The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Something big must be ready to drop

I think he's just generally pissed that the Dem's played an excellent hand and completely wiped out the Republican tactics regarding Fusion GPS and Steele. Where do they try to take the narrative from here?

Fusion GPS have shown themselves to be an independent group rather than pro Democrat like they were trying to paint them.


Didn't answer the question other than to suggest his pre-conceived view of no collusion means no interview.

That tells me he is absolutely bricking it at the thought of going under oath for fear of perjuring himself

Didn't answer the question other than to suggest his pre-conceived view of no collusion means no interview.

That tells me he is absolutely bricking it at the thought of going under oath for fear of perjuring himself

It’s hell for him isn’t it. He’s used to barefaced lying, the thought that not only can he not do that but also that he doesn’t know exactly how much they have on him is his worst nightmare. A control freak completely out of control.
It’s hell for him isn’t it. He’s used to barefaced lying, the thought that not only can he not do that but also that he doesn’t know exactly how much they have on him is his worst nightmare. A control freak completely out of control.

Hilarious how he squandered the entire answer by immediately pivoting to no collusion. Must be humiliating for him to deal with these sort of questions in front of foreign leaders.
Hilarious how he squandered the entire answer by immediately pivoting to no collusion. Must be humiliating for him to deal with these sort of questions in front of foreign leaders.

If the interrogation interview was pay per view, I think I’d happily take out a mortgage to pay for it.
Is this the praise Trump was talking about?

Wow, he's starting to lose his base and starting to piss his main supporters off. Tucker was spot on there from a Republican point of view. The tide has started to turn.... Trump could be in serious trouble now. He has to be very careful indeed.
Does he realise that the phrase 'witch hunt' is not figurative? That the real one led to 20 people being killed because of lies leading to mass hysteria? The irony of this is clearly lost on him.
He doesn't know his ass from his elbow. He thinks to be funny, while he is just a sad moron.
Sky need to update their CNN schedule. Cuomo is on now bit still showing as Anderson Cooper.

That's cos CNN are demoing Cuomo's new show for 3 weeks to see how it goes. If he does well he will likely get a permeanent slot (hopefully to replace Don 'Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy'
This is fecking awful. She just talks over him and ignores the question and he just keeps repeating himself.

Saying that though, he just got her there with the Don JR meeting. She fecked up.

Gonna assume prolly not the MMA fighter...

Think he turned up on Newsnight once or twice.


This is fecking awful. She just talks over him and ignores the question and he just keeps repeating himself.

Saying that though, he just got her there with the Don JR meeting. She fecked up.

She always comes on trying to look dignified until Cuomo winds her up and she loses the act and reverts to her normal Jersey Girl self.
She just said.... on live TV... "Don't be a banana"

Lmfao :lol:

Also, a fecking wall stopping drugs coming over the border is the worst ever argument. I don't know how she keeps a straight face. Surely she knows she's just talking pure shite?

And on that note, she's basically selling her soul.

"Trump is doing a great job as a unifier" Fml!

His next Tweet in 3....2....1...

Kellyanne destroys the FAKE NEWS liberal poster boy Cuomo. Democrats raging and only want to obstruct.... Hillary is crying.. SAD!
Here we go... someone talking about drugs that hasn't got a fecking clue about them.

Stop calling it a war you melon! Stop treating addicts as criminals and start treating it as a disease/illness. Then look at legalising drugs to remove the criminal element and also guarantee quality and to tax them. Use the tax for education and rehabilitation.


Rocket science it is not.
She's clearly talking to impress Trump (who is no doubt in his PJs with a Big Mac and smartphone right now).
She's clearly talking to impress Trump (who is no doubt in his PJs with a Big Mac and smartphone right now).

:lol: she's struggling more than usual because I don't think she believes what she's saying. Definitely trying to impress the audience of one again.
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