The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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To be fair, I do that with the last piece of Pizza, too. This way I have some of the best for last, not some crust.
But only with the last piece. Anything else would be insane.
To be fair, I do that with the last piece of Pizza, too. This way I have some of the best for last, not some crust.
But only with the last piece. Anything else would be insane.

Next time, please slap yourself on my behalf.:nono:

being, like, really smart.
Donald Trump was purportedly among 200 individuals whose names were submitted for consideration for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Snopes. Humanity is ready for implosion
Christ! I should have known it :lol:.

We don't deserve it :(. It's a torture :wenger:
To be fair, I do that with the last piece of Pizza, too. This way I have some of the best for last, not some crust.
But only with the last piece. Anything else would be insane.
:nono: The crust is for holding dammit....
Trump at Camp David said:
Just so you understand, there's been no collusion. There's been no crime. And in theory, everybody tells me I'm not under investigation. Maybe Hillary is, I don't know, but I'm not.

@Silva that last bit reminds me of this:

obama got one and then kill hundreds with drones

What does it matter if it was with drones, or with B2 bombers? I'm pretty critical of US foreign policy in regards to meddling around the world, but I honestly don't understand the gripe over a drone vs a B2. A bomb is a bomb, a missile is a missile, is your issue with it, that the guy flying the drone is sitting in an air-conditioned trailer in Arizona or something?
What does it matter if it was with drones, or with B2 bombers? I'm pretty critical of US foreign policy in regards to meddling around the world, but I honestly don't understand the gripe over a drone vs a B2. A bomb is a bomb, a missile is a missile, is your issue with it, that the guy flying the drone is sitting in an air-conditioned trailer in Arizona or something?

It doesn't. But Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize and also used more drones than any other president. Seemed like an easy way to make the point.
It doesn't. But Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize and also used more drones than any other president. Seemed like an easy way to make the point.

I see. Well, he also had access to more drones than any other president! Emerging technology and all that. I agree, it's sort of weird to give someone a peace prize, when the country he is now the leader of tends to kill more people than any other country. Maybe that's why they gave it to him the moment he walked in the door? They knew 5 minutes later he'd have a body count?! Messed up thing to joke about, but, yea.
I see. Well, he also had access to more drones than any other president! Emerging technology and all that. I agree, it's sort of weird to give someone a peace prize, when the country he is now the leader of tends to kill more people than any other country. Maybe that's why they gave it to him the moment he walked in the door? They knew 5 minutes later he'd have a body count?! Messed up thing to joke about, but, yea.
I was always under the impression that he got the award for the perceived (in the eyes of the award committee) healing of the US racial divide by getting elected.
I was always under the impression that he got the award for the perceived (in the eyes of the award committee) healing of the US racial divide by getting elected.

Don't disagree, that's why it would be sensible to give it to him as soon as he took office. The committee would have known that he would be authorizing kill missions. Also, as it turns out he didn't exactly heal the racial divide. If anything, reactionary racist retards are worse now than they were before.
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