The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Some fella was on CNN Situation Room w/ Wolf Blitzer a few minutes ago breaking down how Trump's psychological reactions are clearly being watched by other nations intelligence officials, leaders, etc. How this recent episode will provide plenty of knowledge to others. They'll know exactly how to manipulate him, goad him, curry favors, etc. This makes him a clear and present danger to national security IMO.

And this is exactly why he likely was lulled into something by the Russians/whomever, or his handlers/inner circle exploited his ego to their advantage.
WH Dep Press Secretary, Hogan Gidley, is on CNN calling Wolf a crackpot and whatnot. But they allowed him in there!

On a side note, I'm wagering Mr. Gidley has a hairpiece and it's hideous.
*snorts* Mr Wigley... *throws paper plane*
Team of Rivals, literally.

"...and large fries."
Took a look at infowars :D

Hilarious to see those cretins arguing with each other...
Bannon could be rendered powerless soon. Mercer family has cut ties. For all the talk of fire, fury and populism bullshit, the guy was massively propped up by the financial contributions of millionaires. Trump has won big against Bannon. All this 'This is it lulz' talk and this isn't even a ripple anymore.
Bannon could be rendered powerless soon. Mercer family has cut ties. For all the talk of fire, fury and populism bullshit, the guy was massively propped up by the financial contributions of millionaires. Trump has won big against Bannon. All this 'This is it lulz' talk and this isn't even a ripple anymore.

Aye, for as much as he'd built up a bit of sway it was largely because of other people who actually held power. So long as Bannon influenced them he was important but now that's not the case there's little he can do. Still...a key ally lost for Trump all the same.
Bannon could be rendered powerless soon. Mercer family has cut ties. For all the talk of fire, fury and populism bullshit, the guy was massively propped up by the financial contributions of millionaires. Trump has won big against Bannon. All this 'This is it lulz' talk and this isn't even a ripple anymore.

Say what? What do you mean by 'This is it lulz'?
Will be interesting to know if Bannon's going to be receiving money from the book sales. Its going to be utter stupidity on his part to commit political suicide and lose the influence/support he had without making a lot of money from it.
Will be interesting to know if Bannon's going to be receiving money from the book sales.

Its going to be utter stupidity on his part to commit political suicide and lose the influence/support he had without enriching himself.
He's trying to launch a political career. Delusions of grandeur are getting in his way.
He could act like Renfield and the Repulsivecans would still stand by him.
He's trying to launch a political career. Delusions of grandeur are getting in his way.

That's over before it even began. Even some of the Bannon backed candidates have distanced themselves from him.

"I never spoke to him for book."
Lyin' Don (again).
Coming soon: "I've never met that woman who's my wife."
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