The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Religious doesn't mean good or kind.
Im not saying some religious people aren't good and kind. But I've met more that aren't than that are including my parents.
In my experience they're pretty much as kind or unkind as atheist people, they just feel more superior about it.

I think that's a narcissism thing. If one of his shirts was on the floor the housekeeping staff picked it up in front of him, he probably felt embarrassed he was slovenly enough to chuck it there in the first place so turned it around on them.
It baffles me how someone who has been married 3 times and has been accused of sexual assault and is so vulgar and clearly not religious at all could be accepted by the religious right. Sorry for saying it but they must be as thick as shit and also be able to contradict their strict beliefs and morals just because they hate the other side so much.

It's pure lunacy and just shows that they really do not practice what they preach. Not even close.

Have a read of this.

Hmmmm mourning a Mormon. He's desperate to keep his religious base.

It baffles me how someone who has been married 3 times and has been accused of sexual assault and is so vulgar and clearly not religious at all could be accepted by the religious right. Sorry for saying it but they must be as thick as shit and also be able to contradict their strict beliefs and morals just because they hate the other side so much.

It's pure lunacy and just shows that they really do not practice what they preach. Not even close.

It took Donald Trump for you realise that the religious do not practice what they preach? ;)
They've got a few threads. This comment made me laugh:

so cute

Before the post was deleted and thread locked:

Steady on.

It was cheap, I'll admit. But it's not inherently a bad thing. It isn't possible to adhere strictly to the bible, hence I guess why confession exists and why they wrote in several get out clauses where you'll still be accepted into heaven. But it wasn't meant as an insult, just that it's self evident these days that plenty of religion is ignored because it either simply isn't feasible in this day and age, or it's not considered to be that big a deal.
It was cheap, I'll admit. But it's not inherently a bad thing. It isn't possible to adhere strictly to the bible, hence I guess why confession exists and why they wrote in several get out clauses where you'll still be accepted into heaven. But it wasn't meant as an insult, just that it's self evident these days that plenty of religion is ignored because it either simply isn't feasible in this day and age, or it's not considered to be that big a deal.
I can accept that we all fail miserably and that is human nature but I think most non-evangelist christians would be honest enough to tell you that being a christian is about trying not to fail and yet as we've said constantly failing. None of us are perfect, we just have to keep trying.

It's all too easy to look at the horrors of far right evangelism in America and make the mistake of thinking that all christians in America are raving looneys when mormons - who are not even christian but consider themselves so and evangelists are such a tiny minority of 'religious peoples' in the US.
I can accept that we all fail miserably and that is human nature but I think most non-evangelist christians would be honest enough to tell you that being a christian is about trying not to fail and yet as we've said constantly failing. None of us are perfect, we just have to keep trying.

It's all too easy to look at the horrors of far right evangelism in America and make the mistake of thinking that all christians in America are raving looneys when mormons - who are not even christian but consider themselves so and evangelists are such a tiny minority of 'religious peoples' in the US.

I didn't mean it like that, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I meant much simpler things, sex before marriage, divorce, abortion, church on Sunday, not working on Sunday, eating pork, down to the ridiculous like wearing clothes made of two different kinds of material which is downright obscene and declaring that anyone who touches a menstruating woman is unclean until evening. You can see that these values are becoming less observed as we value individual rights and freedoms more and more, even among those who are religious. I was speaking in a general sense, didn't mean to implicate you or tar you with anything, and it was tongue in cheek to start with and lazy of me to go for a cheap laugh but this thread lends itself to cheap laughs every day.
I didn't mean it like that, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I meant much simpler things, sex before marriage, divorce, abortion, church on Sunday, not working on Sunday, eating pork, down to the ridiculous like wearing clothes made of two different kinds of material which is downright obscene and declaring that anyone who touches a menstruating woman is unclean until evening. You can see that these values are becoming less observed as we value individual rights and freedoms more and more, even among those who are religious. I was speaking in a general sense, didn't mean to implicate you or tar you with anything, and it was tongue in cheek to start with and lazy of me to go for a cheap laugh but this thread lends itself to cheap laughs every day.
I see where you're coming from and you have a point. For another thread tho probably...

Edit: That's not to say don't talk about it here, just that it's probably an interesting conversation that would take us off topic.
I didn't mean it like that, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I meant much simpler things, sex before marriage, divorce, abortion, church on Sunday, not working on Sunday, eating pork, down to the ridiculous like wearing clothes made of two different kinds of material which is downright obscene and declaring that anyone who touches a menstruating woman is unclean until evening. You can see that these values are becoming less observed as we value individual rights and freedoms more and more, even among those who are religious. I was speaking in a general sense, didn't mean to implicate you or tar you with anything, and it was tongue in cheek to start with and lazy of me to go for a cheap laugh.
It's ok, I know you and that you wouldn't really mean it to be insulting but I see it all too often and have to wonder and dread whether some people really believe that christians are all the same. I knew christians from my own church of England when I grew up who behaved very differently outside of church, but they're not for me to judge, just the same as any non-religious decent person I know. But we are talking about some 'Religious' people whose leaders and members promote some pretty hateful shit while even mainstream ones argue amongst themselves for change and sound very stupid while doing it, I guess we only have ourselves to blame but there's always a chance we'll get it right.
Not our fault you elect people like bush and trump, hard not to think of them as fools.

Bush? He was a magnificent man.*

*Only realised that during the past year.
Reckon we'll be seeing some resignations/firings in the next week because of what people have said in this book.
Lawyers are desperately trying to stop the book from being published .

It's probably Mercer backed. Whatever the NDA penalty is, he'll pay it up, make twice back from the book and push his new agenda too.
I am confused now: did Trump ‘actually not want to be President’ or did he do everything he could including colluding with the Russians to win the election?
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