The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Trump and his disgusting present for the filthy rich are bad for the normal people around the world. Already German business representatives are crying for tax cuts in Germany. Wonder who will pay for that?
In a way he is right. Why on earth should smaller states benefit from U.S. funds when they are actively working against U.S. policy.
Friends tell each other when they're wrong too. :wenger:

I think if other countries understood this Trump Policy as a coherent US Foreign Policy and how it improves and adds to the peace process instead of fearing more lives to be lost then maybe they wouldn't think it's just plain wrong.
Friends tell each other when they're wrong too. :wenger:

I think if other countries understood this Trump Policy as a coherent US Foreign Policy and how it improves and adds to the peace process instead of fearing more lives to be lost then maybe they wouldn't think it's just plain wrong.

And to me it sounds like he is saying:"We buy people votes and support but they don't always do what we want, so we stop buying."

While it's easy to see the logic, it also exposes the fact that there is little care for other people opinions.
Friends tell each other when they're wrong too. :wenger:

I think if other countries understood this Trump Policy as a coherent US Foreign Policy and how it improves and adds to the peace process instead of fearing more lives to be lost then maybe they wouldn't think it's just plain wrong.

I don't disagree with that, although its obvious that Trump's policy is driven by domestic nationalism and not some sort of desire to actually make friends abroad that don't benefit the popularity of his administration back home.
And to me it sounds like he is saying:"We buy people votes and support but they don't always do what we want, so we stop buying."

While it's easy to see the logic, it also exposes the fact that there is little care for other people opinions.
It just reminds me of something Penna says to the dogs. Is it me or my dinner you love.

If the American people are happy to give their enemies more and more money then it's a sensible Foreign Policy.
I don't disagree with that, although its obvious that Trump's policy is driven by domestic nationalism and not some sort of desire to actually make friends abroad that don't benefit the popularity of his administration back home.
Yes, you are absolutely right. Is it the behaviour of a bully or the kid at school who thinks he can buy your freindship with sweeties?
I don't disagree with that, although its obvious that Trump's policy is driven by domestic nationalism and not some sort of desire to actually make friends abroad that don't benefit the popularity of his administration back home.

Except he's using this leverage in favor of... Israel. Who his team also colluded with during the transition by attempting to get other countries to veto or delay the Security Council resolution.

I'm not anti-Israel in the mideast debate, but this is not domestic.
Except he's using this leverage in favor of... Israel. Who his team also colluded with during the transition by attempting to get other countries to veto or delay the Security Council resolution.

I'm not anti-Israel in the mideast debate, but this is not domestic.

I'd say the Israel connection is more so down to the right wing religious wing of his support base, as well as Kushner's orthodox views and relationship with Bibi. Basically, the Palestinians are not going to have much luck during Trump's administration.
In a way he is right. Why on earth should smaller states benefit from U.S. funds when they are actively working against U.S. policy.
Seriously Raoul? If they don't agree with the policy they should be able to vote with their conscience instead of being blackmailed. Can you imagine any other US president behaving this way?

Also, I have a hard time believing that the US is giving away billions in foreign aid out of the goodness of its heart. Aid is a way of controlling the empire. They've got military bases everywhere.
Also, I have a hard time believing that the US is giving away billions in foreign aid out of the goodness of its heart. Aid is a way of controlling the empire.

This is a good point, especially considering that the resolution was initiated by Egypt, whose receipt of American 'aid' is conditional on its continuing role in maintaining the status quo in the Levant on behalf of Israel.
Seriously Raoul? If they don't agree with the policy they should be able to vote with their conscience instead of being blackmailed. Can you imagine any other US president behaving this way?

Also, I have a hard time believing that the US is giving away billions in foreign aid out of the goodness of its heart. Aid is a way of controlling the empire. They've got military bases everywhere.

This is precisely how Trump sees the world. He is transactional based on things that benefit him personally. In this case, he would view this as a bone to his domestic political base who are pro-Israel, during a year where he has lacked "wins". He doesn't have any particular morality.
Pence in this video. :wenger:

I like the way Pence co opts quasi religious terms such as "miracle" to describe Trump's policies. He knows exactly who he is preaching to.

Watching Trump there he really does look so awkward in that way he crosses his arms and virtually hugs himself. Who sits like that?
Do the people still think he defends the poor?

He saves their main interests. Guns, Abortion ect. They don’t care about their quality of life as long as the cells in a womb grow into a baby they can eventually shoot.
He's turned you guys into a joke... Literally every US related conversation I've had recently it's been people ripping Trump, America and Americans in general...
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He's a C-list celebrity masquerading as a president what else do you expect? He understands ratings, everything he says and does is grounded in that belief like this is a reality show. :lol:
He's turned you guys into a joke... Literally every US related conversation I've had recently it's been people ripping Trump, America and Americans in general...

Then number of people who apologised for him and/or made it clear they didn't vote for him (entirely unprompted) when I was in the States recently was unbelievable.
Everyone knows that a substantial number of Americans think this is all ridiculous but the number of them that are either loving it or have normalized it seems to be huge.
He saves their main interests. Guns, Abortion ect. They don’t care about their quality of life as long as the cells in a womb grow into a baby they can eventually shoot.
That's sadly true. They can go bankrupt, but don't take their weapons away.
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