The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Looks like a nice meltdown newscycle where journos have to repeatedly use the word shithole on live tv.

There he goes again.

That thing about him always being influenced by the last thing he's heard is totally true.

Because their countries are undeveloped and so they are looking for a better future abroad? Maybe trying to help their countries to develop would be the first step to stop them from getting into the USA? I guess it is too difficult to understand for him.
As an outsider I wonder how the good folks of the Bible Belt take all this. I am acquainted with their abhorrence of profanity. Will that Trump the racism card?
This cnut is probably the worst world leader there has been for many many years.
It's fecking hilarious.
I can't say I see it beyond the beady eyes, to be honest.

You need to Cartman goatee image to see it better.

To be fair, almost all the legal immigrants who enter the States are coming with a higher education regardless of the country of origin, they realise they'll make more money with their education there than in their home country.

The majority of low skilled and low educated immigrants are entering the States through the visa lottery system.
Gaaah the third person thing again. Is this like a Prestige thing and he's subtly giving us hints?
Van Jones makes a fantastic point, imagine if Obama said that he doesn't want any immigrants from shit hole countries like Ireland or Norway, he wants only Africans :lol:

They would probably burn Obama alive in the white house :lol:
Van Jones makes a fantastic point, imagine if Obama said that he doesn't want any immigrants from shit hole countries like Ireland or Norway, he wants only Africans :lol:

They would probably burn Obama alive in the white house :lol:
The fact that this isn't even a big deal shows how low things have gone.
He's a digital producer for MSNBC who has made a name for himself as an aggregator of breaking news over the past couple of years.

Surprised he's still doing it as some NBC execs & staff weren't too happy with his & Jaffy's accounts.

Jaffy's account has been pretty dormant for a while, so it looks like he was pressured to stop.
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