The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Fair point. The sheer incompetence and ineptitude with which the US is currently being governed could have certain dire consequences in unforeseen ways. As a result of Trump's laxness I'm pretty sure certain governmental positions are still not filled which obviously isn't a good thing at all.
Don't know how its going at other agencies, but at the State Dept its been made public several times that there's an absolute ton of senior Washington policy posts and important ambassadorships not filled.

I think this is what scares the bejesus out of Homeland security and the State dept. Trump is insecure and deeply predictable in the sense of how you'd garner his trust. Just act blindly loyal towards him, massage his ego and passively echo and agree with everything he says. Putin is probably deeply aware of this and will wind it easy to exploit. Wouldn't be surprised to see some more unknown low profile white house 'administrators' brought in because of their loyalty to Trump.
Every other country that wants favor has played this card. Saudi Arabia + Asia trips it was on show.

What's to say that hasn't happened, or isn't right now...
Exactly. Its a hard task in any admin, because there are a ton of people running around in the WH + other government buildings. A well-run system might still overlook some cases. But this is just farcical.

I was going to add businesses in those interested in spying... but they don't need to. Cohn is in that role.
I'd hide behind the telly and pretend to be a gorilla talking to him: "Well thanks, Mr President. I took a few boxing lessons back in Africa."
It will but within a few weeks, we'll all stop talking about the book and move on to the next big scandal.
That will depend on whether Trump moves on. And to be honest, there's a lot more interesting things coming out that could have bigger ramifications beyond Steven Bannon's opinions. Certainly enough to get him worked up for a long time.
I'd hide behind the telly and pretend to be a gorilla talking to him: "Well thanks, Mr President. I took a few boxing lessons back in Africa."

"I was born in Kenya. Shared a ward with this guy called Barack. Heard you might know him?"
"I was born in Kenya. Shared a ward with this guy called Barack. Heard you might know him?"

"We'll take him on together, Mr G! It'll be the Thrilla with the Gorilla Stephen Miller!"
"FFS, I'm outta here..."
At least he managed to spell 'smart' correctly.
This 'Sloppy' Steve feels personal to me, a private in-joke, not something publicly known about Steve.

Was Trump first and did Bannon defer and always take sloppy seconds?
A minor issue at this stage, which would be a major one in normal times: this journalist managed to hang out in the West Wing day after day by being Ok'd once by Trump and then being on someone's schedule each day. He then went and took possibly the most profitable route and wrote a book. But what if he'd preferred to just spy for a foreign country? Obviously he wasn't in the Oval Office all the time or Situation Room, but I imagine you'd still garner some info by hanging out at the WH all day.
Like Mike Flynn or even Paul Manafort on the campaign who was reportedly offering presidential candidate security briefings to a Russian oligarch in exchange of a reduction in his $14 million debt.
This 'Sloppy' Steve feels personal to me, a private in-joke, not something publicly known about Steve.

Was Trump first and did Bannon defer and always take sloppy seconds?
I suspect it's just his rumpled clothes, unkempt appearance and generally looking like a tramp. Trump's already mentioned it a few times even when they were still mates.
I suspect it's just his rumpled clothes, unkempt appearance and generally looking like a tramp. Trump's already mentioned it a few times even when they were still mates.
You're probably right. That's the way we might think.
Unless you've been living under a rock, this is being called a must-read in every corner of literary reviews. Its going to sell like hot cakes.

The Book in English! is on 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the German Amazon bestseller list in 3 different versions... :cool:
oates said:
This 'Sloppy' Steve feels personal to me, a private in-joke, not something publicly known about Steve.
Bury Red said:
I suspect it's just his rumpled clothes, unkempt appearance and generally looking like a tramp.
It's not just me - Bannon's quite scruffy too.
It's not just me - Bannon's quite scruffy too.
With him - it's a choice, he has the money to dress better.

We can't blame you though - you have bad taste.
All my style lessons from the Kardashians were wasted...
He starts out with a whopper of a lie and just goes downhill from there in that tweet.

It should, on its own, be enough to discredit him, but its not even the worst tweet he has made this week.
That will depend on whether Trump moves on. And to be honest, there's a lot more interesting things coming out that could have bigger ramifications beyond Steven Bannon's opinions. Certainly enough to get him worked up for a long time.
If we would have forgotten and moved on it'd only be because some other crazy shite has happened. Wouldn't surpise me tho...
It’s not a bad book so far, i’m about six chapters in.
Mine has been despatched by Waterstones, should be here tomorrow. No spoilers except those already released please :nono:
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