The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't see how he can ever put his foot on UK soil.

The amount of chaos, riots and public disorder would be on an unprecedented scale which would then be reported in 720 degree real time across all media - recorded in history forever. It would make the poll tax and student riots looks like child play.

If Corbyn was brave enough, he would also publicly denounce the visits so all that anger would be equally directed and absorbed by May and the tories, severely threatening their post Brexit election prospects.

I agree. Any visit to the UK would be completely blanketed in protest and various other incidents. Would be completely pointless for him to go.
He'll be a racist when it suits. Basically, he's an opportunist and a parasite. He has no beliefs or moral values.
I don't think he is inherently racist.

He is an opportunist without empathy or moral anchor who will hijack any cause to advance his own personal wealth or power.
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He'll be a racist when it suits. Basically, he's an opportunist and a parasite. He has no beliefs or moral values.

Completely agree with this. To simply call him a racist glosses over the complexities of what you describe here Sults.
I agree. Any visit to the UK would be completely blanketed in protest and various other incidents. Would be completely pointless for him to go.
Its a shame as I would love to photograph such chaos! The protest signage would be hilarious!!!
If I truly believed it then I would obviously join in.

What is it that puts you on the fence? Personally, like Sultan said I don't believe that he has any sorts of allegiance, he is morally corrupt and will link himself with any cause that gives him an edge at a particular time.
What is it that puts you on the fence? Personally, like Sultan said I don't believe that he has any sorts of allegiance, he is morally corrupt and will link himself with any cause that gives him an edge at a particular time.

I just believe Trump is a manipulator of groups and doesn't believe a vast majority of what he himself says. He is just a transactional demagogue who curries favor with various groups to advance his own personal interests. Its part of what both fascinates and appalls people about him.
I just compared LvG in footballing terms to Donald in the football forum. Both full of themselves and doing an awful job.
Thats a cop out.

He isn't like this because he is 'demented' due to medical reasons, he is simply demented!
I think it can explain some of the behavior, but it certainly doesn't excuse it. End of the day, the people who should be really held up to the light are the ones who enable him. He is their chosen representative.
Completely agree with this. To simply call him a racist glosses over the complexities of what you describe here Sults.

He'll "be a racist when it suits" means he's a racist man. There's no complexity to that.
This is actually a great opportunity for Teresa May to asset herself as a PM and convey that UK won't be bullied even when in a tough negotiating situation with brexit and trade deals.

But she's lacked a spine when given the opportunity before so it's hard to hold out hope.
The question is whether or not he actually believes what he is saying or whether he is saying it to be provocative.

I'd say it's a mix of both. His views obviously change depending on what suits him but he's had a long running deep-seated prejudice against racial minorities through the years from the Central Park five to the birther movement.
I'd say it's a mix of both. His views obviously change depending on what suits him but he's had a long running deep-seated prejudice against racial minorities through the years from the Central Park five to the birther movement.

Good points. If Tom Arnold ever comes out with his material, I think it would shed more light on what Trump really thinks.
The question is whether or not he actually believes what he is saying or whether he is saying it to be provocative.

So to you saying racist things to be provocative does not that automatically classify you as racist?
So to you saying racist things to be provocative does not that automatically classify you as racist?

Well...if you don't genuinely mean what you are saying then its sort of difficult for the substance of what you are saying to be taken with any credibility or legitimacy.
Good points. If Tom Arnold ever comes out with his material, I think it would shed more light on what Trump really thinks.

Unfortunately he's got nothing.

I don't believe for a second that he's protecting the staff with NDA's who he claims shared it around.

1. If Tom Arnold had it, so would various others and it would have leaked.
2. His claims to be protecting the staff from 9 figure law suits - is he really doing that ahead of the interests of the whole population?
3. If there was multi-million dollar law suits filed, the crowd funding would cover the costs in a week.
The question is whether or not he actually believes what he is saying or whether he is saying it to be provocative.

He'll be a racist when it suits. Basically, he's an opportunist and a parasite. He has no beliefs or moral values.

I don't think he is inherently racist.

He is an opportunist without empathy or moral anchor who will hijack any cause to advance his own personal wealth or power.

So he's racist on top of being an opportunist and an asshole. He's been spouting racist garbage his entire life under the public eye

He'll "be a racist when it suits" means he's a racist man. There's no complexity to that.

