The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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A vigorous national debate has erupted over which of President Trump’s adult sons is The Idiot. SNL thinks it’s Eric, because Eric looks dumber than Donald Jr. But there’s really no contest. Donald Junior is The Idiot. Donald Junior is such an Idiot Son that his overconfident dumbassery might sink his father’s entire administration. And he still doesn’t seem to understand how much trouble he could be in.

:lol: :lol:
That's just Russian people.
The feck? Is he bragging about a 45% approval rating? Does he know it goes all the way up to 100%?

Obviously his approval rating isn't even 40%, but this just seems rather pathetic. Did no one tell him?

There is those that back him no matter what.
I work with one. Case in point.. Trump is really fecking up the middle East!
feck the middle East they come at us we'll level them!

Oh and puts an American flag in his office because I have an England flag on my office door for the world cup.
This is a classic Trump rally

Chants of lock her up
Moaning about the fake news media
Rants about the rigged system
Bashing CNN
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The feck? Is he bragging about a 45% approval rating? Does he know it goes all the way up to 100%?

Obviously his approval rating isn't even 40%, but this just seems rather pathetic. Did no one tell him?

In his mind, 45% is like 90% because only those that support him count. Everyone else is fake and scum.
In his mind, 45% is like 90% because only those that support him count. Everyone else is fake and scum.

I suspect in his pea brain, he thinks that most polls under-estimate his true support levels just like what happened in the elections. So 45% must really be 70% in his mind especially after all the enthusiasm at his rallies.
I suspect that story was “leaked” to them erroneously on purpose. They’ve got to work over time on their fact checking right now.

They have to go through multiple sources before publishing things so its unclear how this happened. Good thing Man Utd Raju won't be punished as he's generally a good journo.
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