The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He'll hide behind fake numbers, fake news, america is great again

I have a feeling he'll blame the Russian investigation for any decrease in the economy.

Whatever he does, he'll profit in the end and that's the only thing he cares about, he's a sociopath.
Even here most Trump defenders have quiet, I’m sure they still lurk though - he’s just at a point where, what can you even say to defend him?
The only good thing is the American fiscal growth, and that’s not even because of him, but Obama.

The whole thing is a joke that goes beyond party alliance.

That's because it's a liberal forum that's never really had many Trump supporters. It's also generally not got many American posters. On right wing American forums they'll defend/ignore his actions and simply not have the knowledge of his politics, they'll probably post videos like this:

"No One Was Calling Him Racist When He Wasn't President" - Floyd Mayweather
What fears me the most isn't that he's a psychopath, but turns out 48 something percent of americans voted for him.
He obviously has a died hard fanbase but you have to wonder how many of them casual voters have gone off him and how many would vote against him no matter what if he runs in 2020. Approval rating according to fivethirtyeight is at 38.4% which is still too high for my liking.
What fears me the most isn't that he's a psychopath, but turns out 48 something percent of americans voted for him.

48% of the ~55% of eligible voters voted for him. I'd estimate his support at roughly 1/3 of America, still worrying but not entirely surprising.

That's because it's a liberal forum that's never really had many Trump supporters. It's also generally not got many American posters. On right wing American forums they'll defend/ignore his actions and simply not have the knowledge of his politics, they'll probably post videos like this:

"No One Was Calling Him Racist When He Wasn't President" - Floyd Mayweather

I'm all for a rational debate with people who genuinely think this guy is doing a good job, but like you said - the majority just post goofy videos & articles with no logic or reasoning.
Mayweather makes a valid point there, but it actually paints Trump in a worse light for me.

He lived a high profile life before the Presidency and was never associated with racism. That suggests to me he isn't a racist. It also suggests that he recognises that he needs the racist vote and as such, is deliberately enabling and endorsing racism for personal gain.

That is so much worse.

Racism is abhorrent but it stems from ignorance and stupidity. You can pity actual racists for the limitations of their minds and upbringings. But for an educated person to recognise and acknowledge racism, and harness it as a tool to achieve their own goals is fecking evil. The man is scum.
Mayweather makes a valid point there, but it actually paints Trump in a worse light for me.

He lived a high profile life before the Presidency and was never associated with racism. That suggests to me he isn't a racist. It also suggests that he recognises that he needs the racist vote and as such, is deliberately enabling and endorsing racism for personal gain.

That is so much worse.

Racism is abhorrent but it stems from ignorance and stupidity. You can pity actual racists for the limitations of their minds and upbringings. But for an educated person to recognise and acknowledge racism, and harness it as a tool to achieve their own goals is fecking evil. The man is scum.

Except for when he used to ban black people from occupying his housing in the 70s.

The man is racist, and there's plenty more evidence. Appearing on TV and in movies, and having black friends doesn't take away the fact.
Except for when he used to ban black people from occupying his housing in the 70s.

The man is racist, and there's plenty more evidence. Appearing on TV and in movies, and having black friends doesn't take away the fact.

Considering he clearly doesn't have what you and I would describe as "friends". He has business associates and people that are of benefit to him one way or another.
Except for when he used to ban black people from occupying his housing in the 70s.

The man is racist, and there's plenty more evidence. Appearing on TV and in movies, and having black friends doesn't take away the fact.

I stand corrected. Thanks for posting those. The first article in particular was good (well awful, but interesting) reading.
That's because it's a liberal forum that's never really had many Trump supporters. It's also generally not got many American posters. On right wing American forums they'll defend/ignore his actions and simply not have the knowledge of his politics, they'll probably post videos like this:

"No One Was Calling Him Racist When He Wasn't President" - Floyd Mayweather

What a stupid thing for Floyd to say.
Considering he clearly doesn't have what you and I would describe as "friends". He has business associates and people that are of benefit to him one way or another.

