The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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In fairness the plane won't come into service till what would be mid way through his second term... and that's assuming it all runs to its timetable (and military procurement rarely does)
So really what he is doing is saying the next president can't have a new plane
But as a taxpayer I would like to know why a $378.5 million plane (business class) will cost 4 billion? A spacex rocket - the Falcon 9 costs $60 million and will supply the ISS, so what the hell they have in the airplane? They still have jets escorting them, satellites checking for anything that moves around the plane...
But as a taxpayer I would like to know why a $378.5 million plane (business class) will cost 4 billion? A spacex rocket - the Falcon 9 costs $60 million and will supply the ISS, so what the hell they have in the airplane? They still have jets escorting them, satellites checking for anything that moves around the plane...

It's a costum plane. Always waaaaay more expensive then a regular one because there is much less mass production involved. Also, communication and Defense measures.
But as a taxpayer I would like to know why a $378.5 million plane (business class) will cost 4 billion? A spacex rocket - the Falcon 9 costs $60 million and will supply the ISS, so what the hell they have in the airplane? They still have jets escorting them, satellites checking for anything that moves around the plane...
Per use (currently).

More importantly does anyone know where Trump got the 4bn figure from?
But as a taxpayer I would like to know why a $378.5 million plane (business class) will cost 4 billion? A spacex rocket - the Falcon 9 costs $60 million and will supply the ISS, so what the hell they have in the airplane? They still have jets escorting them, satellites checking for anything that moves around the plane...

A. They don't have jets escorting them, only in emergencies. Especially no guarantee of fighter escort nearby when the President is abroad. So the plane must provide for its own defense, and all those systems must be custom built.

B. The last sentence is the explanation for everything else really. Besides the fact that its a 747 airframe and base systems, even the base systems and design will probably have hundreds of engineering man-hours spent examining it for any changes given special requirements. Then a custom project is undertaken, parts, systems, etc are custom built, which means that there might be custom built machinery. The problem is that there is no scale, it will all be done to build 2 planes and that is it. If you built 100 Air Force Ones then the unit cost would certainly be down.

C. Terrible example with the Falcon 9, it has a 7% failure rate. Would you fly around in something like that? Would you want the President to?

D. You should send your resume to the Trump team, they could put you in charge of DoD procurement.

But as a taxpayer I would like to know why a $378.5 million plane (business class) will cost 4 billion? A spacex rocket - the Falcon 9 costs $60 million and will supply the ISS, so what the hell they have in the airplane? They still have jets escorting them, satellites checking for anything that moves around the plane...
In fairness boeing have asked how trump has come up with that figure as their contract is for 170 million...
There has been no decision over if they will buy 2 or 3 planes and what the specifications will be (mid air refuling, armour, internal specs, missile defence, countermeasures etc)
Yup. Although I'd go further and say pretending to sacrifice, he'll be 'told' it's too far along and would cost more to bin, so he'll just have to use it. All the while slating it, of course.

"Before me, we forgot how to make deals."

My new favourite quote works here:

Karl Rove, senior adviser to George W. Bush, echoed Kissinger’s philosophy word for word. In conversation with journalist Ron Suskind, Rove said that guys like Suskind are “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
I think people underestimate how dangerous this is. The IDEA that someone can just make something up and mass people believe, is extremely worry. I remember a documentary about how the genocide in Rwanda happened. You hear on radio that your neighbour of ten years is a demon and you automatically believe.

Or Milan Star Dreams of United.

Overvalued anyway, fecking speculators. EPS is the only thing that matters to real investors.

EPS is for people that like paying taxes. I want EBITDA and high leverage! (I'm not being very serious, lets not go off on an investment analysis tangent)
EPS is for people that like paying taxes. I want EBITDA and high leverage! (I'm not being very serious, lets not go off on an investment analysis tangent)

I was teaching an investment person from Brazil this week and he kept firing around terms like EBITDA and I was like, "Aha, hmm, yes, I see".
I was teaching an investment person from Brazil this week and he kept firing around terms like EBITDA and I was like, "Aha, hmm, yes, I see".

Haha. I hate people that throw around technical terms to sound smarter, and try my best to avoid it. But Dwazza started it!
All policies are for sale! (I mean, he didn't get paid directly, but apparently you just need to pay someone who has access to the pres and he'll go ahead with anything anyone says)

Bob Dole’s lobbying Donald Trump on Taiwan went far beyond a congratulatory phone call from Taiwan’s president.

Dole, the only past Republican presidential nominee to endorse Trump before the election, briefed the campaign’s policy director, set up meetings between campaign staff and Taiwanese emissaries, arranged for Taiwan’s delegation to attend the Republican National Convention, and helped tilt the party platform further in the island’s favor, the disclosure released to POLITICO shows. He even arranged for members of Taiwan’s ruling party to take a White House tour, according to the filing.

Taiwan paid the 93-year-old Dole and his law firm, Alston & Bird, $140,000 between May and October, according to the new disclosure. His spokeswoman declined to comment.
And these idiots (yes, Politico is my site of the day):

“It’s up to him — it’s his plane,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “If he can get it done cheaper, good.”

The committee’s chairman, John McCain, said it was Trump’s “prerogative” to question the costs of the new planes.

“It’s going to be his airplane,” said the Arizona Republican. “I’m concerned about the costs as well.”

No you numbnuts! Its the plane of the Office. This whole thing led me to reread the account of 9/11 and Bush's movements. What that plane can and can't do is important at a time of emergency, and the President doesn't get to call all the shots in his life. GWB wanted to go back to D.C., Secret Service said no and said it was their prerogative per the law. But I guess those will soon be remembered as 'the good times', when people cared about laws, offices, and shit.
It's a costum plane. Always waaaaay more expensive then a regular one because there is much less mass production involved. Also, communication and Defense measures.
The airplane they will use is a business model plane so they will have to add more communications because they will have to be in contact with the jets and who knows more, defense contracts are the biggest scam for the taxpayers anything worth a dollar will cost thousands.
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