Correctly predicted Portugal to win Euro 2016
The price was 3.2 billions and going upTrump wiped off millions from Boeings share price by lying about cost of developing new air force one.
The price was 3.2 billions and going upTrump wiped off millions from Boeings share price by lying about cost of developing new air force one.
The airplane they will use is a business model plane so they will have to add more communications because they will have to be in contact with the jets and who knows more, defense contracts are the biggest scam for the taxpayers anything worth a dollar will cost thousands.
The price was 3.2 billions and going up
I don't get why all these liberals say everything Trump does is wrong.He's won the presidency. Support him and let him make the most of it. I tune in on the CNN and some of the things which are said completely disgust me. They continuously insult the intelligence of the electorate and get away with it.
For TWO planes. List price for a standard one is $370m. Obviously these will be nothing remotely like standard - they're mobile command centres for the world's most heavily armed nation, able to withstand an EMP from a nuclear weapon.
No man, just buy a used Cessna 172 with a UHF radio. It's all good.
The airplane they will use is a business model plane so they will have to add more communications because they will have to be in contact with the jets and who knows more, defense contracts are the biggest scam for the taxpayers anything worth a dollar will cost thousands.
I don't get why all these liberals say everything Trump does is wrong.He's won the presidency. Support him and let him make the most of it. I tune in on the CNN and some of the things which are said completely disgust me. They continuously insult the intelligence of the electorate and get away with it.
The airplane they will use is a business model plane so they will have to add more communications because they will have to be in contact with the jets and who knows more, defense contracts are the biggest scam for the taxpayers anything worth a dollar will cost thousands.
I don't get why all these liberals say everything Trump does is wrong.He's won the presidency. Support him and let him make the most of it. I tune in on the CNN and some of the things which are said completely disgust me. They continuously insult the intelligence of the electorate and get away with it.
Some of the conjecture from the Trump fanbase about Air Force One is just hilariously stupid. The capabilities of these two aircraft are incredible and they are there for a reason. The idea that Trump is going to come in and make the military procurement and R&D process more efficient, is also wonderfully laughable.
Supporting someone just because they won (not by every measure, as he lost the popular vote), and did so on a platform of hate, misinformation, lies, intolerance, and with a history of alleged sexual assault, would be to sell out your soul. At least, this is how I am sure most people feel. As someone who lives within, applauds, and is married into, a multi-cultural world; there is nothing that could abhor me more than supporting a main stream, misogynistic, bigot like Donald Trump. He will never be my President. The fact he got voted in, tells us two things about the electorate (1) There is a lot of closet racism and misogyny out there, even more than we were aware of, and (2) People are incredibly, fecking stupid. The vast majority of people who voted for Trump has voted against their own self interests, have no concept that 95% of his facts are just made up lies or exaggerations, and are completely oblivious to the potential consequences domestically and internationally, of having this clown in office.
So to be frank, the more people that stand up and make it as difficult as possible for this man to execute his agenda, the better. To do otherwise is to say you are ok with hate, with racism, to sexual violence against women, and to perpetuate the hugely damaging myths that globally significant phenomena like climate change, don't exist. I have a daughter. She's biracial too. I want her to grow up in a world where she isn't discriminated against because of her colour, is free to choose what to so with her own body, is seen as an equal to any man, is free to pursue whichever sexual preference she desires, and has clean air to breathe.
feck Donald Trump, and feck anyone who supports him.
Keep saying that everyone who supported Trump is an ignorant racist, as the main stream media and the leadership of the Democratic party are doing and you will find Trump reelected in 2020.
One thing I understand, the stock markets are the cancer of our world, they created the mess in 2008, they are the reason why people lose jobs, they are the reason why our world are so polluted when moving factories abroad knowing is not only cheap labor they would get but a complete crime against the environment, the so called investors are really gamblers with no respect to human life and they are the biggest hypocrites. That's my opinion and obvious you work for the stock market "e cada um puxa a brasa para a sua sardinha"Since you seem to understand nothing in general, maybe go read and try and understand this topic in particular (yeah, right):
Calling Trump supporters ignorant racists isn't what elected Trump. It's them being ignorant racists. Therefore, we should continue to call ignorant racists, exactly what they are; ignorant racists.
"Hey Guys, Donald Trump is eroding civil liberities, and actively promoting discrimination. What should we do?"
"Shhhhhhh!!!! Whatever you do, just don't accuse those in favour of discrimination, YOU FOOL!"
Buuuuuuuuullshit.I think it had some effect in electing him. Clinton's comment about a basket of deplorables, maligned millions of people. It pissed off a lot of people and made them determined to vote against her.
What I am saying is that there has been no attempt by those who opposed Trump to understand why they lost. They are blaming it on a "whitelash" by ignorant racist Trump supporters, an unfair media or Conway's letter. There is no attempt to analyze their own short comings.
Attacking those who supported Trump won't help. By all means call out those that are racists, but blanket accusations against all his supporters will not do anything to lessen the divide the US finds itself in.
