The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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She's been easily the most impressive member of Trump's team, and is probably planning her post-Trump career already - can see her going right to the top.
She's been more or less the de facto SoS with Rex's authority being sabotaged by Donald.

Probably a likely candidate for the next face of the GOP after Donald moves on, either due to political/legal reasons or from dementia creep taking hold.
And yet he gives a running commentary on their output.

If you look up 'fake news' in an online dictionary, it should show you a picture of Dorito Mussolini himself.
Drumpf accusers on TV telling their stories now. Looks like there's a push to get him involved in the Weinstein/Moore type stories.
So, my 'Trump using this as a distraction' theory stands revealed as a pile of rubbish. Doh.
Impressive? What did she do that was impressive? I can only recall her 4th of July comments, that were panned.

I mean impressive in the sense that she's competent and in comparison with the others on the Trump ticket.
I mean impressive in the sense that she's competent and in comparison with the others on the Trump ticket.

Well, the bar is pretty low/non-existant tbh!

Honestly, I don't like what she's doing in UN. Maybe since it's based on Trump's America First strategy...and trying to ape him. Her comments are brash/arrogant and has no impetus to getting something done as a union of nations.
Is it just me, or is the number of posts per day in this thread decreasing? Are we finally growing dulled and resigned with the Trump shit show?
With the whole Roy Moore thing going on and his continued war on the free media, I think he is outrageous as always.

Sure, its just that by his standards a week where he only attacks the press and endorses an accused child molester is generally considered pretty quiet.

What an utter cnut. Still no mention of New York yesterday either. Self obsessed, wankfaced, cock womble.

playing devils advocate

I reckon there is a very good chance nothing will come of the Russian investigation. So if that is the case it really will be hours and money down the shitter
playing devils advocate

I reckon there is a very good chance nothing will come of the Russian investigation. So if that is the case it really will be hours and money down the shitter

That’s a hell of a devils advocate considering the indictments and mountain of evidence.

What an utter cnut. Still no mention of New York yesterday either. Self obsessed, wankfaced, cock womble.

The NewYork thing is surprising as its right up his alley, the moron came through extended family visa which Trump has been trying to end.
playing devils advocate

I reckon there is a very good chance nothing will come of the Russian investigation. So if that is the case it really will be hours and money down the shitter

If if nothing came of it, which is a fairly ludicrous suggestion at this point (although given your history in this thread I doubt you're being serious) it still wouldn't be a waste of money.
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