The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It just doesn't fecking matter what he's said in the past or what he says in future. We KNOW there's a tweet that he's done that'll cover it and nothing will get said.
His Twitter is needed so that people can be distracted from all the issues that he has no solutions for. Like why US can't provide safe drinking water to it's citizens or why there are millions of homeless children in such a rich country, why US send their police to be trained by an occupation force in Israel, why FBI target vulnerable people and radicalize them before arresting them with terrorism charges. The list of absurdities is endless.
I know, it's just that i find so incredible that a president can behave in a such poor way. He's nothing more than a 12-year old.

"Could you pass the salt, please?"
"Security? Can somebody remove Spicer from behind the tree?"
Was that photo taken at the kremlin? Whats with those chairs?

A combination of an inferiority complex and lack of intelligence.

I've seen it all before. Everything has to be ostentatious for RTE (Turkey's president), a show that he thinks wows everybody outside of his circle of fanatics. More gold on the chairs? They'll be so jealous! That's how their minds work. I find it hilarious and downright depressing at the same time that the USA managed to elect a similar guy.
A combination of an inferiority complex and lack of intelligence.

I've seen it all before. Everything has to be ostentatious for RTE (Turkey's president), a show that he thinks wows everybody outside of his circle of fanatics. More gold on the chairs? They'll be so jealous! That's how their minds work. I find it hilarious and downright depressing at the same time that the USA managed to elect a similar guy.

It's so blatantly insecure and yet he grew up with wealth. Compare that with the Obamas and their unpretentious chairs.
Leaving aside the numerous faults in that tweet, 'FBI tainted' is far too strong & (deliberately) provocative.
They should invite Hillary and Bill as well. :smirk:
By all means, invite Trump and Hillary if they both are friends of the couple, or none other than the closest family and shun the media if they want that.
I understand fascination with royalty, but not nearly to the extent where their lives are dictated by expectations and traditions. :p
The dossier isn't fake, it exists.

Some things have been proven.

It was funded by Republicans.

The FBI are fine.

Everything is fecking wrong.

It's tiring seeing the assault on the truth constantly.
The dossier isn't fake, it exists.

Some things have been proven.

It was funded by Republicans.

The FBI are fine.

Everything is fecking wrong.

It's tiring seeing the assault on the truth constantly.

I debate politics on another forum where many of the posters are right of center. You'd be amazing how many of them only get their news from Fox, Breitbart, and Talk Radio and have completely been brainwashed by Trump's constant delegitimization of the news media, democratic institutions, and truth in general. These are the people who Trump is attempting to reach with his ridiculous sounding tweets. To most of us they look completely ridiculous, but to his flock they reinforce narratives that are launched from Fox News and help to keep his 30 something percent of followers on board. That's all its about these day - keeping his core supporters from jumping ship. He knows if he loses a percentage of them then it could go downhill in a hurry.
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