I think it had some effect in electing him. Clinton's comment about a basket of deplorables, maligned millions of people. It pissed off a lot of people and made them determined to vote against her.
What I am saying is that there has been no attempt by those who opposed Trump to understand why they lost. They are blaming it on a "whitelash" by ignorant racist Trump supporters, an unfair media or Conway's letter. There is no attempt to analyze their own short comings.
Attacking those who supported Trump won't help. By all means call out those that are racists, but blanket accusations against all his supporters will not do anything to lessen the divide the US finds itself in.
Some of the conjecture from the Trump fanbase about Air Force One is just hilariously stupid. The capabilities of these two aircraft are incredible and they are there for a reason. The idea that Trump is going to come in and make the military procurement and R&D process more efficient, is also wonderfully laughable.
Supporting someone just because they won (not by every measure, as he lost the popular vote), and did so on a platform of hate, misinformation, lies, intolerance, and with a history of alleged sexual assault, would be to sell out your soul. At least, this is how I am sure most people feel. As someone who lives within, applauds, and is married into, a multi-cultural world; there is nothing that could abhor me more than supporting a main stream, misogynistic, bigot like Donald Trump. He will never be my President. The fact he got voted in, tells us two things about the electorate (1) There is a lot of closet racism and misogyny out there, even more than we were aware of, and (2) People are incredibly, fecking stupid. The vast majority of people who voted for Trump has voted against their own self interests, have no concept that 95% of his facts are just made up lies or exaggerations, and are completely oblivious to the potential consequences domestically and internationally, of having this clown in office.
So to be frank, the more people that stand up and make it as difficult as possible for this man to execute his agenda, the better. To do otherwise is to say you are ok with hate, with racism, to sexual violence against women, and to perpetuate the hugely damaging myths that globally significant phenomena like climate change, don't exist. I have a daughter. She's biracial too. I want her to grow up in a world where she isn't discriminated against because of her colour, is free to choose what to so with her own body, is seen as an equal to any man, is free to pursue whichever sexual preference she desires, and has clean air to breathe.
feck Donald Trump, and feck anyone who supports him.
What a self aggrandizing post - full of the very hate you so righteously despise.
We thank you though - it's your mentality of being better than everyone else that ended up putting him in office.
Why should one attempt to "lessen" the divide between ideological positions, one of which is built on intolerance and hate? In this day and age there should be a zero tolerance policy towards it.
See, I understand what you are trying to do; and to an extent I agree with it. If one was looking to build a political machine capable of winning a general election, then there is much you would do differently about the democratic strategy. But, I think it is important not to get the two subjects mixed up. On the one hand there has been raucous conversation about overhauling the Democratic's Party electoral machine, including the ill fated reliance on grass-roots campaigning; as well as innumerable analysis on not only Clinton's approach to her campaign, but also whether she was an electable candidate in the first place. All very important and valid discussions. Yet, on the other hand, we have to have a social and cultural discussion about tolerance, and equality. Average members of society, like myself, as well as news organizations, should be able to discuss these matters openly and honestly.
I am not a Democratic Party strategist. I am not campaigning for office. I am not beholden to the vagaries and complexities of modern politics. I'm just a normal guy, standing up for decency and making my voice heard against the oppressive and intolerant. I'm also decrying the inability or unwillingness of a large percentage of the electorate to be able to differentiate between fiction and fact, and to sink to the lowest common denominator. Again, as a member of society, this is a significant concern to me and points towards an instant gratification, sensationalist, intolerant, blame culture which is gaining a national foothold.
Many news networks, such as CNN, tried to depict the information as accurately as possible. They are now being lambasted by some for their approach to Trump, his lies, his actions etc. Yet, their job is to report the news. When the President Elect does something unconventional or controversial then the headline reads "President Elect acts controversially or unconventionally". They don't make the news, they just report it. [Insert partisan satirical jibe here]
Democratic strategists have their work cut out for them on how to win the hearts and minds of those who don't bother to verify their information. Those voters who vote on single, personalized issues, and those voters who are not capable, or not concerned, with understanding a holistic approach to national leadership. It's a difficult task, because as we've seen people often vote based on emotion, or protest.
Either way, these are not the issues I have to resolve. I am standing up for myself, and for my family, and for everyone with a sense of decency. And, with that in mind, I'll say again that Trump supporters are all fecking idiots who either (a) don't understand the issues, (b) are bigots, or (c) are purely self interested, damning the consequences.
I disagree with your opinion about CNN, I find them very biased. You are right about their job being to report the news, but that is not what any of the media, on either side do these days They all try to make news or at least influence people's opinion towards their views.
All politics are personal, people tend to vote for someone they think best represents their issues. Most voters are looking at their own bottom line. I don't think there are many voters thinking about a holistic approach to national leadership. Even you by standing up for yourself and your family while commendable and understanding, are making it personal.
What a self aggrandizing post - full of the very hate you so righteously despise.
We thank you though - it's your mentality of being better than everyone else that ended up putting him in office.
This old argument, who are these people that voted for him just because of the 'nasty' things the left were saying?
