The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The example in this thread a few posts up and I've seen a lot of stuff like that over the past year. If you don't believe that is happening, fair enough. I don't particular want to be the guy spending his time defending Donald Trump, sorry.

Dave Weigel?

In the 2000 U.S. presidential election, Weigel voted for Ralph Nader, and served as a Delaware college elector for Nader.[14] In the 2004 election, Weigel voted for John Kerry. Weigel later wrote that "[he regrets] the Nader vote, but not the Kerry vote, as a weak Democratic president with a conservative Congress would have been pretty tolerable in retrospect".[14] He voted for Jack Ryan in the Illinois United States Senate election, 2004 Republican primary.[15]

Since early 2007, Weigel has been a registered Republican in the Washington, D.C. area,[16][17][18] in order to vote for Ron Paul at the Republican primary stage of the 2008 presidential election.[19] In 2008, Weigel voted for Barack Obama, explaining "I really don't think McCain has the temperament to be President or the interest in standing up to a Democratic Congress... I've got the luxury of a guilt-free, zero-impact vote in the District of Columbia, which I would cast for Bob Barr if he was on the ballot".[14]

In January 2011, Weigel stated that he has voted for Republican Patrick Mara on elections to the Council of the District of Columbia, and that he has voted for Mara "every time he's been on the ballot".[20]

In the Republican Party presidential primaries 2012, Weigel voted for Jon Huntsman, despite him having withdrawn from the race, because "If you looked past his whiff of a tax plan (Huntsman recommended using the flat rates that Simpson and Bowles recommended not using), the guy had a few good ideas."[21] In the 2012 general election, Weigel voted for Gary Johnson.[22]

There are 3 conservatives (one or all of them oppose abortion and gay marriage, deny climate change, supported Iraq, support removing Obamacare) on the NYT editorial board. The rest are liberals. There is no NYT editorial column regular, not a single one, who supports single-payer healthcare in the US today.
His tweets aren’t even banter. It’s the kind of stuff you expect from a12 year old. I wouldn’t have minded if he did a sort of banter from his twitter account but most of it is just sad
@berbatrick thanks that's a good post and admittedly I don't know who he is. I just used that example of mis-reporting on Trump because I can't be bothered to look up all the other examples I can vaguely remember. I don't think the media has covered Trump well for the most part, because I feel like there's too much emphasis on silly things like handshakes and wotnot and not enough on policy.
Ugh this topic always gets me mad.
The liberal mainstream media supported the Iraq war. They printed anonymous intelligence and admin sources and built up consensus around the hoax WMD case. The NYT deliberately stopped publishing information about Bush doing illgal surveillance because they didn't want to influence the 2004 election. The only regular who used to support single-payer was Paul Krugman, who is now opposed to it the moment Bernie added it to his platform.

There is not a drop of leftism among these elite opinion makers. It makes me mad to see the meda accused o leftist bias, when they have done very well to repel leftist challenges to the status quo. As an example, watch how the mainstream changed their stances about healthcare when Bernie became a viable threat.
@berbatrick thanks that's a good post and admittedly I don't know who he is. I just used that example of mis-reporting on Trump because I can't be bothered to look up all the other examples I can vaguely remember. I don't think the media has covered Trump well for the most part, because I feel like there's too much emphasis on silly things like handshakes and wotnot and not enough on policy.

I think the media is very quick to pounce on anything that Trump ight have done wrong.
I don't think that shows liberal bias.

Among the intelligence community, senators and many donors, there was a fairly broad anti-Trump consensus (broken by the Mercers originally). That attitude has been reflected in media coverage.
It is the same reason Bush's stupidity got more pres (before 2006) than his illegal acts. His clumsiness was embarrasing, his illegal acts were in line with what they wanted as well. I think the big media companies reflected that in their coverage of Iraq and surveillance.
@berbatrick I don't think the media has covered Trump well for the most part, because I feel like there's too much emphasis on silly things like handshakes and wotnot and not enough on policy.

What policy?

The travel ban? The transgender ban? The failed healthcare repeal? The billionaire tax cuts? Which of these excellent policies haven’t been given enough credit by the dastardly liberal press?

I mean, he’s clearly the worst President in living memory by every metric, and a genuine danger to global stability, but also some liberals are bad or something, so fairness.
What policy?

The travel ban? The transgender ban? The failed healthcare repeal? The billionaire tax cuts? Which of these excellent policies haven’t been given enough credit by the dastardly liberals?

