The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I am confused now: did Trump ‘actually not want to be President’ or did he do everything he could including colluding with the Russians to win the election?

Those two statements are not as mutually exclusive as you think for many reasons, not least being the fact that he is so easy to manipulate with flattery of his enormous ego AND the fact that he had a coterie around him who did want to win who were great at stroking that ego.

The discussion from this book clear states that he was RESIGNED to losing on the night of the election and had come to terms with it at that point,not that he never wanted to win during the whole campaign. His depression and horror at actually winning stemmed from a reality he didn't expect and the scuppering of all his contingency plans he'd been making when it started to look like winning was impossible.
I am confused now: did Trump ‘actually not want to be President’ or did he do everything he could including colluding with the Russians to win the election?

He colluded with the Russians and didn’t think it would matter because he didn’t believe he would win.
Those two statements are not as mutually exclusive as you think for many reasons, not least being the fact that he is so easy to manipulate with flattery of his enormous ego AND the fact that he had a coterie around him who did want to win who were great at stroking that ego.

The discussion from this book clear states that he was RESIGNED to losing on the night of the election and had come to terms with it at that point,not that he never wanted to win during the whole campaign. His depression and horror at actually winning stemmed from a reality he didn't expect and the scuppering of all his contingency plans he'd been making when it started to look like winning was impossible.

He colluded with the Russians and didn’t think it would matter because he didn’t believe he would win.

Yeah fair enough, plausible I suppose.

Still think it’d be so much hassle re collusion / potential treason to push it if he really didn’t want it.

But I get it, maybe the ‘didnt want to win’ set in much later.

It has been like a TV show!!
It's amazing how much free press he gives people when trying to shut them up.

This and the fact that the book is already out in journo circles so it’s just a matter of time before it’s converted into free PDF for easy online downloading. He will now look even more desperate and unhinged by attempting to shut it down.
This and the fact that the book is already out in journo circles so it’s just a matter of time before it’s converted into free PDF for easy online downloading. He will now look even more desperate and unhinged by attempting to shut it down.
I'm sure there's already a PDF that multiple people have (publisher, distributers etc.).

Isn’t that even more dangerous though? Would Bannon just walk off into the sunset, doubt it. Surely he’d build something new for himself that is an even more extreme version of BBart, is that plausible? What’s his game?
Isn’t that even more dangerous though? Would Bannon just walk off into the sunset, doubt it. Surely he’d build something new for himself that is an even more extreme version of BBart, is that plausible? What’s his game?

I’m sure the Mercers who are the primary funders of Breitbart and most of Bannon’s activities are not pleased that he said they would fund him if he runs against Trump in 2020. The revelations in the book will likely cause them to re-evaluate whether or not to proceed with him at Breitbart.
I’m sure the Mercers who are the primary funders of Breitbart and most of Bannon’s activities are not pleased that he said they would fund him if he runs against Trump in 2020. The revelations in the book will likely cause them to re-evaluate whether or not to proceed with him at Breitbart.
Interesting to watch it unfold.

I saw a few tweets saying he did a phone in show last night and wasn’t aggressive re Trump, another interesting twist / play.

Also he seems to have found another sugar daddy too?
I’m sure the Mercers who are the primary funders of Breitbart and most of Bannon’s activities are not pleased that he said they would fund him if he runs against Trump in 2020. The revelations in the book will likely cause them to re-evaluate whether or not to proceed with him at Breitbart.
Trump against Bannon. Reminds me of the turn sandwich, giant douche South Park episode.
Interesting to watch it unfold.

I saw a few tweets saying he did a phone in show last night and wasn’t aggressive re Trump, another interesting twist / play.

Also he seems to have found another sugar daddy too?

He’s probably embarrassed the book story blew up in his face.
Isn’t that even more dangerous though? Would Bannon just walk off into the sunset, doubt it. Surely he’d build something new for himself that is an even more extreme version of BBart, is that plausible? What’s his game?

