The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'd think his base is way more anti-muslim than they are anti Semitic... Just a hunch though.

I'd probably agree with that. They generally don't mind using the N word but have friends that are black. They're too fecking stupid to understand that using that word is inherently racist and also don't care. They feel they should hate Muslims because 911 so feck Isis while ignoring Muslim, black, White, Asian Americans were killed.

I know some of them and they are too uneducated to understand the argument. The response is...TRUMP TRAIN! WOO WOO
Looking through the list, unless I'm wrong Tillerson will be the first SoS not to have lasted a full term for over two decades, discounting acting ones of course.
This graduate student part is nuts. Looking back I know I couldn't have done grad school and I am not sure how many of my class mates could have done. Not many had spare cash. Gosh, I remember going to the bank to see if I could pay a $20 phone bill and I couldn't. Those were the days! Can't imagine this new tax rate. Will force many out.
They are way more open about being anti-Muslim than they are about being anti-semitic. But all that Soros and Rothshild bullshit exposes them.
I'm sure a fair few of them believe in Christian end time prophecies. The tribes of Israel has to be settled back in the holy land and the temple rebuilt a 3rd and final time before Jesus will entertain the thought of returning, so no Israel with Jerusalem means no rapture.
This graduate student part is nuts. Looking back I know I couldn't have done grad school and I am not sure how many of my class mates could have done. Not many had spare cash. Gosh, I remember going to the bank to see if I could pay a $20 phone bill and I couldn't. Those were the days! Can't imagine this new tax rate. Will force many out.

I've been a bit busy this week, but while doing some of the drudge work I've been thinking about the phd tax. It's insidious class war in slightly hidden ways. Will post properly when I get time.
The most surprising thing is that this clown is still in office, after all these deluded episodes.

Taking bets on what will be the last straw. Russia collusion?, WW3?, Grim Reaper?...

The one thing we have learned by now is that there is no last straw. Nothing accumulates. You notice a shit stain on a white dress, but if you wear a dress of pure shit, no one cares if you've smeared some more shit on it.

Only a singularly monumental event could take him down.
The one thing we have learned by now is that there is no last straw. Nothing accumulates. You notice a shit stain on a white dress, but if you wear a dress of pure shit, no one cares if you've smeared some more shit on it.

Only a singularly monumental event could take him down.
Beautifully appropriate analogy.
The one thing we have learned by now is that there is no last straw. Nothing accumulates. You notice a shit stain on a white dress, but if you wear a dress of pure shit, no one cares if you've smeared some more shit on it.

Only a singularly monumental event could take him down.

That's a beautiful analogy. The dangerous part is that everyone has gotten so used to his antics that it has become the order of the day. I wonder how history will view his presidency in a hundred year or so
That's a beautiful analogy. The dangerous part is that everyone has gotten so used to his antics that it has become the order of the day. I wonder how history will view his presidency in a hundred year or so

I imagine as they carefully carve their runes into the rusting radiation soaked metal walls that make up the ruins of our one proud cities, they'll shake their heads sadly as they remember the 'before times'.
That's a beautiful analogy. The dangerous part is that everyone has gotten so used to his antics that it has become the order of the day. I wonder how history will view his presidency in a hundred year or so
I think it's possible that you've been seeing this dress that your neighbour wears getting thoroughly coated gradually with shit. Then your neighbour decides to start putting shit on your clean white dress. That can be a dress too far.
The one thing we have learned by now is that there is no last straw. Nothing accumulates. You notice a shit stain on a white dress, but if you wear a dress of pure shit, no one cares if you've smeared some more shit on it.

Only a singularly monumental event could take him down.

Hypothetically I can imagine a scenario where he is caught on camera describing how he had a near miss and he had to pay a women to have an abortion and then claims it was the "best $xxx dollars he ever spent on a woman" being the thing that would finally cook him in the eyes of his die-hard fans.

Of course that would be highly unlikely to happen, because Donald would have had to be in some situation where he was filmed for an extensive period of time, over a number of years so he begins to get lazy / too comfortable with his production crew, and the hundreds of hours of raw footage would have to be made available somehow.
Hypothetically I can imagine a scenario where he is caught on camera describing how he had a near miss and he had to pay a women to have an abortion and then claims it was the "best $xxx dollars he ever spent on a woman" being the thing that would finally cook him in the eyes of his die-hard fans.

They'd say it was the woman's fault, not his. Guaranteed.
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