The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Hypothetically I can imagine a scenario where he is caught on camera describing how he had a near miss and he had to pay a women to have an abortion and then claims it was the "best $xxx dollars he ever spent on a woman" being the thing that would finally cook him in the eyes of his die-hard fans.

He'd ride that one out too. We need to be talking rape or near to it for such a scenario to knock him out of office.
Just saw that he tweeted 'disgraceful decision' after a jury acquitted someone. Disgraceful from him. Undermining institutions all over the place. Keep your thoughts to yourself you fecking idiot. If you don't trust jurys or accept the outcome then don't have them.
Just saw that he tweeted 'disgraceful decision' after a jury acquitted someone. Disgraceful from him. Undermining institutions all over the place. Keep your thoughts to yourself you fecking idiot. If you don't trust jurys or accept the outcome then don't have them.
If I was a defendant in America I'd be doing my best to get his attention and offend him. A couple of tweets and mistrials galore.
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Just saw that he tweeted 'disgraceful decision' after a jury acquitted someone. Disgraceful from him. Undermining institutions all over the place. Keep your thoughts to yourself you fecking idiot. If you don't trust jurys or accept the outcome then don't have them.
The founders would not have hesitated to impeach him for a second. This is exactly the sort of thing they looked to protect against.

If I was a defendant in the America I'd be doing my best to get his attention and offend him. A couple of tweets and mistrials galore.
Seems like the best defense possible nowadays.
The strategy seems to be "create a lot of noise" lately, doesn't it?

"If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither on your side, pound the table"
The one thing we have learned by now is that there is no last straw. Nothing accumulates. You notice a shit stain on a white dress, but if you wear a dress of pure shit, no one cares if you've smeared some more shit on it.

Only a singularly monumental event could take him down.

Yeah, you are absolutely right.

However the Donald has gotten away with nearly everything but murder.

Open Racist (Friendly with the KKK, Neo Nazis & Far Right movements), Numerous accusations of Sexual assault/misconduct, Religious discrimination and hate speech, numerous cases of fraud (Trump Uni), Mafia connections, Russia collusion (Trump Jnr and Kushner have both admitted to speaking to Russian representatives before and during the campaign and Daddy had to know)

Seriously? And that is only half of what is known there is actually more scandals Donald has committed or paid his way out off.

I don’t blame Trump, I blame everybody else who is letting this happen for their own benefit, agendas and gain.

Plot twist:

GOP Tax bill passes :(

However... Trump has his accounts frozen and his assets liquidated and fed back into the US Tax system :drool:
It looks like Pence might find it difficult to keep his nose clean during this.

Ideal timeline: this spills into late-2018, Trump and Pence end up both out, and the Dems win back the Senate...
Looks like tax has passed after Flake folded. That's the GOP fecked in 2020 then regardless of the Russia investigation.
Plot twist:

GOP Tax bill passes :(

However... Trump has his accounts frozen and his assets liquidated and fed back into the US Tax system :drool:

I'd be happy with the opposite, *far* more people would benefit :)
Wait, has the tax "cut" bill passed?

Not yet, although McConnell claims he has the votes to proceed. Note that it would not pass if it passes today, it would only go back to the House to combine what the House previously sent the Senate, with what the Senate amended in recent days.
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