The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Aye, in the UK myself so know what you mean. I'll maintain Brexiteer's aren't as insane as The_Donald type Trump supporters who'll find a way to rationalise just about anything but the phenomenon isn't too far apart.

There is a CHASM between Trump supporters and Brexit supporters.
Aye, in the UK myself so know what you mean. I'll maintain Brexiteer's aren't as insane as The_Donald type Trump supporters who'll find a way to rationalise just about anything but the phenomenon isn't too far apart.

There is a CHASM between Trump supporters and Brexit supporters.

If I was judging by the BBC comments I would disagree about that.

But I'm totally convinced it's bots piling in those right-wing/brexiteer comments because some are so repetitive. And Brexiteers are the ones out there doing real work unlike those lazy, lefty remoaners don't forget - they'd hardly be sitting on their arse typing comments within minutes of an article going up on BBC - no sir.
Yeah definitely. Even at its worst UK politics is nowhere near as batshit insane as US politics. Thankfully.

Spent the last 3 weeks in the states. They're a different breed. Trump supporters are incomparable to Brexit supporters.

There is a semi-sensible thought process behind Brexit. It has a grounding in right headed life. Ridiculous though it may be, the actual core point of discussion is at least a real thing.

Talking to Trump supporters is something else. I've been respectful across the board, but they have been certifiable. All of them.

America has this deep seated indoctrination going on. It's North Korea-esque. Their president is accepted as a deity. Both on the left and right (I won't go into why there is even a left and right. The casual nature that reputable News agencies use the terms 'Liberals' is flat out scary). People here have this ridiculous idea that the President is more important than they are on an absolute base human level.

One of the greatest holidays of my life but my god it's been an eye opener.
Yeah definitely. Even at its worst UK politics is nowhere near as batshit insane as US politics. Thankfully.

I was probably more surprised by Brexit than by Trump's election (but still quite surprised), which reflects my prior views of each population. And Brexit is not as insane an idea as Trump... but the issue I find is that its more permanent. Trump hopefully loses in 3 years, at most is gone in 7 (although the damage over that duration could be very grave). But Brexit you guys are just going to do it, it seems. So in 10 years the US will possibly have a decent President again, but the UK will be out of the EU.
I was probably more surprised by Brexit than by Trump's election (but still quite surprised), which reflects my prior views of each population. And Brexit is not as insane an idea as Trump... but the issue I find is that its more permanent. Trump hopefully loses in 3 years, at most is gone in 7 (although the damage over that duration could be very grave). But Brexit you guys are just going to do it, it seems. So in 10 years the US will possibly have a decent President again, but the UK will be out of the

In 10 years ivanka will be in power and paving the way to abolish the 2 term limit as baron trump eyes up going all Caligula on her before declaring himself emperor

I'll take the clusterfek that brexit is going to be over the trump empire
Trump may be a clown, but at least he isn't trying to sign Andy Carroll.
But he did try to sign this guy...
The democratic mechanism has failed the US with the selection of Trump.

What matters most is what sort of rulers and managers of public life result from processes of elections.
Aye, in the UK myself so know what you mean. I'll maintain Brexiteer's aren't as insane as The_Donald type Trump supporters who'll find a way to rationalise just about anything but the phenomenon isn't too far apart.

I think that's my biggest issue with politics these days, Everyone seems to be the political version of Glastonspur

What do the resident Trump supporters think of him bragging about having a bigger nuclear button? Or hosting a 'fake news award ceremony' Despite not providing any fecking evidence to back up his fecking claims.
You guys support not only a bully but a racist 'accused but certainly guilty' sex offender that endorses paedophiles and white supremacists. Boggles my mind.

I'd love to know what leaders worldwide are thinking about this farce, America is the butt of all jokes and his supporters fecking love it.
The democratic mechanism has failed the US with the selection of Trump.

What matters most is what sort of rulers and managers of public life result from processes of elections.

