The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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How could you do it though? Lie to your country? And at times, the world?

I think it's despicable really. Unless she genuinely believes the bullshit. Or thinks the cause is greater. It's like selling your soul. Mind you, look at her father, she's had a good teacher. Santamonious, hypocritical cnuts.

She learned the art from her snakeoil salesman father.
But many people told him.
The alt-right Bannon type base is a lot smaller in the context of wider American society than it'd purport itself to be, mainly due to their proliferation online making them seem like a bigger thing than they are, but Trump properly 'losing' them would still be a big blow insofar as his terrible numbers mean he really can't afford to be losing any group at this rate.

Intrigued to see what Bannon does. He'll be smart enough to know turning against Trump and actively trying to start a new movement only harms the Republicans because it'll indirectly benefit the Dems but then if Trump's not fulfilling Bannon's key goals then he won't see much point in sticking with him. Interesting situation.
The alt-right Bannon type base is a lot smaller in the context of wider American society than it'd purport itself to be, mainly due to their proliferation online making them seem like a bigger thing than they are, but Trump properly 'losing' them would still be a big blow insofar as his terrible numbers mean he really can't afford to be losing any group at this rate.

Intrigued to see what Bannon does. He'll be smart enough to know turning against Trump and actively trying to start a new movement only harms the Republicans because it'll indirectly benefit the Dems but then if Trump's not fulfilling Bannon's key goals then he won't see much point in sticking with him. Interesting situation.

He's finished after this stunt. His following/support will be rapidly depleted as they'll all back Trump over him.
Trump said:
When Kansas sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
Q: is Bannon generally right (about the matters we've read about today/yesterday)?

Hmmmm mourning a Mormon. He's desperate to keep his religious base.

It baffles me how someone who has been married 3 times and has been accused of sexual assault and is so vulgar and clearly not religious at all could be accepted by the religious right. Sorry for saying it but they must be as thick as shit and also be able to contradict their strict beliefs and morals just because they hate the other side so much.

It's pure lunacy and just shows that they really do not practice what they preach. Not even close.

Hmmmm mourning a Mormon. He's desperate to keep his religious base.

It baffles me how someone who has been married 3 times and has been accused of sexual assault and is so vulgar and clearly not religious at all could be accepted by the religious right. Sorry for saying it but they must be as thick as shit and also be able to contradict their strict beliefs and morals just because they hate the other side so much.

It's pure lunacy and just shows that they really do not practice what they preach. Not even close.

He didn't write that.

Hmmmm mourning a Mormon. He's desperate to keep his religious base.

It baffles me how someone who has been married 3 times and has been accused of sexual assault and is so vulgar and clearly not religious at all could be accepted by the religious right. Sorry for saying it but they must be as thick as shit and also be able to contradict their strict beliefs and morals just because they hate the other side so much.

It's pure lunacy and just shows that they really do not practice what they preach. Not even close.

One word. Abortion.
It's all about abortion.
r/the_donald has no mention of "Banon".

These are the top 3 threads over there now. Look at all the sources they've got it from. None of the sources seem reliable..

  • BREAKING: Paul Manfort Suing Dirty Cop Robert Mueller, DOJ and Rod Rosenstein (
  • MUST READ NOW: Manafort is suing Robert Mueller, DOJ, and Rosenstein for overreaching BEYOND Trump campaign/Russian collusion to investigate him personally... BECAUSE THEY COULDN'T PROVE COLLUSION!!! Read the entire filing here!!!!SPICY! (
'UPDATE: Crooked Hillary is now burning YOUR house down!'
r/the_donald has no mention of "Banon".

These are the top 3 threads over there now. Look at all the sources they've got it from. None of the sources seem reliable..
They've got a few threads. This comment made me laugh:

i think the goal is to get more people to breitbart hopefully - i would hate to hear they are really angry at each other.

so cute

Hmmmm mourning a Mormon. He's desperate to keep his religious base.

It baffles me how someone who has been married 3 times and has been accused of sexual assault and is so vulgar and clearly not religious at all could be accepted by the religious right. Sorry for saying it but they must be as thick as shit and also be able to contradict their strict beliefs and morals just because they hate the other side so much.

It's pure lunacy and just shows that they really do not practice what they preach. Not even close.

The piety of those religious right wing types is all smoke and mirrors. They're the type who will go to church on Sunday because they are a "good christian household" but are really some of the most vile, hypocritical people that exists.
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