The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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"Christ, look at the conkers on that!"
"Donald, that's our daughter..."
"Really? Not many people know that."
"Including you."
"Daddy, I still want that pony!"
"Not now, Melanivanka."
He's playing golf in pitch-darkness! This must be like that 25D chess his disciples are always on about!
Um, no. Sherlock Steve, I am not. :(
It might've helped if I'd actually bothered to watch the video, chief. :D
It's probably 'fake golf' or some other crap, mate.
Doesn't Trump realise that he undermines the impact of his tweets by mixing the high & low, the important and the trivial? It's no good following tweets like 'I wish they'd bring back Crispy Pancakes' with 'It's war with Korea!!!'
'Better if it was Hannity Fair!'
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