It failed not because democracy elected Trump but because it was interfered with and manipulated by a third party. And even if it wasn't Trump still lost by any normal democratic standards.
Aye, in the UK myself so know what you mean. I'll maintain Brexiteer's aren't as insane as The_Donald type Trump supporters who'll find a way to rationalise just about anything but the phenomenon isn't too far apart.
You'll find them skipping around hand in hand on sites like infowars...
America is the butt of all jokes and his supporters fecking love it
Don't go there. I got pulled up for saying this the other day... Some are touchy about it...
Gorka was just on BBC shouting and lying a lot. He no like the book.
Two chapters in, apparently Lewandowski was banging Hope Hicks. If nothing else, presidential campaigns are a good time for a guy to be punching well above his weight, even Ted Cruz found a wife while working on Bush's campaign.
It failed not because democracy elected Trump but because it was interfered with and manipulated by a third party. And even if it wasn't Trump still lost by any normal democratic standards.
In both cases you mention democracy failed the people.
Two chapters in, apparently Lewandowski was banging Hope Hicks. If nothing else, presidential campaigns are a good time for a guy to be punching well above his weight, even Ted Cruz found a wife while working on Bush's campaign.

Cartman (Jason Miller) also impregnated AJ Delgado during the campaign. He also went to strip clubs in Vegas with other Trump staffers during the campaign. Although I doubt that will be in this book.

Lewandowski's thing with Hope Hicks always struck me as a thing of him more pursuing her than a mutual romance. Plus I thought he was married with kids.
Cartman (Jason Miller) also impregnated AJ Delgado during the campaign. He also went to strip clubs in Vegas with other Trump staffers during the campaign. Although I doubt that will be in this book.

Lewandowski's thing with Hope Hicks always struck me as a thing of him more pursuing her than a mutual romance. Plus I thought he was married with kids.

Apparently the affair ended pretty ugly too with a public fight.
Spent the last 3 weeks in the states. They're a different breed. Trump supporters are incomparable to Brexit supporters.

There is a semi-sensible thought process behind Brexit. It has a grounding in right headed life. Ridiculous though it may be, the actual core point of discussion is at least a real thing.

Talking to Trump supporters is something else. I've been respectful across the board, but they have been certifiable. All of them.

America has this deep seated indoctrination going on. It's North Korea-esque. Their president is accepted as a deity. Both on the left and right (I won't go into why there is even a left and right. The casual nature that reputable News agencies use the terms 'Liberals' is flat out scary). People here have this ridiculous idea that the President is more important than they are on an absolute base human level.

One of the greatest holidays of my life but my god it's been an eye opener.

You visited one state I assumed? State by state is almost each a different country.

North Korea-esque is insulting. My wife is anti trump as is my daughter. Both Floridians.

This generalist view could be aimed at little Englanders who act like having white teeth is a sin.

American posters that are nothing like what you posted. @SaintTresano @Carolina Red et al.

You have visited a country bigger than western Europe and have decided you know all about it. Smh.
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How is he still getting airtime?

How has he not been knocked the feck out by someone?
I think they were really struggling for someone to represent the Trump side of the argument. Whoever they get you end up feeling unclean at the end of it.
Don't go there. I got pulled up for saying this the other day... Some are touchy about it...
I'm going to assume this 'some' relates to the issue I've raised myself before that the main poster in this thread also moderates it.

I think the second half of the point you quoted is crucial though, and makes it a more interesting one. Trump fans do seem to consider the ridicule of other countries as evidence that they are going in the right direction.
Rightly in my opinion I'm afraid. The majority didn't vote for him.
As I said then, I know they didn't, and I'm sure the poster I quoted knows this too.
Gorka was just on BBC shouting and lying a lot. He no like the book.
How is he still getting airtime?

How has he not been knocked the feck out by someone?
Yea it was such a pointless interview. I'm as surprised as you that someone hasn't snapped and launched themselves over the table at him.
Trump fans do seem to consider the ridicule of other countries as evidence that they are going in the right direction.
Well it doesn't seem to bother them in the slightest.
You couldn't write this. It can't go on for a full 4 years surely, not at this intensity. This last year has been fecking bonkers
The people I feel sorry for are students doing whatever the equivalent of American History degrees is in 80-100 years time.

Oh no, I'd envy them. Think of the utter wealth of material they're going to have!
She's throttling that dog.
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