The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Just can't see him being impeached let alone thrown in prison...

More likely I can see some on the left turning to violence in their protests against him... Ironically probably making his support stronger actually

Saving lives.

“President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia called President Donald J. Trump today to thank him for the advanced warning the United States intelligence agencies provided to Russia concerning a major terror plot in Saint Petersburg, Russia,” read the statement from the White House. “Based on the information the United States provided, Russian authorities were able to capture the terrorists just prior to an attack that could have killed large numbers of people. No Russian lives were lost and the terrorist attackers were caught and are now incarcerated.”

High five.
The latter most likely. Since when did powerful people in America ever see jail time?

Agreed but personally speaking I find it good for morale to imagine him shuffling around in ankle chains in a cell hopefully within screaming distance of a psychotically disturbed Mexican.
Agreed but personally speaking I find it good for morale to imagine him shuffling around in ankle chains in a cell hopefully within screaming distance of a psychotically disturbed Mexican.

Me too, I just don't think it could ever actually happen. It's a country where even being a normal rich person buys you special treatment by police and courts, so being rich AND in power is basically a get out of jail free card.
It must be almost impossibly tempting for some of his most ardent critics to bump him off but if they did the US would implode into civil war, of that there is very little doubt.
A nice little jab of a needle to cause a heart attack, nobody would be shocked, make sure the coroner reports a heart attack, job done. Though maybe I watch too many spy movies.
Agreed but personally speaking I find it good for morale to imagine him shuffling around in ankle chains in a cell hopefully within screaming distance of a psychotically disturbed Mexican.

That's pretty tame tbh. I think he should be locked up and be molested for 23 hours a day by every immigrant and non American in the jail. :lol:
It must be almost impossibly tempting for some of his most ardent critics to bump him off but if they did the US would implode into civil war, of that there is very little doubt.

I think that's a bit over the top on 2 counts. Firstly setting the president of assasinating a president, levels the ground for both sides to do just that.

In terms of 'civil war', any peoples involved in that would be quickly dealt with like any other terrorist.

But for the far right to lose momentum they're candidate needs to fail, whether that's continually looking like a bafoon and getting poor results or whether it's him being shown to be a criminal. The latter maybe seen as the 'left' being the cause of the rights failures though, so perhaps the meer odour of corruption is preferable to charges being brought.
We will know he is going when he hear strong stories from within his own party about him feeling tired / old / ill.

i think that will be the opening play for the republicans to move him out before he gets impeached.
What exactly is he looking for answers for?

'Why did I change my mind after you gave me a tax cut? WHY??'

:lol:. sounds like a stock response. "quick, make a response to these allegations so it looks like we're doing something. Never mind what we're actually doing: creaming ourselves in money, at other's expense."
Trump supported Luther Strange first, who lost to Moore for the GOP candidacy. So, he's backed two losers.
That said, I seem to recall him saying (in the Strange vs Moore race) that Moore would lose to Strange.
So, he is correct, but not in the way you're thinking about it.
How can a person such as he exist?!

he has been insulated from his bad choices for the entirety of his 72 years by being born to a wealthy family. No one has said no to him, and when anyone tried, he used his money to tie them up in court fees long enough that they had to stop.

Everything he has, and everything he is, is because he came out of a rich vagina.

This is the result.
What exactly is he looking for answers for?

'Why did I change my mind after you gave me a tax cut? WHY??'
No. He wants assurances that he will get the tax cut that has been dangled in front of him and would like to know the exact amount he is in line to receive.

The fact that the same tax cut helps the Trump family is a bonus to all.
The woman that Trump retweeted a few days ago has now been suspended as a result of the new twitter rules that came into force today.

The woman that Trump retweeted a few days ago has now been suspended as a result of the new twitter rules that came into force today.

I have a funny feeling Trump is still exempt due to his "important real-time conversation with the world",
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