The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This article reads like a Dave Chapelle segment. So many quotables. :lol:

I've preordered the book.

Trump himself stoked constant discord with his daily after-dinner phone calls to his billionaire friends about the disloyalty and incompetence around him. His billionaire friends then shared this with their billionaire friends, creating the endless leaks which the president so furiously railed against.

Absolutely par the course that he'd be the dreaded leaker :lol:
Have they kissed and made up yet? Bannon apparently said he supports the President and Trump said He doesn't know what to say because Bannon called him a great man.
Have they kissed and made up yet? Bannon apparently said he supports the President and Trump said He doesn't know what to say because Bannon called him a great man.
If Trump has anything - anything - about him, he'll reject Bannon because of his bad attitude towards Malibu Ivanka and her moulded husband.
If Trump has anything - anything - about him, he'll reject Bannon because of his bad attitude towards Malibu Ivanka and her moulded husband.

If he has anything about him, he won't tweet half of the bile he puts out, not because decency and common sense, because he's said the opposite of that in the past. He just doesn't care.
If he has anything about him, he won't tweet half of the bile he puts out, not because decency and common sense, because he's said the opposite of that in the past. He just doesn't care.
Yup. I suspect that he'd even bung Mr & Mrs Ivanka under his campaign bus, if necessary.
If Bannon ever decides to put this populist shit away and does stand up, he might genuinely rival Chapelle.

When Trump gave an interview to the New York Times last July in which he warned Mueller not to delve into his family’s finances, Bannon’s response was scathing. Wolff writes: “‘Ehhh … ehhh … ehhh!’ screeched Bannon, making the sound of an emergency alarm. ‘Don’t look here! Let’s tell a prosecutor what not to look at!’”

Lawyers are desperately trying to stop the book from being published .
No Publishing House worth their salt would have published this without doing Due Diligence. I can't see there being a case for Trumps lawyers to stop the book. Not unless Wolf signed a NDA.
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Sanders has dismissed the book as a "trashy tabloid fiction" and "filled with false and misleading accounts from individuals who have no access or influence with the White House".

Why worry?

Also, Is freedom of speech not part of the US constitution in which case cannot stop its publication? Unless lawyers are going after Bannon due signing some agreement to keep quiet?
That shouldn't stop the book though. If Bannon told Wolfe something that he shouldn't have then that's on him not Wolfe or his publisher. The only thing that could stop it is if they say it could hinder the safety of the country.
How can a book that has so much press behind it manage to look so bad? The cover is terribly amateurish. My local publishers do a better job than this, so I can't help but think it's possibly not a pulitzer-prize-worthy piece of reporting, sadly.

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