The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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'Rouge judges'! They thought the lore, and the lore one.
Does he believe people really give a damn whether others are praising him? Big frickin' deal...
Does he believe people really give a damn whether others are praising him? Big frickin' deal...
It's unreal that he goes on 30 second tangents about people praising him (interspersed with undoubted lies) and we take it as normal now. It's tinpot dictator behaviour.

Don't get me started on referring to himself in the third person.
It's always funny seeing him claim to be the most hard done-by President in history when some of them were literally shot in the face.
He's too fecking thick to realise if he changes the libel laws to be more in line with what he have here in the UK, then he will be the one to suffer due to all the lies he comes out with. It would backfire massively on him.
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