He could try but not sure he'll get too far. He's got some savvy but people have largely sussed him out now. Watching him turn on Trump is good fun though.
This article reads like a Dave Chapelle segment. So many quotables. :lol:

Steve Bannon was openly handicapping a 33.3 percent chance of impeachment, a 33.3 percent chance of resignation in the shadow of the 25th amendment and a 33.3 percent chance that he might limp to the finish line on the strength of liberal arrogance and weakness.

At Mar-a-Lago, just before the new year, a heavily made-up Trump failed to recognize a succession of old friends.

I've preordered the book.

Sanders has dismissed the book as a "trashy tabloid fiction" and "filled with false and misleading accounts from individuals who have no access or influence with the White House".

Why worry?

Also, Is freedom of speech not part of the US constitution in which case cannot stop its publication? Unless lawyers are going after Bannon due signing some agreement to keep quiet?
Sanders has dismissed the book as a "trashy tabloid fiction" and "filled with false and misleading accounts from individuals who have no access or influence with the White House".

Why worry?

Also, Is freedom of speech not part of the US constitution in which case cannot stop its publication? Unless lawyers are going after Bannon due signing some agreement to keep quiet?

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from litigation. Anyone can file a law suit to protect themselves from being defamed, or in Trump case, file one to avoid bad publicity.
I think our willingness to believe the worst of Trump might mean we end up buying into complete bullshit used to sell a book.
Anyone else find it funny to read idiotic peoples comments on social media? Then brace yourselves for Sarah Palins Facebook account. I sometimes browse her page because she amuses me, and when I read the the content and comments, I'm suddenly reminded how on earth a buffoon like Trump could win the White House. And this isn't some random woman from the Republican Party, but one who was nominated for Vice President in 2008 and has nearly 5m Facebook fans.
Anyone else find it funny to read idiotic peoples comments on social media? Then brace yourselves for Sarah Palins Facebook account. I sometimes browse her page because she amuses me, and when I read the the content and comments, I'm suddenly reminded how on earth a buffoon like Trump could win the White House. And this isn't some random woman from the Republican Party, but one who was nominated for Vice President in 2008 and has nearly 5m Facebook fans.
She was basically Trump v1.0

The GOP handlers realized they needed someone stupider, more bombastic, and more male - and there you go.
Given that his entity as a political entity is based almost entirely on him peddling complete bullshit, I see it as simply karma catching up.
That's fine but we probably shouldnt get too excited over him getting impeached if its bullshit.
I think our willingness to believe the worst of Trump might mean we end up buying into complete bullshit used to sell a book.

The author has tapes of the interviews.

He has also spent the last year in the Whitehouse itself, trump let him sit in on meetings.

The cease and desist is not because its bullshit, he would simply deny it, but because its true.
She was basically Trump v1.0

The GOP handlers realized they needed someone stupider, more bombastic, and more male - and there you go.

Pretty much. Just imagine who they'll choose to succeed Trump if he ends up being not a complete failure.. I'm guessing lowering the taxes even more but mostly for the wealthy, disbanding public health care and shutting down immigration completely.
The author has tapes of the interviews.

He has also spent the last year in the Whitehouse itself, trump let him sit in on meetings.

The cease and desist is not because its bullshit, he would simply deny it, but because its true.
Ok, tapes of comments by Bannon could still be bullshit though.
That's fine but we probably shouldnt get too excited over him getting impeached if its bullshit.
I think it will be a mix of truth, lies, and exaggerations. From what we've seen with this group, though, there's usually been more truth in the whispers than not. Hell, I would bet Trump himself will confirm specific details soon enough, in his usual loudmouth way where he protects his own ego at the cost of everything else.
Pretty much. Just imagine who they'll choose to succeed Trump if he ends up being not a complete failure.. I'm guessing lowering the taxes even more but mostly for the wealthy, disbanding public health care and shutting down immigration completely.
The worry for me is they'll have a much better idea of what works and what doesn't. Hopefully there's an Emperor Has No Clothes moment with Trump where everyone finally has to admit what a clusterfeck he is and it does a great deal to push back the Tea Party/nationalist ideas. The tax cuts for the rich portion of the GOP won't ever change but if they lose their grip on the other half of the party, the whole thing will weaken.
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