The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The began accepting it after Drudge and Breitbart carried it, and fully when Trump responded.
Some of them are saying Trump never made that statement as its not been released on the WH website.

Top of the thread still looks like this:

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This was clearly written by Javanka. It's too coherent and pointed in its attacks. And like most of what they've been reportedly responsible for, I bet this backfires

Probably so - I can see Ivanka gleefully writing it up on her macbook air, then reading it to him once for final approval prior to sending it off to Hope Hicks.
Bannon's only real agenda all along was to create chaos and stand back to survey the fall-out, yeah?
Bannon's only real agenda all along was to create chaos and stand back to survey the fall-out, yeah?

I think this is dismay at the possible deal on DACA, reduced ICE numbers, the tax bill, the sabre-rattling with Iran, Trump getting along better with Ryan and McConnell, and finally the loss of Moore. All huge setbacks to Bannon AFAIK.
Bannon's only real agenda all along was to create chaos and stand back to survey the fall-out, yeah?

Nah, he just wanted to further his agenda of white nationalism and try to get Trump to do his bidding. Like everyone else in the administration, he was only in it for himself. They all are. That's why it's going to fall apart as I don't think any of them actually fully support Trump's vision, which of course is just personal enrichment be it money or adulation and his obsession with destroying anything Obama did.

The only question I have is how far will be go and how desperate will he become when he's finally backed in to a corner? Anyone saying he's all bluster and isn't dangerous clearly haven't been watching and don't know the man at all.
I think the fact Trump Jr And Kushner have been almost invisible since stories broke about them being under investigation speaks volumes. They must be shitting themselves, seriously.

Their silence shows their guilt imho. Obviously been told by their lawyers to keep a low profile and stfu.
I think the fact Trump Jr And Kushner have been almost invisible since stories broke about them being under investigation speaks volumes. They must be shitting themselves, seriously.

Their silence shows their guilt imho. Obviously been told by their lawyers to keep a low profile and stfu.

Trump Jr is all over twitter calling these stories fake news. He's even enlisted the Mooch to help him.
I think the fact Trump Jr And Kushner have been almost invisible since stories broke about them being under investigation speaks volumes. They must be shitting themselves, seriously.

Their silence shows their guilt imho. Obviously been told by their lawyers to keep a low profile and stfu.

It shows that unlike the other turd for brains in the Admin, they've got at least a second braincell to rub against the first one. There's juveniles who have enough wit to keep their mouth shut when they're in trouble, it's incredible that the lawyers of these multimillionaires can't get them to do the same.
Thing about the Bannon comments is that he doesn't seem to think the treason itself is bad, it's just that they were amateurs about doing it :lol:
Just a little thing, but I love in Trump's statement he can't help but throw a lie in there for no good reason, iirc the Republicans had Alabama for 25yrs, not over 30.
I can’t watch that stupid obnoxious cnut that Trump wheels out to the media.

All I keep thinking every time I see her face is, “I wouldn’t want to kick my ball into that feckers garden.”
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