The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He's escalated his Tweet storms today. It's distraction mode level 5, somethings brewing.
We're particularly unhappy at him promoting the far right and racism, I don't necessarily think that is displaying our worst but I get what you mean. Your username reminded me of someone else I think so I apologise.

All good man, sorry if I came across as a dick.
Trump is clearly losing the plot, even by his own unhinged standards. This may even be enough to derail his legislation.
Back up again from what I hear...apparently only taken down to fix a typo. Vile stuff.
Classic Trump right there. People are going to actually have to go through all this stuff to write his presidential biographies.
If you look at Trump's "Philosophy" when it comes to this sort of thing - its attack the opposition and ignore the hypocrisy, then attack some more.
He's escalated his Tweet storms today. It's distraction mode level 5, somethings brewing.

Yeah I thought this, his tweets are brainless and misguided - these latest ones I could feel the angst and tension in them through his words.
I can't wait til he comes to the UK. Going to egg the twat.

There are several members of the US far right movement banned from entering the UK as a result of similar propaganda, including Stephen Black of stormfront and Michael Savage.

I'd love to see trump added to the list, it would be fecking hilarious.
If they're stupid enough to invite him over, it'll be the most controlled event imaginable. They probably wouldn't let a bird fly over him, nevermind someone get within egg throwing distance.
If you look at Trump's "Philosophy" when it comes to this sort of thing - its attack the opposition and ignore the hypocrisy, then attack some more.

Its not so much a philosophy as an unfortunately successful strategy.

Trump's tweets, despite sounding ignorant and a bit daft, are very strategic. As you say, attack the opposition, ignore hypocrisy, attack some more and this achieves results better than might be expected for him. First he is constantly forcing the conversation into the metaphorical frame that the alt-right wants it to be. Frank Luntz has emphasized this tactic for years and the political left in the US still doesn't get how this works. It's not just a distraction as everyone sees, but its a strategic attempt to ensure the conversation topics are always being set by Trump and his alt-right. This is important because all the media and even people in this thread are reacting a lot of the time instead of being the initiators. For instance, the connections between Trump funding Project Veritas and then their recent failed attempt to honey trap the Washington Post has very quickly been moved off the front page of news and now even CNN is spending all day today talking about things like his tweets just like the alt-right wants. Second, by constantly just repeating the attack lines while not wasting any energy on defense, he is solidifying belief in lies in a subsection of the population. As Trump's disinformation mentor Roger Stone knows, repeat a lie enough times people belief it. A chunk of people still believe Obama's birth certificate is fake and he was not born in the US. This tactic works well for Putin as well.
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If they're stupid enough to invite him over, it'll be the most controlled event imaginable. They probably wouldn't let a bird fly over him, nevermind someone get within egg throwing distance.
That's what drones are for.

Edit I know that will have jamers to stop drones flying over.
Trump is clearly losing the plot, even by his own unhinged standards. This may even be enough to derail his legislation.
Nah, the tax breaks are the GOP holy grail. They'll make sure that passes, no matter what. They'll just ignore everything as needed. Same with Moore, let things blow over and then charge ahead
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Its not so much a philosophy as an unfortunately successful strategy.

Trump's tweets, despite sounding ignorant and a bit daft, are very strategic. As you say, attack the opposition, ignore hypocrisy, attack some more and this achieves results better than might be expected for him. First he is constantly forcing the conversation into the metaphorical frame that the alt-right wants it to be. Frank Luntz has emphasized this tactic for years and the political left in the US still doesn't get how this works. It's not just a distraction as everyone sees, but its a strategic attempt to ensure the conversation topics are always being set by Trump and his alt-right. This is important because all the media and even people in this thread are reacting a lot of the time instead of being the initiators. For instance, the connections between Trump funding Project Veritas and then their recent failed attempt to honey trap the Washington Post has very quickly been moved off the front page of news and now even CNN is spending all day today talking about things like his tweets just like the alt-right wants. Second, by constantly just repeating the attack lines while not wasting any energy on defense, he is solidifying belief in lies in a subsection of the population. As Trump's disinformation mentor Roger Stone knows, repeat a lie enough times people belief it. A chunk of people still believe Obama's birth certificate is fake and he was not born in the US. This tactic works well for Putin as well.

I think this is sadly very true. You only have to read the comments underneath from his supporters when tweets like the one above are exposed as a load of old guff. Depressing times indeed.
I think this is sadly very true. You only have to read the comments underneath from his supporters when tweets like the one above are exposed as a load of old guff. Depressing times indeed.

To be honest - I wouldn't take much of what the 'users' underneath his tweets have to say as much.
His tweets generate hundreds of replies within half an hour even at 5am - they're bots. His likes : Comments ratio are incredibly close, which just isn't normal given the exposure of his tweets.
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To be honest - I wouldn't take much of what the 'users' underneath his tweets have to say as much.
His tweets generate hundreds of replies within half an hour even at 5am - they're bots. His likes : Comments ratio are incredibly close, which just isn't normal given the

Oh come on! Don't put a cliffhanger like that.
To be honest - I wouldn't take much of what the 'users' underneath his tweets have to say as much.
His tweets generate hundreds of replies within half an hour even at 5am - they're bots. His likes : Comments ratio are incredibly close, which just isn't normal given the

But the sad thing is, even if they are bots the fact they are some of the first and thus top responses gets that message repeated and imprinted in the minds of a lot of susceptible people. Its achieving the desired results - putting the liberal media on the defensive and never letting them find their footing and establish their own cognitive frames. All they are doing is reacting to Trump's frame.

Especially in America there is definitely a cognitive winner's bias. This is a great quote on how this works with Trump.

Lakoff said:
As the legendary Green Bay Packers coach, Vince Lombardi, said,

“Winning isn’t everything. It’s the only thing.” In a world governed by personal responsibility and discipline, those who win deserve to win. Why does Donald Trump publicly insult other candidates and political leaders mercilessly? Quite simply, because he knows he can win an onstage TV insult game. In strict conservative eyes, that makes him a formidable winning candidate who deserves to be a winning candidate. Electoral competition is seen as a battle. Insults that stick are seen as victories — deserved victories.

Consider Trump’s statement that John McCain is not a war hero. The reasoning: McCain got shot down. Heroes are winners. They defeat big bad guys. They don’t get shot down. People who get shot down, beaten up, and stuck in a cage are losers, not winners.
But the sad thing is, even if they are bots the fact they are some of the first and thus top responses gets that message repeated and imprinted in the minds of a lot of susceptible people. Especially in America there is definitely a cognitive winner's bias. This is a great quote on how this works with Trump.

Oh I completely agree - this is exactly why the bots have been created.
They repeat their propaganda, ensure they're at the top of his tweets so that more people who share their views feel validated, and anyone who's unsure can see just how popular those particular set of tweets are, and therefore their views are normalised.
It's a numbers game, the more popular his tweets are, and the tweets of those who spout similar propaganda are - the more people are likely to join.
Just imagine the things he'll be tweeting out if Mueller delivers a damaging report at the end of his investigation.

So fake news doesn't matter, unless Trump says it matters?

edit - this reads like an Onion article headline.
Can you even imagine the fallout from this if a white supremacist decided today was a good day to attack a mosque? He's the most dangerous man in the world today and the sooner Mueller's investigation brings him to justice, the better.
I'm beginning to think this is all going to end up in Civil War. His supporters won't leave him no matter what.

If impeachment happens. His supporters will go to war. If he gets voted out they will claim fraud and go to war. If he wins two terms they will fight to keep him in longer or fight to put one of his shit stain kids in place.

But then again I began worrying about the political divide in the early 80's
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