MONEY! Hillary also wanted free healthcare for everyone, she wanted affordable education she wanted equal pay no matter what gender, race, sexual preference. What is wrong with that? And quite simply, who can argue against that? That's just the tip of the iceberg, people can argue ideologies as much as they like, but those simple human rights are and were the core of her campaign. Instead there is now someone coming in to power who doesn't really believe in climate change, wants more power to health insurance companies, wants abortion made illegal, and is a massive advocate for private education. I'm sorry but when you take it down to that base level, personally I think it's impossible to argue for him. I also think and can see that the people who need the help the most, the ones who need a leg up with healthcare and education are the ones who got conned and the ones who stand to lose the most when the giant moron does what he does best and shits on the little man. Then and only then they might realise their mistake.

The trouble with that? It will be too late.
Trump wasn't lying about the Boeing thing -

Todd Harrison - Director of the Aerospace Security Project and Defense Budget Analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

While it may be true that Boeing's current contract is for $170 million, what Harrison is saying is that the Pentagon (in publicly available documents) has budgeted $4 billion in total spending through 2021 to buy two new Air Force Ones from the company.

So, aside from referring to a single "Air Force One"—which everyone else does too even though there are already actually two such planes—you might say that Trump was ... right?!?!?!?!? I mean, it's subject to interpretation whether $4 billion is too much, but it's certainly a lot, and is the correct figure.
Seems the tweet I saw was misleading. The Hill has it at $1.65bn for the project overall which is still a big discrepancy.
Shows how easy it is to fall for fake news. Given it is a government contract run by the military I can see cost over runs, design changes, delays etc running the cost to $3billion or more.

I don't understand how this even becomes a thing.
Bill decided there was a 'War on Christmas' - this is something Fox has been going on about for a decade now.
But I still don't understand how it becomes a thing, it's just so patently absurd. And coming from Lewandowski in particular, the whole "you're allowed to say christmas now Trump is president" is birtherism all over.

I don't understand how this even becomes a thing.

I absolutely despise both of those cnuts. Seriously. Faux News have had an agenda about Christmas for at least the last 10 years or so. All of them are at it, even Megyn Kelly. Basically because some places have accepted other religious views and celebrate other festivals as well as Christmas, but because of that Faux thinks that there is A WAR ON CHRISTMAS! Poor (mainly white) Christians being persecuted again. Let's not forget the complete hypocrisy of the land many are living on is actually Native Americans land anyway. More false moral high ground bullshit and yet another excuse for Faux to attack minorities and scare old white people in to thinking that the bad foreigners are coming to take everything they hold dear, especially Christmas. You know, the once religious festival that is now just a giant commercial clusterfeck.

Just watch the hypocrisy (and irony) in one episode of Hannity or O'Reilly at this time of year. It's so disturbing that people fall for it. On one hand they are attacking everyone saying about a (non existent) war on Christmas and then going on to their usual liberal and minority bashing, and more recently over the top gloating, and at the same time then making out it's a time of the year for love and tolerance and acceptance and they are the most loving people on Earth. It literally is enough to make you sick.
Megyn Kelly

- hey kids no matter what you hear - Santa and Jesus are white.


She actually went on Live TV and debated this point. :lol:
I've forgotten where we've got to with the State pick, think we'd gone full circle back to Bolton rumours?
You say I am hypocritical, but fail to demonstrate why.

You say people like me will scream to the high heavens about racism and misogyny, but people like you will just laugh.....I mean, you've pretty much made my entire argument for me.

You are right that I know little about you. All I know is your stance on this political and ideological issue; and frankly, that is enough.

The idea that people are fundamentally decent, is truly dying.

All of the Trump voters I know are decent people, and I know quite a few of them. None of them are racist or misogynist and most of them vote for Trump either for economics/jobs or because they like his straight talk personality.
Comedy value?
What else?

I'd want her to visit some muslim country and visit a mosque - wear a scarf and then have to explain herself on Fox News :lol: I would open up a million twitter accounts and start a rumor saying, Sarah Palin has converted to Islam and changed her name to Sajeda Pashtun.
Trump is basically playing Apprentice with the SecOfState position. I won't be surprised if he actually wants to do a TV show about the selection but has not been allowed to. He is simply milking it and I think he would drag this out for a month easily.
All of the Trump voters I know are decent people, and I know quite a few of them. None of them are racist or misogynist and most of them vote for Trump either for economics/jobs or because they like his straight talk personality.

My issue with this is, saying you're not a racist doesn't mean that you aren't a racist.
Being friends with & being civil to minorities doesn't mean you're not discriminatory either.

Actions matter. And the only action that i've seen from Trump voters is that they are willing to excuse his hateful speech, usually because it doesn't affect them so they don't care.

If someone truly voted for Trump for everything other than his discrimination & bigotry, then I'd like to see them not being silent on issues that affect the very people they say they don't discriminate against. But that's not what's happening.

The very people who voted for Trump are more interested in telling everyone that they aren't bigots rather than actually showing solidarity on issues that affect minorities, and it will continue that way until their actions show otherwise.
My issue with this is, saying you're not a racist doesn't mean that you aren't a racist.
Being friends with & being civil to minorities doesn't mean you're not discriminatory either.

Actions matter. And the only action that i've seen from Trump voters is that they are willing to excuse his hateful speech, usually because it doesn't affect them so they don't care.

If someone truly voted for Trump for everything other than his discrimination & bigotry, then I'd like to see them not being silent on issues that affect the very people they say they don't discriminate against. But that's not what's happening.

The very people who voted for Trump are more interested in telling everyone that they aren't bigots rather than actually showing solidarity on issues that affect minorities, and it will continue that way until their actions show otherwise.

You're imposing your norms on the situation which is going to be problematic . Many Trump voters don't view these issues through the lens of liberal identity politics, they simply want economic changes by way of economic nationalism.
You're imposing your norms on the situation which is going to be problematic . Many Trump voters don't view these issues through the lens of liberal identity politics, they simply want economic changes by way of economic nationalism.

Not accepting racism shouldn't be seen as "liberal identity politics", it's pretty much common decency.

So if you aren't racist or discriminatory in any other way, why not object to someone who uses language to perpetuate bigotry?
You can still get your economic changes the two aren't mutually exclusive.
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