The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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CNN pundits speculating that it may be the Russia investigation that is making Trump's recent tweets increasingly unhinged.
Oh I completely agree - this is exactly why the bots have been created.
They repeat their propaganda, ensure they're at the top of his tweets so that more people who share their views feel validated, and anyone who's unsure can see just how popular those particular set of tweets are, and therefore their views are normalised.
It's a numbers game, the more popular his tweets are, and the tweets of those who spout similar propaganda are - the more people are likely to join.

That's a fantastic read.

--Donald Trump expresses out loud everything they feel — with force, aggression, anger, and no shame. All they have to do is support and vote for Trump and they don’t even have to express their ‘politically incorrect’ views, since he does it for them and his victories make those views respectable. He is their champion. He gives them a sense of self-respect, authority, and the possibility of power.--

He is their cult leader.

Cheers. Here is another good article I like

Lakoff said:
I would tell the class is “Don’t think of an elephant,” and of course, they think of an elephant. I wrote a book on it because the point is, if you negate a frame, you have to activate the frame, because you have to know what you’re negating. If you use logic against something, you’re strengthening it. And that lesson was not understood. So if people think in terms of logic — it’s a mistake that’s made every day on MSNBC — you go on there and you’ll get people saying, “Well, you know, Trump said this, and some Republicans said that and Jeff Sessions said this and here are the facts that show they’re wrong.” You just keep repeating the things that you’re negating. And that just strengthens them.
From your posting history it seems all you care about is revelling in people's dismay and fanning the flames by trolling at every opportunity.

As for your second point, that's a ridiculously simplistic way of thinking about it and also completely misses the point. More people in the US voted for his opponent, so not so simple as you make out, and that's putting aside the issue that just because he 'won' doesn't mean everyone has to just sit down and take whatever he does.
Rather unfair, I hate a liberal elitism, stuck in their own bubble with a patronising righteousness about them.
Therefore I like when things are mixed up a little bit (Trump, Brexit although I genuinely believe in it, Bitcoin, Catalonia independence, etc).
Tbf, “I like it when the most powerful man on earth spreads dangerous made up hate propaganda from extremist groups because it really annoys the libs” is one hell of a moral high ground.
e.g. of (successfully) trying a grown-up discussion from this post onwards:

But ok, feel free to shut me down by calling me 'a troll' because I don't agree with you, or have a semi-controversial view...

You think one link erases everything else? I've been down this road with you before, you know full well it has nothing to do with you disagreeing with my views. You're a troll, in fact you're a self confessed one at that.
That's a very good viewpoint on something you believe in, but it was not for the sake of mixing things up. On Trump you seem more interested in winding folk up.

You think one link erases everything else? I've been down this road with you before, you know full well it has nothing to do with you disagreeing with my views. You're a troll, in fact you're a self confessed one at that.

Just so we're clear, I didn't mean just that one post, but the ensuing discussion...
That's a very good viewpoint on something you believe in, but it was not for the sake of mixing things up. On Trump you seem more interested in winding folk up.

That's not a very good viewpoint, it's an uninformed viewpoint. The immigration part is wrong and the flag for example comes the Council of Europe and exists since the 50s, the UK didn't left the CE and they aren't complaining about its anthem either.
That's not a very good viewpoint, it's an uninformed viewpoint. The immigration part is wrong and the flag for example comes the Council of Europe and exists since the 50s, the UK didn't left the CE and they aren't complaining about its anthem either.

Sorry, I meant to say it was a coherent viewpoint not a good one. I remember thinking the post was nonsense but at least he believed in the nonsense.
He's outta control!!
Defo think a Mueller incoming shitstorm may be plausible.
Funnily enough, Trump commented in a speech recently about "allies who will turn on you'.
Ironic really as he's been the one to turn.
He won't see it that way though. His ideals are gospel so speaking up against him is like arguing with your dad. Even if you're right you're wrong.
He's loyal to no-one yet expects fierce loyalty.
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