I'm talking about coverage in general. Trump creates noise as a distraction and the media fall for it. I'm not sure why you used the word credit exactly but just to be clear I'm talking about not attacking his policies enough.
I'm talking about coverage in general. Trump creates noise as a distraction and the media fall for it. I'm not sure why you used the word credit exactly but just to be clear I'm talking about not attacking his policies enough.

They do. The trouble is hasn’t really done enough. The “noise” and the golfing and the handshakes etc make up much more of his Presidency than his policy does. Because he was never about policy. He was a narcissist who wanted to win a popularity contest for his own benefit.

I don’t know what this has to do wit a liberal press though?
What policy?

The travel ban? The transgender ban? The failed healthcare repeal? The billionaire tax cuts? Which of these excellent policies haven’t been given enough credit by the dastardly liberal press?

I mean, he’s clearly the worst President in living memory by every metric, and a genuine danger to global stability, but also some liberals are bad or something, so fairness.
I think it's absolutely fair to say that the media in general has not been persistent enough in reporting, covering and dissecting what his administration is actually doing. The fecking US of A doesn't have an ambassador to SK 9 months into the new presidency and Betsy DeVos is forcing theocracy on kids, two events for instance that would be absolutely scandalous by any measure, yet both got little to no coverage to the mass. Shouting Trump is bad is not enough, you have to (painstakingly) rip apart his whole agenda on a regular basis

Alternatively, you can say that we are just fecked because the society we live in have gotten so used to the cultivated celebrity culture that the average Joe six pack is more interested in the tabloid aspect of this presidency than any policy debate.
They do. The trouble is hasn’t really done enough. The “noise” and the golfing and the handshakes etc make up much more of his Presidency than his policy does. Because he was never about policy. He was a narcissist who wanted to win a popularity contest for his own benefit.

I don’t know what this has to do wit a liberal press though?

Nothing. Let's forget I ever said it I made a mistake.
Nothing. Let's forget I ever said it I made a mistake.

I didn’t mean it to seem like an attack. Sorry if it did. It’s just so easy to normalise this nonsense. Especially by crying bias. His policies should certainly be dissected more rigorously, but he also shouldn’t be treated like a normal politician. He isn’t one. And the second we accept he is, we’re never escaping from it.
I didn’t mean it to seem like an attack. Sorry if it did. It’s just so easy to normalise this nonsense. Especially by crying bias. His policies should certainly be dissected more rigorously, but he also shouldn’t be treated like a normal politician. He isn’t one. And the second we accept he is, we’re never escaping from it.

Yes I agree, and my 'bias' comment came across as way more generalised that I meant it. I'm getting frustrated with the media in general, and that includes the entire spectrum to be honest.

I think a big issue the press have in the US with regards to Trump is there is no real content in the opposition. The Dems need to give them something better to get behind - such a shame they didn't give Bernie a shot.
A great interview with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:

Guardian said:
In 2015, after Abdul-Jabbar wrote an opinion piece in the Washington Post, condemning Trump’s attempts to bully the press, the future president sent him a scrawled note: “Kareem – now I know why the press always treated you so badly. They couldn’t stand you. The fact is you don’t have a clue about life and what has to be done to make America great again.”
'Trump is where he is because of his appeal to racism':
Yes I agree, and my 'bias' comment came across as way more generalised that I meant it. I'm getting frustrated with the media in general, and that includes the entire spectrum to be honest.

I think a big issue the press have in the US with regards to Trump is there is no real content in the opposition. The Dems need to give them something better to get behind - such a shame they didn't give Bernie a shot.

Yeah that’s a fair comment in regards to the Dems right now. It’s just a bit more complicated than saying the left wing liberal media are full of shit. Particularly when the media in effect is the opposition right now and Trump is doing his best to bully them.
Don't forget Talk Radio. Its probably the most influential right wing information source. Millions of people tune in to listen to Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Beck, Levine, Ingraham etc.

Reagan eliminating the Fairness Doctrine started all of this division. Hate talk radio is the worst of it all.
In fairness I wouldn’t trust any agreement with Russia even if none of this had happened

FML! She's insane! Trump's crew are out of control. Seriously out of control. They are trying to undermine branches of Government and law enforcement too. They are going too far and need to be stopped. She's a fecking moron anyway. It's high time she was slapped back down to earth.
He must be talking about Fox running the untrue story that one of Moore's accusers had "forged" evidence and then having to withdraw it.
She's been easily the most impressive member of Trump's team, and is probably planning her post-Trump career already - can see her going right to the top.
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