Very, he has trophies that he parades around to delude people (including himself) into thinking he's loved by everyone.
Stick to boring boxing, Floyd.
Anyone that supports this man can't be reasoned with.
Feck trying to be balanced.
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That's because it's a liberal forum that's never really had many Trump supporters. It's also generally not got many American posters. On right wing American forums they'll defend/ignore his actions and simply not have the knowledge of his politics, they'll probably post videos like this:

"No One Was Calling Him Racist When He Wasn't President" - Floyd Mayweather

Funny enough @Raoul posted that video when he was going thru his 'Trump is not racist' phase.... He seems to have come around. Or chosen to keep quiet about it....
My wish is protestors on the streets and both the houses of Parliament turn their back on him if he ever makes a state visit. That should be a spectacle and hurt his inflated ego. This would also undermine our Prime Minister and her monumental gaff of inviting him for a state visit so early in his Presidency.
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He's escalated his Tweet storms today. It's distraction mode level 5, somethings brewing.
big time. And yet, the media keeps falling for it.

Have you read Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine or latest book No is Not Enough ?

In both books, she talks about how dictators use chaos and shock as tools to divert attention so they can implement their real agenda. Everything she writes seems to be true about Trump.
He'll be a racist when it suits. Basically, he's an opportunist and a parasite. He has no beliefs or moral values.
While that may sound nice in a sound bite that could not be further from the truth. If it was just him chatting shit and smack all day that would be a disaster in itself as it sets policy and is an indicator to what he wants and sets the tone in the USA and creates more tension and devision between race class in America the likes that hasn't been seen in my lifetime .. But it's not just him chatting feckery every day for shits and giggles. Its his ill-advised tax cut plan that is supposed to magically make companies increase wages that have been stagnant from the recession, its him pulling out of the paris climate treaty, his non global environment friendly policy that is bringing the USA into the dark ages with coal instead of renewable energy, its turning USA from a global In trade to some nationalist bullshit America first and pulling out of the Pacific trade deal that sees China take over as the big dog in the area, it's what he's doing with Daca, with health care, with "travel bans", with Niger, trying to blow up the iran deal to even the smallest thing like wanting to allow importation of elephant head trophys.

It's not just his dangerous rhetoric that weakens the US participation as a global leader and innovator, not just his outrageous words post Charlottesville that has brought racial tensions and Bigotry to an all time high, it's not just him telling people to be violent to others or him provoking a mad man in North Korea with nuclear power,

It's his bullshit policies that are hurting and will continue to hurt the United States for years to come. That's what has so many people including those who don't even live in the USA like myself worried angry fuming
Let's look at these people(Conservatives to liberals) reactions to recent events

.When Trump decided to drop a couple of missiles on Syria, they came not just running back but also described it as a thing of beauty. I remember one particular person who would constantly come out against Trump, stating that when it came to foreign policy Trump is the commander in chief and there for she will not criticise him.

.Trump comments after Charlottesville, Yes they were horrified(As everyone should be)but where was this call to end white supremacy. All I've seen since is a weird fascination with it, where neo nazi are written in kinder words than black kids who have been murdered by police

(Thanks @berbatrick)

.If the tax plan cut is purely about policy then where why the Bush Jr revisionism, where was this outrage during the Obama years when he wanted to cut social security(And that's before mentioning the little of any outcry over Obama deportation record)and where was the support for alternative like Sanders.

.As for environment policy unless your a anti capitalist then your not taking it serious enough.

So I'm yet to see anything to suggest theses people care about the policy Trump is putting forward or the root causes of why someone like Trump could be elected. They are simply offended that someone so stupid and rude can be the President.
My wish is protestors on the streets and both the houses of Parliament turn their back on him if he ever makes a state visit. That should be a spectacle and hurt his inflated ego. This would also undermine our Prime Minister and her monumental gaff of inviting him for a state visit so early in his Presidency.
I don't see how he can ever put his foot on UK soil.

The amount of chaos, riots and public disorder would be on an unprecedented scale which would then be reported in 720 degree real time across all media - recorded in history forever. It would make the poll tax and student riots looks like child play.

If Corbyn was brave enough, he would also publicly denounce the visits so all that anger would be equally directed and absorbed by May and the tories, severely threatening their post Brexit election prospects.
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