Exactly this
Well...if you don't genuinely mean what you are saying then its sort of difficult for the substance of what you are saying to be taken with any credibility or legitimacy.

But it means that person has so little regard for the hurtfulness of those comments I don't see how we can realistically make a distinction.
I don't think he is inherently racist.

He is an opportunist without empathy or moral anchor who will hijack any cause to advance his own personal wealth or power.

I believe he's inherently racist and misogyinst at all time but also many other things when it suits him.
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The question is whether or not he actually believes what he is saying or whether he is saying it to be provocative.

He's some race theorist type like Hitler, because he's not a theorist of anything. It's most definitely not his forward-most instinct - that would be self-aggrandizement.

I'm pretty much in agreement with this piece:

I don’t think Donald Trump really is a Nazi, in the same way and for the same basic reasons I don’t think he’s really a Confederate apologist, or a Republican, or a Russian operative, or anything. Honestly, even his white supremacism is a second-order thing, an artifact of the coincidence that he, himself, is white, and cannot tolerate less than personal supremacy. He likes the things in the world that gratify him, and those things happen to be good for preserving the power of white people, men in particular, literally any of whom he’d run over with a combine harvester in a moment if it got the New York Times to treat him like a True New York Big Shot.

He’s too fecking stupid and narcissistic for being something other than Donald Trump, for sublimating any part of himself into any bigger idea of how the world ought to do anything other than direct its attention at Donald Trump. It would take at least some minor capacity to imagine himself as a discrete thing moving within a larger reality, as opposed to the entirety of that reality. It would require a cerebral cortex, even one as depressingly smooth and unwrinkled as his son-in-law’s.

Don’t get me wrong! I am not saying you have to be smart to be a Nazi, or a Republican, or a Russian operative, or an ideological white supremacist. Stupidity and moral dwarfism are prerequisites for those. Likewise, I am not exculpating Donald Trump from moral responsibility. His solipsism comes about as close as I think an actual human can get to real, pure evil. It’s just that when you accuse him of ideological Nazism or Confederate sympathy or whatever, you’re flattering him. You’re granting him more depth and dimension than he contains, infinitely more. He’s just a brainstem. President Lizard.
But it means that person has so little regard for the hurtfulness of those comments I don't see how we can realistically make a distinction.

Hurtfulness is different from racism though. Trump is obviously in the business of using race, gender, and other popular divide and conquer strategies to galvanize his base of support and insulate his power. To that end, he is manipulating groups off of one another for his own gain.
Unfortunately he's got nothing.

I don't believe for a second that he's protecting the staff with NDA's who he claims shared it around.

1. If Tom Arnold had it, so would various others and it would have leaked.
2. His claims to be protecting the staff from 9 figure law suits - is he really doing that ahead of the interests of the whole population?
3. If there was multi-million dollar law suits filed, the crowd funding would cover the costs in a week.

I can't remember who but I'm sure some mega rich person said they'd pay for the legal costs of anyone caught by an NDA who leaked tape of Trump.
Except for when he used to ban black people from occupying his housing in the 70s.

The man is racist, and there's plenty more evidence. Appearing on TV and in movies, and having black friends doesn't take away the fact.

And his rants against the Central Park Five.
Tillerson to be replaced by Pompeo, per 'top WH official'.

Edit: wrong thread.

Tillerson to be replaced by Ivan the Terrible.
And his rants against the Central Park Five.
And the birther shit, of which he was the most vocal.

I also liked it when he asked the black journalist in the WH press pool if she'd arrange a meeting for him with the Black Caucus because he figured they'd be friends, cos you know all black people know eachother.

There's a litany of examples of his racism and bigotry.
He's some race theorist type like Hitler, because he's not a theorist of anything. It's most definitely not his forward-most instinct - that would be self-aggrandizement.

I'm pretty much in agreement with this piece:
This was written 3 months ago but still applies on a daily basis...
Here in this reality, the president of the United States woke up this morning and tweeted some dumbass shit
fecking hell...
And his rants against the Central Park Five.

And many more. Unfortunately, it seems a large amount of people don't believe someone is racist unless they outwardly call someone inferior based on their race, or use a slur.

Everything else they will justify as something other than what it truly is.
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