The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's not qualified in the slightest is he? Also it might just be me but Zuckerberg comes across as a real creep to me.

Actually building and running a worldwide empire from nothing while resembling some intelligence surely isn't the worst qualification you can get from a potential president in the US these days.
He's not qualified in the slightest is he? Also it might just be me but Zuckerberg comes across as a real creep to me.
Again in a matter of perspective, he is widely regarded as a progressive, intelligent man. That would define his main policies. There is no specific qualification required to be a president. And if he is a creep what is the current WH resident?
This can't be real life. We've been taken over by an alien race who has put our brains in vats and is simulating the dumbest shit they can think of. Possibly with the help of a coked up hollywood writer.
Go and read transcripts of his interviews or of his speeches. He can't keep on subject, rambles inanely and repeats himself and words over and over again. I think that's a clear sign he's not rowing with both oars and the cheese has slid off his cracker.

I agree he is as thick as shit too though. Just very calculating and deceptive so smart in not a nice way.

I believe that he rambles and fails to keep on subjects because he knows very little about any subject, I was actually going to ask american posters if they have every seen him talk about anything in depth. He has a very limited vocabulary and he is unable to even mimic the demographic he has lived with for +70 years. I wouldn't be surprised if his IQ was in the 70 range, he doesn't seem average at all.
I believe that he rambles and fails to keep on subjects because he knows very little about any subject, I was actually going to ask american posters if they have every seen him talk about anything in depth. He has a very limited vocabulary and he is unable to even mimic the demographic he has lived with for +70 years. I wouldn't be surprised if his IQ was in the 70 range, he doesn't seem average at all.

Really? That low? Isn't that in itself a sign of mental illness?

Genius is 130+ and he sure as feck isn't anywhere near that. I agree about his vocabulary though, It's awful and he always seems impressed when he uses a big word that you can tell he just learned recently.

Many say he was more articulate when he was younger, and I agree to a certain extent, but he still wasn't ever a wordsmith or very eloquent and articulate. I love the fact people have actually asked him if he can read :lol:
Really? That low? Isn't that in itself a sign of mental illness?

Genius is 130+ and he sure as feck isn't anywhere near that. I agree about his vocabulary though, It's awful and he always seems impressed when he uses a big word that you can tell he just learned recently.

Many say he was more articulate when he was younger, and I agree to a certain extent, but he still wasn't ever a wordsmith or very eloquent and articulate. I love the fact people have actually asked him if he can read :lol:
70 is Borderline Extremely Low or Borderline Impaired or Delayed.
IQ Range Classification
Above 145 Genius or near genius
130-145 Very superior
115-130 Superior
85-115 Normal
70-85 Dullness
Below 70 Borderline deficiency

Well, 45 seems appropriate for Drumpf.
Really? That low? Isn't that in itself a sign of mental illness?

Genius is 130+ and he sure as feck isn't anywhere near that. I agree about his vocabulary though, It's awful and he always seems impressed when he uses a big word that you can tell he just learned recently.

Many say he was more articulate when he was younger, and I agree to a certain extent, but he still wasn't ever a wordsmith or very eloquent and articulate. I love the fact people have actually asked him if he can read :lol:

Maybe that's where I'm wrong about the mental illness part but If I'm not mistaken dullness isn't a mental illness, just a deficiency and it's not akin to mental instability. Anyway, there is something wrong with him, he isn't playing dumb(I used to think that he was) and he isn't "average" dumb.
IQ Range Classification
Above 145 Genius or near genius
130-145 Very superior
115-130 Superior
85-115 Normal
70-85 Dullness
Below 70 Borderline deficiency

Well, 45 seems appropriate for Drumpf.

Cheers mate. I thought 130+ was genius. Dunno where I got that from.

Maybe that's where I'm wrong about the mental illness part but If I'm not mistaken dullness isn't a mental illness, just a deficiency and it's not akin to mental instability. Anyway, there is something wrong with him, he isn't playing dumb(I used to think that he was) and he isn't "average" dumb.

Yeah I agree. Whatever, something definitely isn't right.
IQ Range Classification
Above 145 Genius or near genius
130-145 Very superior
115-130 Superior
85-115 Normal
70-85 Dullness
Below 70 Borderline deficiency

Well, 45 seems appropriate for Drumpf.
Trump is the R word we're not allowed to use anymore.

Gorka said the other night that Trump sleeps 2.5 hours a day. Would explain much (if he wasn't lying which he definitely was).
Nothing we can do about it right now. Just got to hope things return back to normal in a couple of years.

What's vital is people say "enough is enough" if the likes of Zuckerbeg, Johnson or Cuban decide to run in 2020. We can't allow the soap opera to continue after Trump.
Fascinating point. Am very intrigued to see how the pendulum swings; no more soap-opera candidates, or a bucket ton more of them...!
The other effect he has is that pretty much every other leader and politician looks really competent. Fcuking Boris Johnson looks like a war-time consigliere in this new world.
The rock vs trump... forget the election... hell in a cell wrestlemania 2020

Aren't you going to shake his hand Donald?

FWIW, I really don't think Trump wants another term.
Cheers mate. I thought 130+ was genius. Dunno where I got that from.

Yeah I agree. Whatever, something definitely isn't right.
The standard for genius is much higher in the Caf as might be expected
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