The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Literally every single American who came in our pub since the election (and it must have been dozens) unequivocally apologised for Trump. Not one defended him and they all genuinely seemed completely embarrassed by him and their election results.
:lol: Oh I think it's best we changed the subject.

Sorry to all for my part in diverting it.

By virtue, I have lived in various areas of tourist interest. Predominantly Dutch, Norwegians, Danish, Belgian, American an Japanese tourist with your occasional Chinese. I know whom to chose. And my statement to your postcard saying was pretty much coined in the fact that at least the Europeans out of that bunch and certainly the Japanese aren’t the worst representatives of their respective countries.
By virtue, I have lived in various areas of tourist interest. Predominantly Dutch, Norwegians, Danish, Belgian, American an Japanese tourist with your occasional Chinese. I know whom to chose. And my statement to your postcard saying was pretty much coined in the fact that at least the Europeans out of that bunch and certainly the Japanese aren’t the worst representatives of their respective countries.
Let's change the subject eh? We know nothing about each other and despite my efforts to be polite you don't get the message. Anyway I'm half-Austrian myself and I come from a pretty touristy area myself. I've travelled like most and I already know which countries represent themselves reasonably ta.
I have a Swedish friend who was in Greenland on vacation and apparently an American cruise-liner landed there. Some tourist went up to the locals and handed them each an orange, including my friend who is blonde haired and white. There's a reason why Americans on cruise liners are the most hated tourists after the Chinese.

What am I missing here with the oranges?
Americans. Need that selfie for gram, yo. It’s funny when they get caught by the police and complain about the fine. Or when they complain about getting punched in the bar after yelling a few „Heil Hitler!“s
Sounds like some England football fans...
an article about a sea defence around Trump's golf course in western Ireland.

Found this part interesting:
"Although Mr Trump has said he is not a great believer in man-made climate change, in the original application he cited global warming and rising seas as a reason for needing the wall"

Hopefully some journo will nail him on this.

The best bit is at the end, when he denies what he literally just said. On camera.

Should've had the clip of him saying those things ready to go on his phone and showed him whilst on camera.

And then got him to look at the footage of what was being recorded and get his reaction live on camera.

This is the problem with journalists at the minute. They won't hammer anyone in the Administration when they so clearly know they've said what they're denying they've said and they've got proof of it.

Sanders gets away with murder in press briefings because no one in the pool dares challenge her.
Should've had the clip of him saying those things ready to go on his phone and showed him whilst on camera.

And then got him to look at the footage of what was being recorded and get his reaction live on camera.

This is the problem with journalists at the minute. They won't hammer anyone in the Administration when they so clearly know they've said what they're denying they've said and they've got proof of it.

Sanders gets away with murder in press briefings because no one in the pool dares challenge her.

I think that’s what they did. Although feck knows why they didn’t film him watching.
Why is that?

Partly because she's very effective at what she does and partly because if they do they'll lose their press privileges I would assume?

It can't be that hard to just hold up your damn phone when making a point to her with something that Trump or one of the others has said so she can't deny it happened.
Partly because she's very effective at what she does and partly because if they do they'll lose their press privileges I would assume?

It can't be that hard to just hold up your damn phone when making a point to her with something that Trump or one of the others has said so she can't deny it happened.
It's not like it's happening to me but it really pisses me off... I don't know how people don't lose their shit with her. She's so *facety...

*I don't know how else to say it just Google it.
I have a Swedish friend who was in Greenland on vacation and apparently an American cruise-liner landed there. Some tourist went up to the locals and handed them each an orange, including my friend who is blonde haired and white. There's a reason why Americans on cruise liners are the most hated tourists after the Chinese.
I hate the Cockneys. No matter how good an excursion is they will always find something to moan about for the whole coach trip back. You just feel like standing up and tell them to STFU.
"It's fake news that I said 'fake news' thirty seconds ago."
It doesn't matter that this court has ruled it illegal. Supreme court has ruled that the travel ban can be implemented in the meantime.
Appearing on Breitbart Radio on Monday morning, a reporter for the conservative website defended an article he wrote that posits that “feminists” are turning to witchcraft to combat President Donald Trump.

Using the Twitter hashtag #MagicResistance, tech writer Charlie Nash told Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow in all seriousness that feminism and witchcraft have become “increasingly entwined,” reports Right Wing Watch.

According to Nash’s post at Breitbart, he discovered an article at The Baffler that suggested a rise in women becoming witches, with Nash writing, “Though a large percentage of ‘feminist witches’ undoubtedly limit themselves to the aesthetic alone, an increase in political mass hexes shows a portion of the movement delves deeper.”

Speaking with Marlow, Nash claimed, “You’ve got the basic things like the Etsy stores, the Witchsy stores, where they link feminist issues with witchcraft and Wicca and there’s other kind of occult symbols, but then you also have these groups of people who are actually trying to hex the president.”
Appearing on Breitbart Radio on Monday morning, a reporter for the conservative website defended an article he wrote that posits that “feminists” are turning to witchcraft to combat President Donald Trump.

Using the Twitter hashtag #MagicResistance, tech writer Charlie Nash told Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow in all seriousness that feminism and witchcraft have become “increasingly entwined,” reports Right Wing Watch.

According to Nash’s post at Breitbart, he discovered an article at The Baffler that suggested a rise in women becoming witches, with Nash writing, “Though a large percentage of ‘feminist witches’ undoubtedly limit themselves to the aesthetic alone, an increase in political mass hexes shows a portion of the movement delves deeper.”

Speaking with Marlow, Nash claimed, “You’ve got the basic things like the Etsy stores, the Witchsy stores, where they link feminist issues with witchcraft and Wicca and there’s other kind of occult symbols, but then you also have these groups of people who are actually trying to hex the president.”

Batshit crazy is the new normal.
When you'd rather vote for a pedophile than a Democrat and actually unashamedly say it on national television then there's no line between normal and crazy.
Now women with opinions that differ from their own are witches, then we're back to drowning left handed people.

I feel like I've left this world and woke up in another parallel universe!
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