The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Also, the media outlets outside the US don't regularly report on the Muller probe.

Yes true. Most people don't follow politics on a day to day basis, much less the poltics of other countries, which doesn't exactly made for a particularly informed opinion of what is going on.
Why not stick to the original topic and answer your claim about you guys have turned into a joke. It was a myopic half thought out post. You make yourself out to be some sort of moral paragon on race issues but your sense of morality doesn't seem to extend to a person's nationality when infact you are basically resorting to the same sort of stereotyping that you claim to to be offended by on matters about race.

If it can help, I don't think that you are a joke for people with a bit a self conscience, I believe that the majority of informed people are shocked by Trump himself, they empathize with the poor souls that are not republicans and didn't vote for that administration. Though, it's always fun to see that we are not the only ones voting for plonkers.
If it can help, I don't think that you are a joke for people with a bit a self conscience, I believe that the majority of informed people are shocked by Trump himself, they empathize with the poor souls that are not republicans and didn't vote for that administration. Though, it's always fun to see that we are not the only ones voting for plonkers.

I get the same impression. But apparently some view the the US as a one size fits all proposition where everyone gets blamed for a candidate who lost the popular vote by millions.
Why not stick to the original topic and answer your claim about you guys have turned into a joke. It was a myopic half thought out post. You make yourself out to be some sort of moral paragon on race issues but your sense of morality doesn't seem to extend to a person's nationality when infact you are basically resorting to the same sort of stereotyping that you claim to to be offended by on matters about race.
I get the same impression. But apparently some view the the US as a one size fits all proposition where everyone gets blamed for a candidate who lost the popular vote by millions.
What are you on about? You're trying to make out its some factual claim that I need to stand behind and argue. I've been in this thread since the beginning so how the fcuk would I think that it's all Americans?

Are you serious? Talk about taking the wording literally. People are making jokes, jokes don't tend to be that nuanced but hey we all have different expectations from our casual conversations I guess.
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I get the same impression. But apparently some view the the US as a one size fits all proposition where everyone gets blamed for a candidate who lost the popular vote by millions.

It’s ludicrous making a general assumption blaming your whole population for this president. But it says a lot about your country that he is your president, as millions voted for him. It’s a tragedy that he is in a position to cause further divide, and cause problems it will take years and years to fix.
Not sure if the correct thread but Mexico and Canada both abstained from the UN vote today. Is that an indication that they’ve succumb to the bullies of Trump?
@afrocentricity you are free to infer whatever you deem sensible. But I was pointing out the fact that she actually got more votes than him.

Presume you are talking about Hillary/Trump.

I always thought that was a myth. Hillary had about about 5.5m votes ahead of Trump in just California and NY. If you take those 2 states out of equation and consider rest of America, it'll may present a different dynamic.

I can't access this from office, but something worth checking out.

I was discussing this with a mate couple of months earlier, and this is one of the resons in support of Electoral College rather than just by popular votes decision, so states like BY and Cali don't have majority sway over presidents.
Presume you are talking about Hillary/Trump.

I always thought that was a myth. Hillary had about about 5.5m votes ahead of Trump in just California and NY. If you take those 2 states out of equation and consider rest of America, it'll may present a different dynamic.

I can't access this from office, but something worth checking out.

I was discussing this with a mate couple of months earlier, and this is one of the resons in support of Electoral College rather than just by popular votes decision, so states like BY and Cali don't have majority sway over presidents.

Such a fallacious hypothetical that has been echoed from the right wing sphere. As if dismissing the two largest populated states in the country, and two the the highest GDP in the country/world, is logical. It's such a bizarre reaction to moan about population differences in regards to a popular vote. It's such a city mouse vs country mouse view.

Why not eliminate all metropolitan areas? Trump (or any GOP candidate) wins by a wide margin.
Why not eliminate all the Gulf and Midwestern states? Hillary (or any DNC candidate) win by a wider margin.
Trump speaks for a lot of Americans, but it’s a bit rediculous to believe that most Americans think like Trump. Which is exactly the problem the American society is in, it’s become a deeply divided society. Although I hate to agree with the likes of Raoul and MrMarcello, their definitely right on this argument!
Such a fallacious hypothetical that has been echoed from the right wing sphere. As if dismissing the two largest populated states in the country, and two the the highest GDP in the country/world, is logical. It's such a bizarre reaction to moan about population differences in regards to a popular vote. It's such a city mouse vs country mouse view.

Why not eliminate all metropolitan areas? Trump (or any GOP candidate) wins by a wide margin.
Why not eliminate all the Gulf and Midwestern states? Hillary (or any DNC candidate) win by a wider margin.

Chill. I'm not giving excuses, least of all to Trump.

I'm just disputing simplistic statements like "Hilary was so much more popular than Trump" which is very superficial.

As you say, I find the divide between what you say as city mouse vs country mouse getting all the more wider, not just in America but in UK and rest of Europe too. London vs Other cities in Brexit is a similar example of the divide.

It'd be foolhardy to just dismiss those as immaterial. America is so much more than NY and California. The EV vs PV voting systems over past elections clearly highlight the same.
I was discussing this with a mate couple of months earlier, and this is one of the resons in support of Electoral College rather than just by popular votes decision, so states like BY and Cali don't have majority sway over presidents.

So you essentially think people who live in large metropolis areas, their votes are worth less than areas that are full of less people.
Not really. Just have a weighting so that smaller states votes are not essentially rendered immaterial by bigger states.

