The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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To be fair here, as much as I despise the celebrity culture that they represent, its pretty significant that she did that.

That average teen, and plenty much older than that, will pay far more attention to what she just said than anything any politician comes out with.

Unfortunately.... Or fortunately? I'm conflicted...
You do question the competence of the (literally) hundreds of people who worked on helping drafting this bill. It now turns out they are going to be forced to revote on the bill tomorrow, because parts of the bill violated Senate rules.

Its just unfathomable not one of these people picked up on this huge mistake before they voted on it today.
You do question the competence of the (literally) hundreds of people who worked on helping drafting this bill. It now turns out they are going to be forced to revote on the bill tomorrow, because parts of the bill violated Senate rules.

Its just unfathomable not one of these people picked up on this huge mistake before they voted on it today.
But not surprising

WEEKS BEFORE THE Republican-led Congress moved toward final passage of its corporate tax cut bill, major companies had already begun a surge of stock buybacks — confirming critics’ fears that the windfall of lower rates will be used for self-enrichment rather than job growth.
Other corporations are expected to use the windfall to increase mergers and acquisitions (M&A) or invest in automation. “Industry executives have been eagerly anticipating tax reform in earnings calls, interviews and casual conversation all year. Multiple CEOs have projected major M&A activity will follow if any kind of corporate rate reduction is finalized, further accelerating the rapid pace of consolidation in the industry,” wrote one industry publication about how waste companies are anticipating tax reform.

But the House Republicans who wrote and passed the tax bill on Tuesday have ignored these warnings. In interviews with The Intercept, members suggested that stock buybacks, as well as M&A, will either be rare or not that harmful to the economy.
This is Trump's way of handing out some candy to lure the middle class, then taking them behind the shed and giving them a good stuffing up their backside. The short term tax cuts for the middle class is going have real world consequences very soon.
Just saw that article. Is Trump trying to secure prick of the year for the next few years? He's certainly giving it a good go.
He's now calling his decisions "the will of the American people".


I've just come across these paintings. Not sure what's more laughable: Obama trampling on the constitution, Trump being the saviour or Ronald fecking Reagan giving a shit about struggling folk.

I've just come across these paintings. Not sure what's more laughable: Obama trampling on the constitution, Trump being the saviour or Ronald fecking Reagan giving a shit about struggling folk.

I like that Chuck Norris is at the back watching over proceedings. :lol:
A thought on this painting of Trump's junta:

The way he's looking at that woman, you can bet that isn't a snake emerging from his trouser-leg.
Smh.... That was on CNN.
It's a shame as it seems the actual story is still very concerning and shows just how disgusting this Republican party is.

This suggests two significant caveats to the Post story and the firestorm that has followed it. First, the question of these terms (both those in the style guide and those that came up in last week’s CDC meeting) relates only to a distinct subset of budget documents and not to the general work of the CDC or other agencies. No one is saying people can’t use these terms at HHS, though some people clearly think they shouldn’t be used in budget requests sent to Congress. And second, the most peculiar and alarming of the reported prohibitions on terms were not prohibitions at all and did not come from higher-ups in the department but emerged in the course of an internal conversation at CDC about how to avoid setting off congressional Republicans and so how to maximize the agency’s chances of getting its budget-request approved.
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