The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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His greatest assets have been his father's assets.
Typically, he's now validating the negative things written about him. Some genius...
He is so childlike. He needs a proper psychiatric evaluation where he is seen in person.
:lol: the irony is lost on him that every time he tweets, he just gives more credibility to claims he is a child and mentally unstable. fecking idiot.
:lol: the irony is lost on him that every time he tweets, he just gives more credibility to claims he is a child and mentally unstable. fecking idiot.

To be fair, he isn't a child and he isn't mentally unstable. He is just extremely thick.
I don't know how you can say that with any level of confidence.

Fair enough, to me he hasn't done anything that would suggest it. I see a very dumb narcissist though, someone dumb enough to not realize it and also dumb enough to think that he is actually outwitting anyone.
Best thing that can happen for the US is that he'll be found dead sitting on his toilet with a McDs in his gob.
He seriously tweeted "being, like really smart" FFS is he a 14 year old girl?
Yeah, the book has broken him.

He's probably on the bog with the door locked tweeting this shite, because there is no way his lawyers would allow him to do it.

For a start, being this upset, then trying to order a cease and desist, kinda put the 'its not true' rubbish t bed. You wouldn't need a cease and desist for things that are not true, you would be issuing libel proceedings.
That book has really wound him up, hasn't it? Jesus, them tweets are so childish and embarrassing. Keep it up Trump! :lol:
He's a living, breathing meme at this point. The POTUS feels the need to publicly state that mental stability is one of his greatest assets. What a time to be alive :lol:
I'd put good money on him having a break down... if I didn't think it had already happened. He's an absolute fruit loop. So many personality disorders there, he's like those child stars who only hear yes for the first 20 years of their life and have no grip on the real world.
Every time he posts I think about confucius. "When the wise man points at the moon, the imbecile examines the finger."
The President of the United States.

How the hell does a country go from Obama to Trump? It’s like washing down a steak with a gallon of lighter fluid, and then proceeding to set your farts on fire.
To be fair, he isn't a child and he isn't mentally unstable. He is just extremely thick.

Go and read transcripts of his interviews or of his speeches. He can't keep on subject, rambles inanely and repeats himself and words over and over again. I think that's a clear sign he's not rowing with both oars and the cheese has slid off his cracker.

I agree he is as thick as shit too though. Just very calculating and deceptive so smart in not a nice way.
The President of the United States.

How the hell does a country go from Obama to Trump? It’s like washing down a steak with a gallon of lighter fluid, and then proceeding to set your farts on fire.

It'll be studied in Universities for years I think. It's incredible how it's become normalised that this is how a statesman conducts himself.
It'll be studied in Universities for years I think. It's incredible how it's become normalised that this is how a statesman conducts himself.

Nothing we can do about it right now. Just got to hope things return back to normal in a couple of years.

What's vital is people say "enough is enough" if the likes of Zuckerbeg, Johnson or Cuban decide to run in 2020. We can't allow the soap opera to continue after Trump.
Nothing we can do about it right now. Just got to hope things return back to normal in a couple of years.

What's vital is people say "enough is enough" if the likes of Zuckerbeg, Johnson or Cuban decide to run in 2020. We can't allow the soap opera to continue after Trump.
Surely Zuck would be an infinitely better president than The Rock and 45 combined, no?
Nothing we can do about it right now. Just got to hope things return back to normal in a couple of years.

What's vital is people say "enough is enough" if the likes of Zuckerbeg, Johnson or Cuban decide to run in 2020. We can't allow the soap opera to continue after Trump.

Jesus I can still remember the calls for Arnie (somehow bypassing laws) to do it years back.
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