The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So I was thinking of Bannon's motivations and came up with some possibilities:

A) He was frozen out by Trump so wanted revenge
B) He knows hes going to be ousted at Briebart
C) He's distancing himself from the Russia investigation
D) He's trying to use his leverage with Trump and this is a closet threat
E) Insert other reason
If this book ends up being a best-seller (which it definitely will) Trump will definitely put out a tweet taking credit for it, im calling it.
I was looking at trump books and stumbled on this gem.

Product description
With pundits asking, “How did he win?” this book explores whether there was a supernatural element involved. Christian leaders prophesied before the election that God had raised up Donald Trump to lead the nation through a time of crisis. But could this billionaire reality-TV star actually convince the voters he was for real? If so, what is God doing now not only in Donald’s Trump’s life, but also in the nation?

Trump is an enigma, a brash self-promoter, casino owner, and man of the world. Yet he is also a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made religion a key component of his image.

God and Donald Trump is a powerful first-person account of one of the most contentious elections in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from the men and women who were there.
I was looking at trump books and stumbled on this gem.

Product description
With pundits asking, “How did he win?” this book explores whether there was a supernatural element involved. Christian leaders prophesied before the election that God had raised up Donald Trump to lead the nation through a time of crisis. But could this billionaire reality-TV star actually convince the voters he was for real? If so, what is God doing now not only in Donald’s Trump’s life, but also in the nation?

Trump is an enigma, a brash self-promoter, casino owner, and man of the world. Yet he is also a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made religion a key component of his image.

God and Donald Trump is a powerful first-person account of one of the most contentious elections in American history, with exclusive interviews and insightful commentary from the men and women who were there.

Jesus is crying right now.
Early reviews don't seem to have this as being as big as expected? Bit of money making off Trumps unpopularity?
Early reviews don't seem to have this as being as big as expected? Bit of money making off Trumps unpopularity?

Unless you've been living under a rock, this is being called a must-read in every corner of literary reviews. Its going to sell like hot cakes.
So I was thinking of Bannon's motivations and came up with some possibilities:

A) He was frozen out by Trump so wanted revenge
B) He knows hes going to be ousted at Briebart
C) He's distancing himself from the Russia investigation
D) He's trying to use his leverage with Trump and this is a closet threat
E) Insert other reason
I'd go for C) that's what I've been thinking anyway.

The problem with books like these is they're not based on facts. We should take everything that is written down in the book with a rather large pinch salt, especially in this surreal era of fake news.

Neither Bannon nor Breitbart have denied any quotes, he has tapes of some conversations, there were others present who are vouching for him for example at the dinner he had with Ailes and Bannon. Its more true than otherwise, although he might have taken some creative liberties in some scenarios he is certainly not putting words in anyone's mouth.
A minor issue at this stage, which would be a major one in normal times: this journalist managed to hang out in the West Wing day after day by being Ok'd once by Trump and then being on someone's schedule each day. He then went and took possibly the most profitable route and wrote a book. But what if he'd preferred to just spy for a foreign country? Obviously he wasn't in the Oval Office all the time or Situation Room, but I imagine you'd still garner some info by hanging out at the WH all day.
A minor issue at this stage, which would be a major one in normal times: this journalist managed to hang out in the West Wing day after day by being Ok'd once by Trump and then being on someone's schedule each day. He then went and took possibly the most profitable route and wrote a book. But what if he'd preferred to just spy for a foreign country? Obviously he wasn't in the Oval Office all the time or Situation Room, but I imagine you'd still garner some info by hanging out at the WH all day.

Fair point. The sheer incompetence and ineptitude with which the US is currently being governed could have certain dire consequences in unforeseen ways. As a result of Trump's laxness I'm pretty sure certain governmental positions are still not filled which obviously isn't a good thing at all.
Unless you've been living under a rock, this is being called a must-read in every corner of literary reviews. Its going to sell like hot cakes.

Prior to release yeah because it was expected something juicy was in it but from what I've read its just more Trump foolery. I'll still buy it for that amusement though.

Are you joking?

About which part? It's only embarrassing rather than career ending.
A minor issue at this stage, which would be a major one in normal times: this journalist managed to hang out in the West Wing day after day by being Ok'd once by Trump and then being on someone's schedule each day. He then went and took possibly the most profitable route and wrote a book. But what if he'd preferred to just spy for a foreign country? Obviously he wasn't in the Oval Office all the time or Situation Room, but I imagine you'd still garner some info by hanging out at the WH all day.
It's great isn't it? :lol: Trump or another idiot who believes there is no bad publicity - Trump is on record parroting the same - just okay a guy to write, make notes about how brilliant they all are, how the mighty are draining the swamp.

This guy shows up every day, presents his visitor badge at the gate and then goes quietly about his business, soaking up comments, interviews, on record, off record. People stop seeing him, he's part of the furniture. Only Trump or his entourage could feck up on such a scale. :lol:
A minor issue at this stage, which would be a major one in normal times: this journalist managed to hang out in the West Wing day after day by being Ok'd once by Trump and then being on someone's schedule each day. He then went and took possibly the most profitable route and wrote a book. But what if he'd preferred to just spy for a foreign country? Obviously he wasn't in the Oval Office all the time or Situation Room, but I imagine you'd still garner some info by hanging out at the WH all day.

I think this is what scares the bejesus out of Homeland security and the State dept. Trump is insecure and deeply predictable in the sense of how you'd garner his trust. Just act blindly loyal towards him, massage his ego and passively echo and agree with everything he says. Putin is probably deeply aware of this and will wind it easy to exploit. Wouldn't be surprised to see some more unknown low profile white house 'administrators' brought in because of their loyalty to Trump.
Trump is unquestionably a clown so I haven't really followed many of the stories on him since he became President but out of curiosity I read some of the excerpts from the book, I shuddered from disbelief really. I knew he was an idiot but the picture that is painted of what has been going on behind those walls is remarkable - the absurdity of what goes on is staggering and seemingly without any limit. Hard to believe this could go on in any government much less the most dangerous on the planet

No question that he will never finish his term but no idea how it will play out ultimately because despite how incompetent & chaotic things have been, you do get the sense it is about to hit a crescendo
A minor issue at this stage, which would be a major one in normal times: this journalist managed to hang out in the West Wing day after day by being Ok'd once by Trump and then being on someone's schedule each day. He then went and took possibly the most profitable route and wrote a book. But what if he'd preferred to just spy for a foreign country? Obviously he wasn't in the Oval Office all the time or Situation Room, but I imagine you'd still garner some info by hanging out at the WH all day.

What's to say that hasn't happened, or isn't right now...
Prior to release yeah because it was expected something juicy was in it but from what I've read its just more Trump foolery. I'll still buy it for that amusement though.

About which part? It's only embarrassing rather than career ending.

It will but within a few weeks, we'll all stop talking about the book and move on to the next big scandal.

Its already done something that others didn't by driving a wedge between Trump and Bannon. Its the most significant update since Comey/Mueller.
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