Which I understand but in providing that weighting you are essentially making votes in the bigger states worth less. We have the same issue in the parliamentary system as well.
There is a very real argument to be made for the progress of country's economy from here on. The Tax bill is a huge change and Trump/GOP will be justified in taking credit for how the stock market performs.
There is a very real argument to be made for the progress of country's economy from here on. The Tax bill is a huge change and Trump/GOP will be justified in taking credit for how the stock market performs.

The stock market is not the best indicator of economic health, says this stock market analyst.
The stock market is not the best indicator of economic health, says this stock market analyst.

When Trump tweets 'ALL TIME HIGH ON WALL STREET, ME ME ME ME', from here on, there is some justification there. He has been doing it already and those policies were mainly Obama driven. But I agree to your point, stock market is not the best indicator of economic health and my post is misleading.
People generally do take notice when one attempts to smear them by nationality, race, gender, sexual orientation etc.

I really don't think that's what he meant, and he already tried to explain that in several replies. I could have phrased it exactly the same way, despite knowing a shit-load of Americans I respect immensely, despite knowing Hillary actually got more votes, and despite knowing that a whole lot of Americans (probably a majority) are very upset with what is going on in their country.

It's not in any way meant to tarnish every American, it's just a simplified generalisation that expresses how ridiculous the situation is. You'll see people in the Brexit thread saying things of the sort "how could we have committed such a stupidity", even when the people saying it voted against Brexit.

Getting offended by that is a bit like me punching a friend that happily greets me "hey son of a bitch, how are you"? You have to look beyond the words and understand their meaning.
Chill. I'm not giving excuses, least of all to Trump.

I'm just disputing simplistic statements like "Hilary was so much more popular than Trump" which is very superficial.

As you say, I find the divide between what you say as city mouse vs country mouse getting all the more wider, not just in America but in UK and rest of Europe too. London vs Other cities in Brexit is a similar example of the divide.

It'd be foolhardy to just dismiss those as immaterial. America is so much more than NY and California. The EV vs PV voting systems over past elections clearly highlight the same.

Wasn't directed at you but at the nonsensical hypothetical I hear from right wing sycophants in the US. Those people in the two largest states relocate back to their roots/wherever they still cast their vote accordingly which still equals the same popular count. The only thing it might alter is the EC totals.
I think we should just agree that some words were said and they weren't meant to offend anyone in particular, so let's move on.

Deputy liar Sarah has now all of a sudden admitted that Trump will in fact, surprise surprise, benefit from the new tax plan. I know that he's known to lie about stuff that everyone can immediately see isn't true but I really don't get why he lied about this when it was so obvious that he would save a ton of money from day one?
The WTF America crowd are generally not politically educated enough to know the nuances of what happened. Just your average punters who see a headline and feel compelled to comment about it based on their own political views.

That's a bit of a sweeping statement. Most Americans that I've heard talk about the election aren't politically educated enough to know even the obvious things that happened let alone the nuances and even that's not indicative of anything. Let's not act like only Americans are intelligent enough to grasp politics and other countries don't have intelligent people. It smacks a little of the standard American pride response to say that everyone else just doesn't understand. It's not like you have secret websites or news channels that the rest of the world can't access. If anything, Americans are the ones less likely to be objective as they're impacted by a.) their own party rhetoric and line of thinking and b.) the fact that they're impacted by political decisions, creating an emotional bias that outsiders aren't impacted by.
Yanks eh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

To tell you the truth had to put up with a fair few Americans on a cruise earlier in the year. Apart from being my pet peeve that they pay less than half the price for their cruise then Europeans there wasn't one of them who wasn't pleased as punch that Trump was president, couldn't stop with the MAGA. However even I know that a bunch of older Americans aren't representative of the whole country. And I've some very good friends who happen to be Americans heh heh..
Yanks eh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.

To tell you the truth had to put up with a fair few Americans on a cruise earlier in the year. Apart from being my pet peeve that they pay less than half the price for their cruise then Europeans there wasn't one of them who wasn't pleased as punch that Trump was president, couldn't stop with the MAGA. However even I know that a bunch of older Americans aren't representative of the whole country. And I've some very good friends who happen to be Americans heh heh..

I have a Swedish friend who was in Greenland on vacation and apparently an American cruise-liner landed there. Some tourist went up to the locals and handed them each an orange, including my friend who is blonde haired and white. There's a reason why Americans on cruise liners are the most hated tourists after the Chinese.
I have a Swedish friend who was in Greenland on vacation and apparently an American cruise-liner landed there. Some tourist went up to the locals and handed them each an orange, including my friend who is blonde haired and white. There's a reason why Americans on cruise liners are the most hated tourists after the Chinese.

That’s not restricted to Americans on cruiser liners. And the Chinese have at least the decency not to do a Hitlers salute everywhere they go in Germany.

The Chinese at least have the excuse of having lived in a semi-agrarian society until the 80‘s.
That’s not restricted to Americans on cruiser liners. And the Chinese have at least the decency not to do a Hitlers salute everywhere they go in Germany.

The Chinese at least have the excuse of having lived in a semi-agrarian society until the 80‘s.
Every nation's tourists are their worst representatives.
I'm sure it isn't universally true but it was meant as a polite way to tell you that Germany's aren't always popular.

Oh I‘m sure. But it’s comforting to know there’s always people far more ignorant of pretty much everything. Living in a touristy city with quite a strong connection to Nazi Germany, you sometimes have to withstand the urge to punch them. It’s mostly the younger ones in this case though, the older ones seem to remember the war at least.
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