The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Its a joke that Twitter are still allowing these hate preachers like Jayda Fransen to keep their verified accounts.
Can you even imagine the fallout from this if a white supremacist decided today was a good day to attack a mosque? He's the most dangerous man in the world today and the sooner Mueller's investigation brings him to justice, the better.
"My thoughts and prayers go out to those affected by today's tragedy. Let's wait for the facts to come out."
I'm beginning to think this is all going to end up in Civil War. His supporters won't leave him no matter what.

If impeachment happens. His supporters will go to war. If he gets voted out they will claim fraud and go to war. If he wins two terms they will fight to keep him in longer or fight to put one of his shit stain kids in place.

But then again I began worrying about the political divide in the early 80's

Fortunately, a significant portion of his base are old feckers and another significant portion are persons that talk shit but wouldn't dare fight or pick up a weapon. But then there still is a sizeable portion of younger-to-middle aged bigoted, racist, nutters that would be willing to die for their cult leader/hero.
Especially in America there is definitely a cognitive winner's bias. This is a great quote on how this works with Trump.

That's a fantastic read.

--Donald Trump expresses out loud everything they feel — with force, aggression, anger, and no shame. All they have to do is support and vote for Trump and they don’t even have to express their ‘politically incorrect’ views, since he does it for them and his victories make those views respectable. He is their champion. He gives them a sense of self-respect, authority, and the possibility of power.--

He is their cult leader.
I see Piers Morgan taking a high road on this. He can feck off, supported Trump during his presidency.

I can't even imagine what the Muslims living in America must be feeling. The president has given mileage to more hate crimes against them. fecking cnut.
I see Piers Morgan taking a high road on this. He can feck off, supported Trump during his presidency.

I can't even imagine what the Muslims living in America must be feeling. The president has given mileage to more hate crimes against them. fecking cnut.

:lol: to be fair even the cnuts at Infowars took the high road on this.

At this point it can be no question whatsoever that Trump is an avowed racist.
Can someone murder this piece of shit already? Please? His death would fix so much shit. And not like, a heart attack or anything, that would be too quick. He needs to die a painful death. Preferably, of course.
Can someone murder this piece of shit already? Please? His death would fix so much shit. And not like, a heart attack or anything, that would be too quick. He needs to die a painful death. Preferably, of course.
Murder would be an excuse for his supporters to put him down in history as a great man or whatever. The cnut needs to be impeached for something awful! That'd be the best outcome.
His wrong use of uppercase characters is really getting on my nerves.

That's because you don't understand. A woman named Consumer Confidence is currently studying at Record Highschool, Massachussets.
Just imagine the things he'll be tweeting out if Mueller delivers a damaging report at the end of his investigation.

Most frightening thing is the prospect of him cutting loose when he knows he is on the way out and has nothing left to lose. He will do a lot of damage when he knows his time is up, either after Mueller or the next election.
Fortunately, a significant portion of his base are old feckers and another significant portion are persons that talk shit but wouldn't dare fight or pick up a weapon. But then there still is a sizeable portion of younger-to-middle aged bigoted, racist, nutters that would be willing to die for their cult leader/hero.
There's a lot of young white gun owners who like him
Do they really not understand what he has done wrong or are they acting stupid to deflect from what he said?

They deflect because they know their supporters are dumb and gullible enough to fall for it every time. Every time Trump or one of his minions gets exposed it's the same strategy. Usually it's about something that Hillary has or might have done.

So fake news doesn't matter, unless Trump says it matters?

edit - this reads like an Onion article headline.

It's easy to get tired of people attacking every single thing Trump does but that is genuinely disgraceful.

So fake news doesn't matter, unless Trump says it matters?

edit - this reads like an Onion article headline.

Trump created the whole fake news shenanigans after "news" outlets supporting him and attacking Hillary were accused of fake news. He took something that was aimed against him and turned it on his attackers, now every news that doesn't praise him is fake news and every news that does praise him is good news.
Can someone murder this piece of shit already? Please? His death would fix so much shit. And not like, a heart attack or anything, that would be too quick. He needs to die a painful death. Preferably, of course.

An autistic Britain teenager studying in the US actually got caught attempting this shortly after the primaries. Easily led by his peer group apparently.
Mother's side of the family is from Missouri, if there's a demographic that suits Trump perfectly it's st. Charles. The man knows how to pick his spots.

Yeah, but in the last week there's been all this "your favourite president (me)" etc, a lot more actual I and ME in the tweets.
Yeah, he's not even trying the fake schtick anymore. This is who he is, and he's speaking directly to the people he knows will support him no matter what. Must know something bad's in the pipeline from Mueller & Co, has to ready the Trumpist forces
The meltdown when (if) he gets re-elected will be beyond wild! Just imagine! :lol:
meh - I honestly don't care.
As long as Canada stays sane and on good(ish) terms with the USA
That's the spirit, feck everyone caught up in what's going on, just so long as you're ok and you can laugh at the people who do care about the state of the world.
That's the spirit, feck everyone caught up in what's going on, just so long as you're ok and you can laugh at the people who do care about the state of the world.
Not quite. I care too much about the world, but I am helpless. No point stressing over shit you can't control.

ps. it's not the same as a disease or something where it is imposed upon people; there's an election, and the people they most reasonate with, wins. Simple really.
Not quite. I care too much about the world, but I am helpless. No point stressing over shit you can't control.

ps. it's not the same as a disease or something where it is imposed upon people; there's an election, and the people they most reasonate with, wins. Simple really.

From your posting history it seems all you care about is revelling in people's dismay and fanning the flames by trolling at every opportunity.

As for your second point, that's a ridiculously simplistic way of thinking about it and also completely misses the point. More people in the US voted for his opponent, so not so simple as you make out, and that's putting aside the issue that just because he 'won' doesn't mean everyone has to just sit down and take whatever he does.
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