The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Christ on a bike.
:lol: Guy's ego knows no bounds.
Americans won't pay more whilst the cruise companies want the American business so Europeans subsidise them. Americans are used to everything being cheap, you'll hear them refusing to pay Euro 1.50 for a coffee but if they do they moan when they can't get refills, they're shocked at how much and how small the meal portions are. Whilst you see them onboard at the buffets piling their plates high, going back for more and still leaving half eaten rolls and steaks etc after two or three giant portions. Americans are just used to cheap and pile it high economics and baulk at being charged the going rate.

I did find the €4 20oz beers at the Stuttgart match quite cheap compared to how much American sports charge ($6-10 per 16oz). We gladly drank about six each that match.
Trump becomes Mayor of Mega City One
I used to look away from Jews and Muslims while muttering Happy Holidays. Now I can look them straight in the eye as I shout MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! at them. Thank you Emperor Trump for saving us
Got this today, one of three books on Trump. Mum and GF on the same wavelength.

It’s got some absolute belting one line quotes from magazines, interviews, radio shows etc going right back to the 80s. I laughed out loud to the first few I checked. The man is actually insane.

The majority of Republicans know he's full of shit.
The Liberals must not win, that's all.

Yeah, I suppose. But how can you accept this raving lunatic just so Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat for that matter doesn’t come into power? I guess that’s one of the problems with the two-party-system.
That's not that bad when you consider the bottom tweet is 7 years old.

Not that he's right.

It is bad, as the most powerful man in the world just makes things up to make himself look good. And fairly many Americans actually believe it.
FFS, he'll be tweeting about the Kardashians 'robbery' conspiracy next.
His Twitter is needed so that people can be distracted from all the issues that he has no solutions for. Like why US can't provide safe drinking water to it's citizens or why there are millions of homeless children in such a rich country, why US send their police to be trained by an occupation force in Israel, why FBI target vulnerable people and radicalize them before arresting them with terrorism charges. The list of absurdities is endless.
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