I don't get why all these liberals say everything Trump does is wrong.He's won the presidency. Support him and let him make the most of it. I tune in on the CNN and some of the things which are said completely disgust me. They continuously insult the intelligence of the electorate and get away with it.
That sure is a big brush in which you paint. I really don't care if you hate the likes of me or anyone else - won't change my life one bit. My guess is you know nothing about me.
Your stance is entirely hypocritical - but my guess is that you can't see that at all. Personally, I hope many that hold the same opinion and amount of hate for anyone that don't share their views, like yourself, scream as loud as you can. The self righteous attitude will do wonders for the Democratic Party - and continue the free fall they are in.
You can hold your racist, misogynist signs as high as you can, but you and I both know the .01% of people you are trying to reach aren't listening. The other 99.9% of us that you so desperately despise will get a good laugh however. The fact that you and those that share your views can't grasp that is exactly why Trump is President.
Reminds me very much of my 7 year old when she doesn't get dessert after dinner.
Calm down a bit and enjoy your family, sounds like they are very important to you.
I think it had some effect in electing him. Clinton's comment about a basket of deplorables, maligned millions of people. It pissed off a lot of people and made them determined to vote against her.
What I am saying is that there has been no attempt by those who opposed Trump to understand why they lost. They are blaming it on a "whitelash" by ignorant racist Trump supporters, an unfair media or Conway's letter. There is no attempt to analyze their own short comings.
Attacking those who supported Trump won't help. By all means call out those that are racists, but blanket accusations against all his supporters will not do anything to lessen the divide the US finds itself in.
You say I am hypocritical, but fail to demonstrate why.
You say people like me will scream to the high heavens about racism and misogyny, but people like you will just laugh.....I mean, you've pretty much made my entire argument for me.
You are right that I know little about you. All I know is your stance on this political and ideological issue; and frankly, that is enough.
The idea that people are fundamentally decent, is truly dying.
Sorry but this is nonsense. There's been a lot of discussion on the more liberal left as to why Trump won, with many directing blame to more liberal, globalisation types: namely that globalisation is leaving people behind, that political correctness is something more conservative types get annoyed by, that Clinton and many centrist parties don't have a strong appeal etc. This has been a massive, massive topic of discussion.
Of course, there are certain factors that have to be noted - Trump didn't win the vote; he won the election based on an outdated, silly electoral system. As far as votes go, Clinton managed to beat him quite soundly in the end and continues to extend her lead.
And while I do think there's a lot that centrists/liberals need to do in regards to looking inwards in the US and across Europe, there's can only be so much apologism. Not everyone (and probably not the majority) of people who voted Trump is overtly racist, bigoted or sexist, but they've still ultimately voted for a sexist bigot who ran a campaign with elements of white nationalism behind it. That can't be denied, and yes, we need to see what can be done to reverse this and win such voters back over, but the harsh truth remains that...well, yeah, they voted for a bigot.
Basically, the liberal left need to take a good, long, hard look at themselves, but they can't be held responsible for the actions of Trump, or of his more abhorrent supporters. America have chosen a slightly unhinged, irresponsible, petty and perhaps even dangerous man to lead them. A significant portion of the country knew this about that man, and didn't vote for him. If it all goes wrong...well, they're not the ones to blame.
I still hold a strong belief that people are fundamentally decent - the difference is that my belief holds true even when they don't hold the same views as myself.
I love Simon.
Fundamentally decent people wouldn't vote for a racist and misogynist. That is oxymoronic.
If one is going to vote for a candidate who espouses political standpoints which are, widely regarded, as socially abhorrent; then one has to accept that vote taking a formative role in people's identity construction of them.
In other words, if you vote for a racist, people are gonna think you're a dick.
This isn't even about right vs left. Large swarths of the established right distanced or disavowed themselves from him. This election has transcended the traditional political spectrum and moved into a cultural, race and information war.
Then he has not trafficked drugs into / out of china... has in fact committed no offence there so to suggest he faces the death penalty is I would suggest somebody embellishing things a littleHe was caught in Maryland US not Taiwan or China.
This is spot on!I think it had some effect in electing him. Clinton's comment about a basket of deplorables, maligned millions of people. It pissed off a lot of people and made them determined to vote against her.
What I am saying is that there has been no attempt by those who opposed Trump to understand why they lost. They are blaming it on a "whitelash" by ignorant racist Trump supporters, an unfair media or Conway's letter. There is no attempt to analyze their own short comings.
Attacking those who supported Trump won't help. By all means call out those that are racists, but blanket accusations against all his supporters will not do anything to lessen the divide the US finds itself in.
I'll explain how it works
country needs to control immigration...RACIST!
We have too many on welfare and need to improve job creation...RACIST!
Makes a snide comment (I'll agree it was stupid) about grabbing p...MISOGYNIST!
- dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women.
"she felt she was struggling against thinly disguised misogyny"
Wow... we are a failed fecking species... evolution is over and we are devolving at a startling rate... I blame twitter