The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Official poll on Trump’s presidency.

Check out the first two questions! :lol:

The lengths his team have to go to to protect the ego of this man-child is equal parts hilarious and terrifying.
My open ended response...

“Donald J. Trump has made a mockery of the office of the presidency. The fact that you do not include a “poor” option in question #1 is proof of the fact that the man does not have the mental faculties necessary to succeed at the job he has unfortunately been elected to do. Finally, Obama is out of office, why are you concerned about him now? I shouldn’t complain though, at least you didn’t ask about Hillary.”
My open ended response...

“Donald J. Trump has made a mockery of the office of the presidency. The fact that you do not include a “poor” option in question #1 is proof of the fact that the man does not have the mental faculties necessary to succeed at the job he has unfortunately been elected to do. Finally, Obama is out of office, why are you concerned about him now? I shouldn’t complain though, at least you didn’t ask about Hillary.”


Did you put your real name and address in the form?
Can assure you 99% of Nigerians don't leave in huts.
What a cnut :mad:
This is unfortunately all too true for far too many Americans...
Christ, Bannon's Vanity Fair interview is incredible:
“The railhead of all bad decisions is the same railhead: Javanka,” he said, using a nickname that conflates the couple.

Bannon, who returned to rightwing site Breitbart News after being forced out of the White House in August, recalled an Oval Office meeting in which he accused Ivanka of being “the queen of leaks”. The first daughter allegedly retorted: “You’re a f*cking liar!”

He also condemned Ivanka over her handling of the recent US Senate special election in Alabama, where Republican candidate Roy Moore denied accusations of sexual misconduct with teenagers. Ivanka said pointedly during the campaign: “There is a special place in hell for people who prey on children.”

Bannon, who supported Moore despite the allegations only to see him lose the Republican heartland to a Democrat, responded in the Vanity Fair interview: “What about the allegations about her dad and that 13-year-old?”

McCabe testifying against Trump therefore McCabe's reputation obviously needs to be shredded.
Gawd blimey. :(

'We're under attack': young conservatives gather to reject political correctness
This week 3,000 college students met near Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort for a summit on free speech, the ‘culture wars’, and the dangers posed by the left
Some of the loudest appreciation was, however, reserved for the president’s son Donald Trump Jr, who came to tell the students that faceless government officials were behind special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

“There is, and there are, people at the highest levels of government that don’t want to let America be America,” Trump Jr told his enthusiastic audience.
My open ended response...

“Donald J. Trump has made a mockery of the office of the presidency. The fact that you do not include a “poor” option in question #1 is proof of the fact that the man does not have the mental faculties necessary to succeed at the job he has unfortunately been elected to do. Finally, Obama is out of office, why are you concerned about him now? I shouldn’t complain though, at least you didn’t ask about Hillary.”

Better than mine, which was "Feck off!" but not feck as the Caf autocorrects.
For two decades, the commander in chief has doled out distinguished-looking coins as personal mementos. Now, the presidential “challenge coin” has undergone a Trumpian transformation.

The presidential seal has been replaced by an eagle bearing President Trump’s signature. The eagle’s head faces right, not left, as on the seal. The 13 arrows representing the original states have disappeared. And the national motto, “E pluribus unum” — a Latin phrase that means “Out of many, one” — is gone.

Instead, both sides of the coin feature Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

The changes don’t stop there. In addition to his signature, Trump’s name appears three times on the coin, which is thicker than those made for past presidents. And forget the traditional subdued silver and copper: Trump’s coin, a White House aide marveled, is “very gold.”






Aides said the coin reflects a president determined to make good on his promises to the American public. Asked why the campaign slogan was included, a White House aide replied: “That’s central to the message. I’m sure there will not be just one coin during his tenure. I’m sure the next one will say ‘Made America Great Again.’ ”

Christ on a bike.
Why do the Yanks pay less for the cruise?
Americans won't pay more whilst the cruise companies want the American business so Europeans subsidise them. Americans are used to everything being cheap, you'll hear them refusing to pay Euro 1.50 for a coffee but if they do they moan when they can't get refills, they're shocked at how much and how small the meal portions are. Whilst you see them onboard at the buffets piling their plates high, going back for more and still leaving half eaten rolls and steaks etc after two or three giant portions. Americans are just used to cheap and pile it high economics and baulk at being charged the going rate.
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