The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Thanks @Silva

What an obvious let down. Deflection, lies and much side stepping. Grim.

I haven't watched in many many months. You never "catch" her or other cronies, because you must realize they're not engaging in any sort of recognizable debate, just deflection. Its either "the president/statement/tweet speaks for itself" or an attack on the credibility of the questioner, or both.

She has a better poker face than Spicer, I'll give her that (and far far better than my own)
I haven't watched in many many months. You never "catch" her or other cronies, because you must realize they're not engaging in any sort of recognizable debate, just deflection. Its either "the president/statement/tweet speaks for itself" or an attack on the credibility of the questioner, or both.

She has a better poker face than Spicer, I'll give her that (and far far better than my own)
I think she's very good at a very silly job.
I think she's very good at a very silly job.

How could you do it though? Lie to your country? And at times, the world?

I think it's despicable really. Unless she genuinely believes the bullshit. Or thinks the cause is greater. It's like selling your soul. Mind you, look at her father, she's had a good teacher. Santamonious, hypocritical cnuts.
How could you do it though? Lie to your country? And at times, the world?

I think it's despicable really. Unless she genuinely believes the bullshit. Or thinks the cause is greater. It's like selling your soul. Mind you, look at her father, she's had a good teacher. Santamonious, hypocritical cnuts.
I'd guess a bit of that (I dread to think what particular cause) and a bit of soul-selling. But most politics involves a lot of the latter.
Oh definitely, bit surely not on this level. It's so blatant and the fact they don't care and keep a straight face makes it worse.
I got bored enough to start looking at Republican supporters views on Ayn Rand, earlier.

If you accept there is no morality other than self-interest, our Sarah is all good.
If you accept there is no morality other than self-interest, our Sarah is all good.

Yeah , that's the nail on the head right there. Self interest. As I always say " I'M alright Jack, feck everyone else" Yet they become massive hypocrites when you ask them about abortion.

I think it's why Trump is so popular with some. Ironically though, he's going to leave many of them a lot worse off but their hate of the other side is so great they don't care. It's insanity really. I still think it's because the country is relatively young compared to the rest of the world and it hasn't evolved properly. :lol:
That line from Trump's response to Bannon:
Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating 17 candidates, often described as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican party.
Even while knee high into some mud-wrestling he can't refrain from bigging himself up.
Trump and Bannon are strongly incentivized to resolve their beef on the phone quickly as Bannon is fairly impotent without Trump's support and Trump's propaganda machine is damaged without the help of Bannon's Breitbart. The real home run of course would be Trump falling out with Hannity at some point. That's of course highly unlikely.
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Red Hand Blair is going soft in his old age. Gone are the days where his services were only offered to dictators who'd had protesters gunned down. Now wanting them to not play professional sport is good enough.

Ffs, Donald is actually laughing at me...
It's just soap opera, unless Bannon and others from the alt-right are genuinely willing to crack on and try and split the base. Which I doubt. I imagine a quick burst of attention will do.
It's just soap opera, unless Bannon and others from the alt-right are genuinely willing to crack on and try and split the base. Which I doubt. I imagine a quick burst of attention will do.
The Breitbart diehards are certainly a big part of that seemingly unbreakable floor of a 35% approval rating. Will be interesting to see how things change now. Breitbart itself from what I saw earlier today has been uncharacteristically diplomatic and factual about things, rather than their usual editorializing and outrage peddling. But the comments sections have been overrun with much more Anti-Trump sentiment than usual.

In the end, I think he'll still get the support of the tax cut hounds while the nationalist dummies will start to split off. Trump gave their views a Hollywood shine so hopefully they move further right and alienate the more moderate supporters, splitting the whole thing apart.
Seeing how many supporters dressed like Trump during the campaign (outsized suits, long red ties etc), I wonder if his base cares so much about as his policies as they do about identifying with the serial bankrupt they view as an American success story.
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