The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So, Dutch media reporting that Trump actually did very well on the live meeting with leaders of parliament even earning praise from CNN? How? Why? I like it when he melts down, not when he appears to be sane :)
Just watched the Jake Tapper interview with Stephen Miller and holy shit!

He has got to be the most obnoxious and creepiest sycophant I've ever seen on tv:lol:
Just watched the Jake Tapper interview with Stephen Miller and holy shit!

He has got to be the most obnoxious and creepiest sycophant I've ever seen on tv:lol:

There's a bit in Wolff's book saying they can barely even let him out in public without him having a screeching row with someone. :lol:
He sounds like the USA were a black hole before he became president. The companies were fleeding the country and there were many unemployed.

Trump just ballsed up again. The administration actually supports the FISA bill and he's had to backtrack.

Good going President fecknuts...

He will regret winding up the Pakistanis as they had previously allowed NATO convoys safe passage from Karachi through two ports of entry into Afghanistan. If more troops are needed in Afghanistan, then NATO will need that route reestablished, which will be a problem if Trump is still throwing twitter tantrums about Pakistan.
He will regret winding up the Pakistanis as they had previously allowed NATO convoys safe passage from Karachi through two ports of entry into Afghanistan. If more troops are needed in Afghanistan, then NATO will need that route reestablished, which will be a problem if Trump is still throwing twitter tantrums about Pakistan.

Now there seems basically no reason for Pakistan to allow it. I'd also expect them to condemn the US if there's any more drone strikes on Pakistani soil.
I knew since Trump has been in office that the Dems resistance of Trump is only down his lack of respecting political norms, they have no problem with his policies.

Stuff like this is a good reminder that the US doesn't have a truly left leaning major party.
Yeah the Republicans are all for small government unless it's something they morally disagree with. And they tend to disagree with most things morally. So long as it's not them doing it, in which case they'll wave a blind eye.
Has it ever been a goal of the Democrats to reduce those?

Censorship _ I think so. Certainly, Dem-appointed SC judges have been pro-civil rights as compared to GOP-appointees (broadly speaking).
About surveillance - depends on political context. They were very opposed during Nixon (google Church Committee) and somewhat opposed during Bush, and mostly supportive under Obama. I don't think GOP ever opposed surveillance.
Stuff like this is a good reminder that the US doesn't have a truly left leaning major party.
I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure when polled most american are happy enough with left learning policy, the problem is as you've said there is no one offering anything close to those sort of policies. And I think unlike in the UK where the Left was able to really influence the Labour Party, I don't there's any chance of that happening with the Dems(Mainly due the way the party is structured)

119 Dems voted against it, guys.
Couple here or there fair enough but 65 is still a hell of a lot of votes.

There he goes again.

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said, according to these people, referring to African countries and Haiti. He then suggested that the United States should instead bring more people from countries like Norway, whose prime minister he met yesterday.
That thing about him always being influenced by the last thing he's heard is totally true.
I might be wrong but I'm pretty when polled most american are happy enough with left learning policy, the problem with as you said is that there is no one offering anything close to those sort of policies. And I think unlike in the UK where the Left was able to really influence the Labour Party, I don't there's any chance of that happening with the Dems(Mainly due the way the party is structured)

The problem isn't getting people to support the idea of left-leaning ideas but more so selling actual policy to them with a barrage of criticism coming from the other side. I'd imagine a lot of people like the idea of universal healthcare but would soon start to cave with the right referring to anyone backing it as a socialist or commie etc, and criticising how much it'd cost etc.

There's a slightly similar problem here in the UK with many (at least pre-election) having been more supportive of Corbyn's policies until they realised it was him advocating them, but it's definitely much bigger in the US with basic principles over here like universal healthcare not being a thing at all. But I'd imagine with the right backing and general societal shifts they'll get there eventually.
Censorship _ I think so. Certainly, Dem-appointed SC judges have been pro-civil rights as compared to GOP-appointees (broadly speaking).
About surveillance - depends on political context. They were very opposed during Nixon (google Church Committee) and somewhat opposed during Bush, and mostly supportive under Obama. I don't think GOP ever opposed surveillance.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding. I'm not sure that being relatively pro-civil rights in general is directly indicative to actively opposing censorship.

Thanks for the info.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding. I'm not sure that being relatively pro-civil rights in general is directly indicative to actively opposing censorship.

Thanks for the info.

Ah, sorry, I meant 1st amendment type stuff when I was talking about civil rights.
Examples - cases I knew nothing about, taken from here, all follow the pattern
the concurrences here (Brennan, Marshall, Douglas Black):

Dissents in these 3- , here - ,
The problem isn't getting people to support the idea of left-leaning ideas but more so selling actual policy to them with a barrage of criticism coming from the other side. I'd imagine a lot of people like the idea of universal healthcare but would soon start to cave with the right referring to anyone backing it as a socialist or commie etc, and criticising how much it'd cost etc.

There's a slightly similar problem here in the UK with many (at least pre-election) having been more supportive of Corbyn's policies until they realised it was him advocating them, but it's definitely much bigger in the US with basic principles over here like universal healthcare not being a thing at all. But I'd imagine with the right backing and general societal shifts they'll get there eventually.
There is that but I do the ''Red Scare''(Although it has to be expected as the only people offering left learning policy is the far left) stuff is overdone a bit, Labour still did very well in the election, Bernie is at the moment the most popular politician in the US. And I would say that the fact Trump is the US President shows that if people are offered something(With Trump it was racism, sexism, xenophobia, nostalgia and change) that people will vote for it regardless.

Also one of the many many reasons I wished Bernie would have won the primary was because of the potential red scare memorabilia. This is republican attack on Lee Carter from the DSA


Oh and Carter was completely without party funding and still beat the republicans.:devil:
Ah, sorry, I meant 1st amendment type stuff when I was talking about civil rights.
Examples - cases I knew nothing about, taken from here, all follow the pattern
the concurrences here (Brennan, Marshall, Douglas Black):

Dissents in these 3- , here - ,
Appreciate it.
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